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Another weapon just ditched Jennifer and she was on the verge of tears everyone hates her lord death told her to go out on the town to cheer up since she just transferred here she had yet to see the city

Nicholas was also walking through the city or at least trying to he wasnt in the best of moods right now or ever really

"Hey um do you know where I can find a bar" Jennifer asked Nicholas

"Tch" Nicholas said he disliked woman he disliked meisters and he despised female meisters with a burning passion

"hey I was just asking a question you don't have to be rude" Jennifer said

"Your a meister aren't you" Nicholas said

"Yeah" Jennifer said

"then don't talk to me I don't like woman I don't like meisters and I hate the combination" nicholas said

"What did I specifically do to you" Jennifer asked his reply shocked her

"You existed ask soul he knows" Nicholas said as he saw soul a good friend of his and really the only one at beacon he has gotten close to besides jaune who even though he's a meister he earned nicholas's respect

"Fine" she stomped off soul noticed what happened and sighed

"What's with him" Jennifer scoffed

"Someone hurt him really badly and because of that he hates female meisters with a burning passion without exception even his former friend who is a female meister my meister in fact he despises now all because of what that bitch did to him and not even maka blames him especially cause she does the same thing to most males keyword being most however then again the person that made him that way is vastly worse than that made her that way since there reasons are a bit different" soul said as he began to bring her to juniors

"I know what happened to maka so his mom did something" Jennifer said soul snorted

"Of oh that were the case look I am not at liberty to tell anyone others information so you may wanna ask the headmasters they know at least part of it" soul said

"What is he by the way" Jennifer said

"Hmm he's a weapon" soul said as they arrived at juniors

"Welcome to juniors" soul said as they walked in nicholas was sitting at the bar having a drink

"Hey I'm gonna say hi to a friend" soul said as he walked over and sat by Nicholas

"He's here" Jennifer said

"Hey man how you been" soul said

"Besides being badgered every thirty seconds can't complain you" Nicholas asked

"Fine maka misses her friend" soul said

"As if we were friends all female meisters are selfish disloyal liars" nicholas said soul sighed he understood why he thought that so he wasn't gonna say anything

"You didn't have to be rude to the newcomer she's having a tough time of her own" soul said

"Good maybe she'll learn something" Nicholas said

"You know they aren't all like that" soul said

"You have proof because I have proof that even tour own meister doesn't trust or is loyal to you" Nicholas said

"You mean Blair" soul asked

"She called you out after everything you did for her or how about Stein when she nearly gave up and got both her and you killed she didn't care about her partner in the slightest when she was like screw it I give up again she didn't trust you" Nicholas said and soul couldn't say anything they were both valid points

"Also when was the last time you remember her saying thank you without us the meisters would be nothing yet we get no credit whatsoever its like we just exist to be used well sorry but I refuse to be in that type of relationship we are supposed to be partners that is not what I call partnership" Nicholas continued and soul kept his mouth shut

"Its not like we need them with our abilities to turn parts of our bodies into weapons we could do the work ourselves and that's in fact what I'm doing" nicholas said

"So your saying no one will wield you ever again" soul said

"I'm saying they have to earn it first I'm not just giving myself away again not after her I bloody refuse and no one can make me" Nicholas said at that there was an explosion

"Time to clean up a mess" Nicholas said as he walked out the door followed quickly by Jennifer and soul

a weapon doesn't have a reason to love (cheater Weiss X OC soul eater/RWBY crossWhere stories live. Discover now