The next day Nicholas was called to help with a mission they knew he would show up he may not always accept but he always shows up
"Ah Mr jerrison I'm glad you could join us" ozpin said
"Heya hiah Nicholas" lord death said
"What's the job" Nicholas said
"We want you to help another student complete a mission" ozpin said
"K who" Nicholas asked
"Miss Johnson" ozpin said as Jennifer walked in
"Hey again" Jennifer said smiling guy Nicholas was less than pleased
"Oh no nope nuh uh I refuse" nicholas said as soon as he saw her
"Why" Jennifer asked
"Why why because you are probably like her you only want me for my power and techniques and once you got it you'll throw me away I refuse" nicholas said
"Your the only one left" Jennifer said
"Huh" Nicholas said
"I have been through weapon after weapon they always ditch me" Jennifer said
"Not my problem at least you didn't have your partner go behind your back like mine did" Nicholas said
"Just give me a chance" Jennifer said
"Why do you can be like Weiss" Nicholas said
"You don't even know me how do you know I'm like her" Jennifer said
"You don't even know what I turn into" Nicholas said she stopped
"Your right what do you turn into" Jennifer said Nicholas sighed
"Duel katana's a single bigger katana a rapier and sheath and duel hand cannons" Nicholas said
"You have four forms that's awesome" Jennifer said
"Thanks i think" Nicholas said
"Anyway I have trained with all the weapons you have stated considering I trained with all types of swords and pistols so I should be fine" Jennifer said
"I still refuse to let you or anyone for that matter wield me" Nicholas said
"What do I have to do to earn your trust" Jennifer asked
"Get on your hands and knees and kiss my feet then take whatever I do to you and before you panic it isn't sexual" Nicholas said he doubted highly she would do it also he said feet and not shoes because he was wearing tabi and zori in fact right now he was wearing a yukata and going full Japanese
To his complete shock however she did a full kowtow and kissed each foot then waited he then placed his right foot on her head the headmasters didn't like the situation that Nicholas put jennifer but watched to see what would occur if she was willing to go through with it
"If I give you a chance how do I know you won't break my heart like she did" Nicholas asked his foot still resting on the back of her head comfortably but she hasn't moved if this is what she has to do to keep a partner so be it she thought
"I can only give you my word if I have to do this every time I use you so be it" jennifer said this pissed him off so he added pressure on his foot she gritted her teeth and delt with it the headmasters saw he was testing her
"So what your saying is your willing to be my slave just to keep me by your side" Nicholas asked pressure still on her head
"Yes" Jennifer said this served to disappoint the headmasters and piss off Nicholas even more he kicked her onto her back and placed his foot on her stomach
"Have you no pride at all" Nicholas said as he held her in place with his foot
"I don't want to be alone any more" Jennifer cried out he sighed and released her
"Get up" Nicholas said she did so
"There are a couple things I expect" Nicholas said
"I expect that you get yourself some pride otherwise people are gonna use you a whole lot more than they did me" Nicholas said
"I understand" Jennifer said
"I also expect and this is priority I expect to be treated as your partner we don't have to be in a relationship but I don't want to be used as a tool to be discarded for something better we are partners first and foremost clear" Nicholas said
"Yes" Jennifer said
"We shall consider this mission a test then if you can pass I will accept you as my meister and start teaching you my judgement techniques is that fair" Nicholas said and she unexpectedly jumped at him
"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou" Jennifer kept staring really fast over and over and over again sounding like ruby
"If I do return I expect a new bigger dorm for us and what I do to that bitch is our business no one else's clear" Nicholas said as he glared at the headmasters
"Crystal" the headmasters said together scared of his death glare
"As for you your gonna help me with that demon of mine if you want to be my partner" Nicholas said
"Okay then we will set out I'll call when the mission is complete but we probably won't return for a while if she passes my test" Nicholas said
"Understood" the headmasters said
"Well come on then" Nicholas told to Jennifer as he led the way out

a weapon doesn't have a reason to love (cheater Weiss X OC soul eater/RWBY cross
Fanfictioninspired by skullofthedeaths Nicholas was the weapon and girlfriend of Weiss schnee but he finds her cheating now he hates all meisters and does everything alone