inspired by skullofthedeaths
Nicholas was the weapon and girlfriend of Weiss schnee but he finds her cheating now he hates all meisters and does everything alone
It has been five months since Nicholas and Jennifer went on there mission and well she passed his test she was also a skilled fighter but now that she knows the judgement techniques she has become a monster the only person who can hold his own again her is Nicholas himself
You could see her riding back into town on a motorcycle with a rapier at her hip the rapier of course is Nicholas in his rapier form
"Hey hon let's stop off at juniors and fetch a drink before heading back to beacon" Jennifer said
"Sure that's fine babe" Nicholas said
Did I mention they have been dating for the past month
"Want to remain in weapon form or do you want a drink too" Jennifer asked
"Check to see if yangs here if she is i'm staying in weapon form and you will probably have to deal with if she isn't I could go for a drink" Nicholas said
"K nick" Jennifer said as she pulled up and saw yangs bike bumblebee
"Yeah she's here" Jennifer said
"Figures sorry Jen" Nicholas said
"No prob hon she won't be much of a threat when I have you" Jennifer said as she dismounted the skullboiler Nicholas's bike she then walked in
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Yang notices her and she also notices the blade that is Nicholas
"How did you get that blade" yang demanded
"Wouldn't you like to know" Jennifer said of course Nicholas told the full story including how the rest of team RWBY treats him like crap for making Weiss cry which she also found bullshit she tried to pass her and head to the bar
"I want to talk to him" yang said
"If he wanted to talk to you he would transform I'm not stopping him here I will even prove that he doesn't want to talk to you" Jennifer said she unclipped the rapier from her hip and placed on the ground and backed up and waited he didn't transform back to human form yang decided to reach for him but Jennifer grabbed her arm and stopped her
"He doesn't belong to you he belongs to Weiss his girlfriend and his meister" yang said
"For one thing he broke up with her the day he left and for very good reason secondly he also ended his partnership over her and thirdly he doesn't belong to anyone he's his own person not her slave and finally I'm his new meister and girlfriend and unlike the schnee I'm actually loyal to him" Jennifer said this served to piss off yang she goes to punch Jennifer but was met with a blade at her throat she turned to see Nicholas wearing his usual black yukata his hand transformed into a katana blade
"You touch my girlfriend you lose your head" Nicholas said deathly calm this caused Jennifer to smile
"What you do to earn his loyalty" yang asked
"I swallowed my pride and did something I doubt even you could do" Jennifer said
"I doubt that what's your proof" yang said
"Ask the headmasters they watched the entire thing" Nicholas said
"And I'd do it again in a heartbeat Nicholas is the perfect partner and boyfriend I couldn't ask for anyone better" Jennifer said
"Do it again" yang asked
"Sure but not here somewhere cleaner" Jennifer said
"Are you sure" Nicholas asked he respects his girlfriend
"I want to prove a point that point being you mean the world to me and I would do anything to keep you even that" Jennifer said
"Let's head back to beacon we are getting a new dorm that should be good" Nicholas said
"Bring the schnee I want to prove to her exactly why I'm better than her" Jennifer said
"I'll do more than that I'll bring my entire team and JNPR and CVFY" yang said
"The more the merrier" jennifer said Nicholas sighed and returned to his rapier mode she caught the sheath and reclipped it to her hip and they went out to their respective bikes
"Nice bike" yang said
"Thanks buts its nicks not mine and you have a nice bike as well" Jennifer said as she mounted the hardboiler
"Are you sure you wanna do this you don't have to prove anything to them the only person you should worry about besides yourself is me" Nicholas asked
"Yes I'm sure even if it gets me made fun it will prove one thing my loyalty to you cause no one would allow this unless they were as loyal as we are to each other" Jennifer said Nicholas smirked
"Alright since your dead set on this how about I give you a reward later for your troubles" Nicholas said that caused Jennifer to smile
"I would like that" Jennifer said they had done the deed before so this time it will be pure pleasure they rode the rest of the trip in a nice comforting silence
When they arrived Jennifer dismounted the skullboiler
"You get your teams we need to get our room" Jennifer said and she walked to the headmasters office
"How long do you plan to be on my hip" Jennifer asked
"Don't you like my weight at your hip in this form" Nicholas questioned
"I do like it but I want you in human form near me" Jennifer said Nicholas transformed
"Better" Nicholas asked
"Much also I am going to ask a dumb question but how did you get around you said you couldn't ride the skullboiler wearing that cause it will give you pneumonia so how did get from one place to another" Jennifer asked
"Generally I walked you should try wearing one they are quite comfortable" Nicholas said
"I might" Jennifer said they reached the elevator and rode up and entered the headmasters office
"Ah since you were gone for five months I assume she passed" ozpin said
"She did she has gone above and beyond in fact we are dating now" Nicholas said
"Well does that mean your finally over your hate for female meisters" ozpin said
"Yes only those who are worthy of my hate gets it which is right now Weiss but yang is edging her way onto that list speaking of which could you give us a key to our new room" Nicholas said
"Of course I take it you want one big bed for the two of you" ozpin said
"Yes please" Jennifer said he handed each of them a key
"I hope you two live happily" ozpin said dismissing them