Blind Love

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Chapter 1:  Love at First Sight

It was crowded tonight at The Jazz Place.  Zee thought the music was a little loud for his taste but as the band was excellent, he overlooked it.  He doesn't normally go out but as it's Mew's birthday he promised he would.  He needed a break from work anyway he thought.   The band started playing "My One and Only Love" and Zee glanced over at the stage.  His attention was caught by the man at the piano.  He was not only mesmerized by the mastery of the piano player but by the man himself.   

He was a young man, tall and slim with the most beautiful face Zee had ever seen.  How can a man be so perfect?   Zee's heart began to beat erratically, and he felt flushed.  

Zee continued to stare at the man until the man turned and glanced at him.  He smiled knowingly at Zee and went back to playing.  The band continued playing for another half an hour before stopping to take a break between sessions.   Zee, Mew and Gulf were ordering another round of drinks when someone sat down next to Zee.  Zee glanced to his right and saw the piano player smiling at the three of them.  He said, "Hello is this seat taken?" in the sweetest voice.

Mew responded smiling "No its not please join us".  Gulf agreed enthusiastically saying "Please do".  Zee on the other hand was feeling a little shy.  He just gave the young man a brief smile and turned back to his friends.  The man introduced himself "My name is Saint, its nice to meet you."  Gulf introduced himself and Mew and then pointed to Zee smiling and said, "and this handsome, suddenly very quiet guy is Zee".

Saint looked at Zee and smiled.  His first impression was that Zee was shy.  But after listening to the banter between the three friends for a few minutes, Saint felt that Zee was perhaps just shy with strangers.  He has the most amazing eyes that Saint has ever seen.   So expressive and revealing.  He did not believe that Zee was aware of how much he conveyed in just one glance.  Every time Zee would look at Saint, Saint would catch his breathe. 

After about fifteen minutes, the other band members signaled to Saint that it was time to return for the third session of the evening.  Saint thanked everyone for allowing him to hang out with them and went back to the stage.  Mew looked at Zee and asked, "What's up with you?".  Zee looked up from his beer and raised his eyebrows and said "Nothing, Why?".  Mew continued staring at Zee for a few minutes and then said "That lovely man comes over and sits down next to you and smiles directly at you and you do nothing but sit there like a bump on a log.  He is so obviously into you and you practically ignored him."  

Zee hesitate for a minute and then looked at him and said, "He takes my breathe away".  Zee looked back down at his beer and sighed.  He has never been particularly shy with men or women for that matter.  But with Saint, he was at a loss. 

Saint continued playing the music he so loved but every few minutes he would glance over to the man that has so captivated him just with his presence.  Zee was amazing.  Handsome, tall and well built.  Saint thought that he was perfect.  If only he could get him to talk to him.  Saint smiled to himself.  Shyness was never one of his weaknesses.  He will find away.

Zee continually watch Saint throughout the evening.  There was no way Zee was going to let him leave tonight without making some sort of effort to really talk to him.  He felt a connection to Saint.  Whether it was emotional or physical or both he was unsure, but he did know one thing for certain.  If he let Saint go without trying to get close to him, he may regret it for the rest of his life.  He realized that seemed very dramatic but that is how deeply Saint affected him.  The intense feelings he has just when he looks at Saint scares him.  But he cannot ignore them.

The third and final session was finishing up.  The band members were clearing off their equipment and taking it out and loading it in the van.  Saint doesn't go to different locations with the bands.  He just plays at The Jazz Place when one of the bands they hire needs a piano player.  It gives Saint some extra spending money.

As he was standing next to Jarod, the owner of the bar, trying to figure out how he was going to go about talking to Zee, he suddenly felt a hand gently grab the back of his arm.  Saint turned around and smiled.  "How did you like the music tonight?" He asked Zee.  He stared at Saint for a few seconds and said, "The music was amazing, and I found the piano player....... exceptional".  Saint's face turned such a lovely shade of pink that Zee could not help but smile back at him. 

Saint and Zee did not notice as Jarod slipped away with a sly smile.  "Would you like a drink?"  Zee asked.  "Yes, I would love one, thanks" Saint said.  Then they walked over to the table that Mew and Gulf still occupied.  As they sat down, Gulf gave Mew a knowing look.  The waitress came over to get their drink order and glanced at Zee.  Saint noticed that she seemed to be trying to get Zee's attention.  He looked at Zee and gently elbowed him.  When he looked at Saint, Saint shook his head a little toward the waitress.  Zee looked up briefly at the waitress who gave him a flirty smile, but he quickly dismissed her and turned back to Saint and said.  "There is only one person I am interested in" Zee stated boldly.  Saint raised his eyebrows questioning while holding his breath.  Zee looked intently into Saint's eyes and simply said "You." 

Mew and Gulf decided right then and there is was time for them to head home.  Smiling at the two of them Mew and Gulf said there good nights and left the bar.  Saint was still reeling from what Zee had said.  Zee pulled his chair a little closer to Saints and whispered in his ear.  "Are you interested in me too?  Saint turned his head toward Zee and leaned toward him placing his lips gently against Zees.  Zee opened his mouth and nibbled on Saints lower lip.  The kiss deepened to the point they were both breathing heavy.  They pulled apart and Zee smiled.  "I take that as a Yes" and Saint placed both his hands against Zees face and pulled him close and said Absolutely YES and kissed him again.

They spent the evening getting to know one another.  People had started staggering out around 1:00 am. In another hour the bar would be closing for the night.  Zee and Saint were in their own world.  Zee explained that he was a Chef and owned three different restaurants in the city and Mew and Gulf each managed one and he the other.  He trained at the culinary school in Paris for two years.  Zee told him about his parents and that he has two sisters and they were both married with children.  He does not have a lot of spare time to visit with them, but he calls frequently.  He is twenty-seven years old and Saint mentioned he was twenty-two.  Zee laughed and asked Saint if he thought Zee might just be a little too old for him.  Saint snuggled up close and whispered that the age difference was perfect and kissed him on the cheek. 

Saint went on to tell Zee that he is a third-year student at the University and is studying Economics.  He lives at the dorm with his two friends, Tommy and Jimmy.  He works part time at a Café close to the campus and at The Jazz Place on occasion when they need him.  His parents live in another town a few hours away and his sister is working abroad. 

As they talked, they found themselves slowly moving a little closer to the point you could not tell one from the other.  Their hands were interlocked, and shoulders were leaning on one another.  The feeling of comfort, warmth and safety engulfed Saint.  He felt like he was home. He was in awe of the man that sat next to him.  Zee sat next to Saint and felt an intense urge to protect and cherish this person next to him.  "Is this Love?  So quickly? Zee asked himself.  It is Love!  Saint told himself.  Love at first sight.

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