Chapter 6: A dream of the past

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Kane wakes up in a different household, the room he's currently in was more traditional then Minai's mansion. He slowly rises from the futon bed and explores the unfamiliar room. He opens a Tansu chest full of toys, a picture, other possessions. He grabs 2 toys a try to figure out what d to with them. Moments later, he'd figure out what to do with them.

[Timeskip brought to you by: Kane playing with some samurai figures and making them fight.]

Afterwards, he'd grab the picture from inside of the Tansu chest. He'd inspects the picture to see a kid, what he assumed to be his brother, a father in samurai armor and a mother in ninja clothing. Eventually, he'd place it back. He'd sees 2 fusuma doors that lead to a closet. He looks at the contents of the closet and sees hung up black haori jackets and gray kimonos.

He'd walk over to the other side of the room and examines a black and white colored banner hanging vertically. The symbol resembled 3 flowers surrounded by hexagons. He discovers a shoji window close to where he is, and casually walks over to peek out. He looks around to see samurai guarding a wall surrounding his castle, and civilians setting up shop near his home. Beyond the castle walls, he sees many people socializing with another in the large town. People from Ninjas, Samurais, Civilians and many more.

Kane: "Where the fuck am I"

Unaware of his size, he'd finds a mirror and inspects himself. He looks closely and discovers he looks way younger than before and wearing a black Haori jacket with a grey kimono underneath.  Kane was shocked at this discovery.

Kane: What in the actually f-

He'd hear people chatting beyond his 2nd set of Fusuma doors. He'd then casually walk over and opens them and walks past. He's now located in a hallway with more shoji windows. To the side of him, there are more fusuma doors and, at the end, there's a shoji door leading outside. But never mind that, he wanted to see who's talking. After strolling down the hallway, he sees a person donning black samurai armor with the same colored haori jacket. Next to him was a maid who's talking to him. 

Kane: "Who are those people?"

Kane begins to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Maid 1#: Should I wake up your little brother, my lord?

???: Don't worry, I think he needs more sleep.

Maid 1#: Yes, Lord Kasai.

Kane: "Kasai... huh."

Kane: "Also, did she said brother?"

Kane: "Wait... Am I his brother?"

The maid bows before walking away, that's another one strolls over to Kasai before bowing.

Maid 2#: Lord Kasai, I can't wait for you to become the next daimyo of clan Sato.

Maid 2#: Plus, you're getting married to a daughter of Clan Tanaka.

Kasai: I can't wait either, it'll be an honor to serve my people and be allies with Clan Tanaka.

Another maid opens the fusuma doors, which Kane presumed to be leading to the kitchen area. She's holding some food in her hands.

Kane: "How many maids does this guy have?"

Maid 3#: My lord, I'm cooking dinner like you said.

Kasai: Alright, I'll be there once I finish practice.

Maid 3#: Yes, Lord Kasai!

Kane saw the faces of the maids, and they looked young for their age. 

Maid 3# closes the fusuma doors  while the the 2nd maid cleans up the area. Kasai walks towards Kane's position holding his Tachi sword in hand.  In response, Kane decides to hide in his room but was caught by Kasai, his brother.

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