Chapter 3: An assassination attempt

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 The group is walking out of the sports center in the cover of night. People are passing by them, heading in the opposite direction. Some just passed by while some just fangirl and buoyed over the idol. As they strolled sideways, Aimi is the one who first spoke.

Aimi: Wow, that was an amazing match!

Aina: Yep, I thought I was going to be eliminated until I came up with that idea.

Aimi: Good thing I asked for a standoff, I seemed a really good roller user.

Aina walks faster and confronts Kane while they walk. Kane persisted in looking straight ahead. Aina talks in a cute tone while closing her eyes...

Aina: So Kane, I just wanna say that I wuv you and I hope you and I can be-.

Aina opens her eyes and looks at Kane's face, she'd immediately turn red and become embarrassed.

Aimi, being jealous, does copy Aina and seeks to get Kane's attention towards her. But while doing so, she shoves Aina a little bit out of the way.

Aimi: Actually Kane, I just wanna say that I wuv you more and I hope me and you can be together.

Aina: Hey, what was that for! He's mine!

Aimi: No, he's mine!

Aina and Aimi's comes close to each other face to face.

Aimi/Aina: Grrrrrr!

Kane is trapped in his thoughts until he was set free by a touch behind him. He turns around to see the same girl from the match holding her scythe on her shoulder.

???: Yo, that was a nice fight back there! I nearly had you there if it wasn't for my teammates and timer dyin'.

The octarian holds out her hand towards the dark inkling. Of course, Kane doesn't accept the offer.

???: No handshake? That's fine by me. Although, I've should have expected that after hearing from you, Kane.

Kane just thinks about how these girls know his name despite hearing the answer why.

???: Sorry, I haven't introduced my name to you dude. My name's Akari and I already know you so you don't have to say anything to me.

Akari peeks behind Kane to see both Aina and Aimi growling at each other with Momiji doing nothing.

Akari: I see you're with Aimi and Aina, and Momiji. 

Akari waves towards Aina. Aina notices this and waves back. 

Akari: So, do you wanna maybe fight later soon? I wanna try and beat you this time...

Kane: Sure, maybe.

Momiji, Aina, and Aimi hear this and gasps.

Aimi: Nani!

Aina: What!

Momiji: ?!?

Akari: Thanks, dude! I wasn't expecting that from ya.

Akari: Anyways, can I come with you bro. I'm kinda bored painting the walls with letters and sleeping on random subway trains.

Kane shrugs and walks away, not even acknowledging where he's going. The rest just stands there and stares at Akari, with Akari smiling behind her mask. She'd then runs towards Kane, following him. The rest follows behind. 

While the rest catches up, Aimi trips over someone's leg. The guy, obviously, notices this and helps her up. 

Aimi: Thanks, mister.

???: No problem!

The stranger walks away and Aimi runs. Oddly, the stranger stops to look around, also, walking into a nearby alleyway.

Kane and the group suddenly arrive at Aina and Mina's mansion. To Kane, he wasn't even planning on walking her.

The door automatically opens due to Aina standing in-front of the camera. Once the door close behind them, Mina was nowhere to be seen. 

Aina: *Hmm, I wonder where Mina went. Oh well, I have Kane all to myself*

She'd realized that other girls were following her because of Kane.

Aina: *Oh... Right.*

Akari: Woah Kane, I didn't know you're rich.

Aina: This is my house, you know?

Akari: Oh.


Aimi runs as fast as she could towards the couch and sits down on it, then asks for Kane to sit by her by placing her hand down next to her. Momiji just walks by Aina and Akari walks by Aina while saying "Nice house!", Kane repeats what Aina just did and sit's on the far side of the couch where Aimi is sitting.

Aina, being shocked, sighs and walks in. The door closes behind them, automatically.

Aimi yawns and scoots over to Kane. She'd laid her head on Kane's head. Kane does nothing and sighs while continuing to watch TV. Aina sits between his legs and looks up at him. Momiji grabs a cover near the couch and lays it on the floor and laid down, at least she isn't too close to Kane. Akari sits on the side of the wall closest to Kane and sleeps there.


It's midnight and everyone's asleep, except for Kane. After watching TV, Kane decides to get some peace. He slowly pushes off Aimi and slowly moves his legs away from Aina while not waking them up. He climbs out of the window and up to the roof. 

He sits on the edge of the roof, overlooking the city. A kunai touches down at Kane's side, creating a sound similar to a plate landing on the floor. Kane looks over to his side and see's Minai to the rear of him, but she's donning a Kunoichi uniform that matches her color, a black belt, and exposed chest in the shape of a heart, a black mask covering her mouth, and a headband with an insignia over a metal plate.

Minai: Hello there, Kane. How's my most handsome man doing on a night like this?

Minai, after retrieving her Kunai, perches next to Kane while crossing her legs. She begins to balance her kunai on the tip of her finger. Kane sighs and lets her sit by him.

Minai: You're not the only ninja in town, hehe.

Minai: Anyways, I can see you're enjoying the view. 

Minai gets on her knees and moves closer to Kane.

Minai: You know, we can do something else on the cover of the night. 

She'd then pull down her mask and attempts to kiss Kane, pulls back abruptly. She tugs her mask back up to her face.

Minai: Just kidding, although I would like to do that for real next time.

Kane breathes a sigh of relief knowing that he doesn't need to pull out the spoon.

Minai continues to talk to Kane, until multiple people land behind them, not even making a sound. They continued moving closer and closer. Immediately, the two throw kunais at the mysterious strangers on the spur of the moment. A few kunais collided with the roof while some score direct hits a 2 assassins. Kane vocalizes after the kunais being thrown.

Kane: Don't think we didn't feel your presence, idiots.

Minai: If y'all coming to confess your love to me then I'm sorry, I already have someone in mind.

Minai and Kane rises and unsheathes their weapons. Minai with her Ninjato and Tessen with hidden blades, Kane with his Katana, Tachi, Wakizashi, and Shurikens/Kunais.

The 2 sides are now at a standoff, each observing one another. They charge each other, screaming.


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