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"At the end of the day, it isn't where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I'm going and never have been before."
Warsan Shire

Kara was resting on her knees, her eyes closed as she concentrated on the sounds around her. Her sword was resting in the palm of her left hand. With each breath, she allowed herself to block out the sounds that she recognized, first the ocean as it struck the shore, the wind as it traveled through the valley. The heartbeats of her sisters were next, she smiled as she recognized the racing heartbeat of Myri.

"Concentrate, Kara," Nubia scolded.

Clearing her mind and blushing at her mistake, Kara isolated two single sounds, the first was the sound of Nubia's sword coming towards her head, the second was a strange buzzing, then screaming as one of her sister's was attacked.

Nubia's sword was only six inches from the girl's head when Kara's left arm shot up and stopped the blade, shattering it on her invulnerable skin. "Nubia, attack, western beach."

"Go, girl, now!" Nubia hissed.

From her kneeling position, Kara blasted straight into the sky, gathering speed as she flew towards the sound. She was halfway across the island when she started to scan ahead with her vision. What she saw turned her blood cold. The creature was human-shaped, but that's where the comparison stopped, the rest of it appeared hard-shelled, covered with a metal-like carapace of an insect with dragonfly wings on its back.

'Para-demon,' she thought to herself, remembering Hippolyta's history lessons on Steppenwolf and the Alliance.

Putting on an extra burst of speed she saw the creature come to a hovering halt and lift its weapon in her direction. She could see the creature pull the trigger but at the speed she was traveling, she didn't have time to slow down before the energy blast caught her in the chest. She felt the impact, but it didn't even slow her down. Frowning at the attack, she added an extra burst of speed as she slammed into the creature, throwing it back the way it had come.

The creature slammed into the ground about 200 meters from where it had shot at Kara and laid still. Kara landed, slamming into the ground next to the revolting creature and in one fluid movement she removed its wings with one mighty swing of her sword. Then she lifted the flightless creature and once again launched herself into the sky. Carrying the creature and herself to the western coast of the island, where she landed lightly beside the wounded body of Narcissa.

She checked the dark-haired woman carefully finding several burns on her exposed skin and a small dart in her neck. Remembering her lessons, she slowly removed the dart and dropped it in her pouch sealing it closed. Then she lifted the woman's fishing spear and using her considerable strength drove it through the shoulder of the Para-Demon, pinning it to the ground. Kara then picked the unconscious woman gently into her arms and floated easily into the air, building speed as she moved towards Narcissa's village. Landing in the village, Kara yelled for the healer.

"Little One!" The healer yelled, then she stopped and looked at the Amazon in Kara's arms, "by Hades' gate, what happened?"

"She was attacked on the beach, by a Para-Demon," Kara explained, suddenly aware of what she had done.

"Is this how you found her, child?" the Healer asked, then when Kara didn't answer. "Kara, child, is this how you found her?"

"What? Oh, Rao, what did I do?" Kara asked, her eyes growing larger. "Healer, I'm sorry. I found this." Kara fumbled in her pouch, "this was stuck in her neck."

"Kara, look at me, child. You did no wrong, you defended your sister. Breathe, child." The healer held Kara by the shoulders, looking into her eyes. "Report to the Queen, child, tell her what you found."

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