Done Deal

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SO SO Sorry that I haven't updated this story in awhile. I was moving and getting prepared for college and going through family issues. But I'm back to give you another chapter. I hope you enjoy! 


Recap: J'onn has just left to try to steal the rock back from Lena.


Kara and the rest of the gang sit idly by waiting for some sign that J'onn is alright. The last they heard of him was right before he entered the building, which must mean the block disabled all communication. "Kara," there has to be something she can do. "Earth to Kara!" Mon-el waves his hand in the thinking Kryptonian's face.

"Sorry, just thinking about J'onn."

"We got a ping from him. He went straight to the Tower so nothing followed him here. He's waiting for us there."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kara stood with determination. Mon-el stopped her where she stood. 

"You can't go, we can't. He was seriously exposed to Kryptonite and it's gonna take a few for it to wear off. Alex and Nia are gonna meet him there," Kara tried to speak but Mon-el stopped her. "No buts, I'm not risking your life. Looks like we'll be in each other's bodies for a little bit longer. At least until Alex can test the rock and make sure that's the right substance she used. In the meantime, would you like to go get dinner with me?"

"Are you sure? At a time like this?" Mon-el grabbed Kara's hands.

"There is nothing we can do right now. Trust me, the sooner you stop thinking about it and relax, the sooner time will pass."

"Can we at least call J'onn and make sure he's alright?"

"Of course," Mon-el pulled out his phone and called J'onn. 

"Mon-el, something the matter?"

"Kara and I just wanted to check in with you, how are you doing?" Mon-el heard something click in the background.

"I'm alright, just waiting for Alex and Nia. Do you know when they'll be here?" Mon-el got a feeling in his gut that something was terribly wrong. He added Alex to the call. 

"We will be there shortly, just had to stop by the armory and pick up a few things," Mon-el was tapping on the phone to try to give her a signal to stop talking and listen closely. Kara leaned in and focused her hearing on the background noise. She heard two sounds of breath. One coming from J'onn and one coming from someone else. Kara nodded her head at Mon-el and flew off the balcony.

"Kara, no!" Kara flew faster than she ever has before. She landed in the tower and looked down at Lena holding an alien tech weapon at J'onn's back. 

"Lena, what do you think you're doing?" Lena focused her attention on the superhero.

"I'm getting what I came for," she pulled the gun away from J'onn and hit him over the head. She proceeded to point the gun at Kara and hit her with an electronic blast. It hit her hard enough to knock her off her feet. She felt so weak she couldn't stand. Lena slowly walked up to her. 

"Please Lena, you don't have to do this."

"Don't I? You betrayed me. I turned my brother into the cops for you. I KILLED him for you!" Kara looked deep into Lena's eyes as she spoke about her brother. "I should never have hurt him! I'm happy he came back and changed everything. He will kill you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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