Enemies to Friends

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A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell

Alfred walked up behind Arthur, "Master Bruce has asked me to tell you there has been an adjustment to the departure time, you have about an hour before the plane leaves," he covered his mouth to hide the smirk on his face at the look of fear on Arthurs's face. "Perhaps next time Master Arthur, you should not surprise the two most well-armed members of your team."

"Uhm, yeah. You might have something there Al." Arthur said as he patted Alfred's shoulder and stepped off the patio and headed back to the cave.

"Would the ladies care for some more to eat, before you depart?" Alfred asked. Then he looked directly at Diana as the next statement left his mouth, "a good leader makes certain her team is completely prepared."

Kara bit her lower lip to keep from giggling at Alfred's direct tone with the princess and watched as a smirk showed itself on the older man's lips. "That is an excellent idea Alfred, do you mind?" Diana asked politely.

"Of course not, Ms. Diana. Might I borrow Ms. Kara in the kitchen?" Alfred bowed slightly.

Kara stood up, "I don't mind helping at all, your highness."

Diana looked over her shoulder and smiled at the young blonde. She shivered at the intensity of those blue eyes as they watched her. She felt something stirring in her chest, an alien feeling, something she had buried over a hundred years before, "Thank you, Kara."

Kara licked her lips lightly as she watched the princess enter the house and head for the cave. She took a deep breath to calm her hammering heart and then blushed as she caught Alfred's eyes staring at her.

As she entered the house, Alfred whispered, "I believe someone may be taken with Ms. Diana."

Kara blushed bright red, refusing to say anything for fear she would embarrass herself even more.

Diana entered the cave as Bruce stepped out of his locker room, wearing a fully armored version of his uniform. "Did you get some rest?" He asked in a clipped tone.

Ignoring the attitude behind the question, Diana answered with a smile, "The best sleep I have had in quite some time. It was a wonderful reminder of home." Then she morphed into the formidable warrior she was and asked, "Where is he?"

"He is in Pozharnov, Russia," Victor answered. Then he pulled up a holographic image of the location, "They are here," he pointed, "hidden behind the walls of this nuclear power station."

Barry stepped over, "That looks like a settlement, there and there...," he pointed to several inhabited buildings within the current bubble surrounding the plant. "Who settles there?"

"People like us, people who aren't welcome anywhere else," Arthur interjected.

In the kitchen upstairs Kara was helping Alfred make sandwiches. "I see you know your way around a kitchen, Ms. Kara."

"Oh yes. At home, we all help wherever we are needed. Mother has been teaching me to make meals since I started living on Themyscira." Kara smiled at the memory.

"How did you end up on the island?" Alfred asked as he set down the knife he was holding.

Kara stared down at the counter, "My pod crashed there. I left Krypton at the same time as Kal-El, but my ship was knocked off course by the explosion." Kara paused, swallowed back the sadness that she could feel building in her chest, "I watched the--my world die."

Alfred walked over to the young woman, "I didn't mean to upset you, Ms. Kara." Then he held out his open arms to the blonde.

Kara didn't hesitate, she allowed the older man to wrap his arms around her, and spent several minutes crying into his shoulder. When she finally stopped, she dried her eyes and looked up at the man's wrinkled face, "I apologize, Alfred."

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