17 pt.2 Confessions elsewhere

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A/n: Feel free to leave suggestions for the next chapter in the comments. I want to keep this as interesting as possible. Long chapter but worth it!

As school let out I lingered by the classroom exit. As the bell rang Lydia trotted up to me, her Doc Martins making a prominent thud against the dirtied tile. I gave her a small smile as she gave me her own. Her white teeth shining out from behind her black lipstick.

"Y/n, hey do you have any plans tonight?" She asked. I shook my head, one side of my mouth pulling upward in thought. 

"No, not that I can think of, why you ask ?" I asked curious at the sudden interest in my plans. Then again wasn't unheard of Lydia to want company despite her loner facade.

"Can I come over to your house?" I simply nodded and waved her on to follow me. We ran down the hall to get out of the building.

——Time skip—-

Pushing the key into the locked doorknob I turned and entered the house.

"Dad I'm home and I brought you an ugly gremlin creature as a sacrifice to appease you ." Lydia's head jerked in my direction as she jokingly hissed.

"Hey!" My dad turned towards me with a questioning look.

"G-gremlin creature ...? Oh ! Heya Lydia, what are ya doing here? " My dad waved towards Lydia.

"You're child kidnapped me !"

"Mm okay, kids have fun!" My dad waved off Lydia's kidnappings comment as he flipped through TV channels. Running up to my room I opened my door to find a disheveled Beetlejuice sprawled among on my bed. Lydia groaned in agitated defeat as she walks towards my bed to push him off. As he begins to wake up and stir about, he opens one of his eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hands off the goods Lyds! All this is lfor babes over there." My face flushed instantly at the insinuation. It's not like I didn't want 'all that' but Lydia certainly didn't need to know. Lydia covered her ears and began chanting,

"La La La I'm not listening! I CANT HEAR ALL THE GROSS SHIT YOUR SAYING!" Beetlejuice cackled at the goth teens agony as I laughed along but in embarrassment. Clapping my hands together I chose to change the topic.

"Sooo... what do you guys wanna do?" I asked . Lydia paused, her brows knitting together . She looked over to Beetlejuice behind me, her eyes widened.

"I'm sort of tired let's watch a movie ." That was odd she never got tired .

"Huh but you never tired?" I heard Beetlejuice release a short breath out of his nose. Lydia rolled her eyes. "Alright alright you choose then." I said holding my hands up in defeat. Sitting on my bed I watched as she crouched down and chose "Gingerdead man." I snorted at the unexpected choice. Putting it in the disc tray . Lydia joining us on the bed only smirked thriving in my agony. I quickly turned to to my side flicking off the lights as the illuminated screen began to come to life.

"So Lyds why this movie?" Beej asked with a curious grin , his pointed teeth poked out from behind his lips. My hand raised to my own as I began to think.His lips... they looked almost soft. I wonder if they'd feel cold against mine. My thumb pad ran across my lower lip. I stopped myself. Turning my attention to Lydia whom was snickering.

"I heard it was horrible." She laughed. "But in the best way!" I laughed in an airy manner as the movie began to play. I noticed Beetlejuice smirk .

"People say  I'm like that in bed to!" Beetlejuice snorted as Lydia's eyes widened as she choked on air briefly surprised. "But hey they don't call me the ghost with the most for nothing!" He winked . I groaned playfully , turning my attention back to the movie ,as Lydia just remained silently baffled.

Once the credits began rolling whilst the campy music played along I glanced around. Noticing that Lydia had fallen asleep I turned to Beetlejuice.

"I'm gonna put her in the guest room, I'll be right back." Beetlejuice just nodded. Standing up I scooped up Lydia into my arms . Carrying her to the next room over , laying her onto the bed .

Walking back into my own, the room was softly lit by a soft pink tinge . The source of the light was Beetlejuice himself. Sitting back down on my bed it let out a soft creek as my weight caused us both to inch closer. Suddenly a few white streaks lit up his hair . There was silence , it wasn't an unpleasant one just a contemplative one . Breaking the silence , I let out a breathy chuckle.

"You're absolutely glowing." That mattress moved slightly as I felt his shoulders tense. Feeling around his large hand made it's way on-top of mine. At first his hand flinched away like a scared animal, but his hand soon returned as it lingered on mine. He felt safe. He glanced my direction with a foreign expression. It was a soft expression, his lips curled upwards softly and his eyes lingered somewhat lidded. He let out a throaty , gravely chuckle .

"Heh... I...uh thanks." His words seem to fall from his lips nervously as he squeezed my hand. At this moment his confident demeanor began to crumble away. " I gotta tell ya something babes." His hand squeezed mine shakily.

" Mhm."

" I've been thinkin, and ... I feel safe around you. Welcome even! And to be honest, I've not felt that way in a long while. I don't want this feeling to go away. This'll probably sound stupid comin from a dead guy ...but I like you y/n ! Even if you're a breather." The pink tinge glowed brighter engulfing the room . Sitting there wide eyed , I remained silent as I had been dumbfounded. He actually liked me? And he was the one to confess!? "It's all right.. I figured you would say n-."

Cutting him off a cupped his cheek in my hands and kissed him. He stiffened at first but soon melted into the kiss. His lips were cold and rough but weren't unpleasant. Trying to calm my speeding heart I pulled away.

"I like you to Beej." I smiled and chuckled. Hearing that we both began to fall into a short burst of laughs in relief.

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