Chapter One - Weird Dream

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On a regular Wednesday night, you would be spending your time reading a good book. Maybe having a warm, relaxing bath. But since you work for your fathers company, you are slumped with his secretary work.

You knew this was going to be your life from the minute you could process what working was, you thought. You let out a deep sigh and rub your strained e/c eyes, and motion your head towards the table in front of you, trying not to accidentally press a button on your keyboard. you shut your eyes, and let in a shaky breath. You've spent half your day answering e-mails that were far from relevant to yourself, and you can feel your brain turning into mush.

You peel your eyes open and glance at the clock across from you. 11:38pm.

Realizing how late you've stayed up, you let out a quiet groan and roll off your chair, with a loud thump you land on your carpeted floor. Running your hands through the old, knotted fluff. It's supposed to be soft, but you and your family have lived in this house for so long that everything is old and gross. At least, you think so.

That's not including the guest bedroom we have downstairs, that's always kept in pristine condition if there isn't somebody living in it. In which, someone hasn't lived in it for a couple years now. But school is starting up again, so I should expect a new roommate soon. "It's a good way to make more money!" Your family always says. And in that sense, they're right. But we have had some terrible people stay in that room.

The last person was a petite french exchange student who came to pursue a better education, her name was Delilah and she was a couple years younger than yourself. At first, she seemed very polite and shy. But once she got comfortable, all hell broke loose. I won't get into details, but let's just say we had to do some repairing in that little room of hers.

I have to go for a meeting with my dad tomorrow, we leave at 8. I should go to sleep now if I want to look presentable in front of all our clients. You slowly lift your head, the rest of your body following into a standing position. You snatch an elastic from the edge of your dresser and put your silky (h/c) hair into a loose bun, you tend to toss and turn at night, and there have been several occasions where you have suffocated on your own hair. It's a lovely experience.

You extend your arm towards the lamp on your nightstand, and fiddle with the knob until the light goes out. You feel exhausted after a long day at work. So, it's almost as if you were asleep the moment your head hit the pillow below you. And with that, you drift off into a peaceful sleep, listening to the cars pass, and the wind blow outside your window.


The first thing you notice is the sound of ocean waves crashing onto the rocks underneath you, making a deep woosh sound as they collide, before slowly retreating back into the body of water. Fresh air filled your lungs, and as your vision becomes more clear you see a stunning view of a sunset in front of you, the sun is just barely crowning the edge of the water, and it reflects among it creating a nice, warm glow. There is little clouds in the sky that evening, so you can see the deep colours that the sun has painted on the sky. You can't seem to picture a more beautiful setting than this.

As you avert your eyes to your own figure, you notice that you are wearing a short, flowy dress. It's white, with the pattern of small, red flowers scattered across the entire dress. You watch as the skirt flows with the wind that passes by. Whilst you are taking in the scenery and processing where you could possibly be, you almost barely notice the person who is speaking right next to you.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Says a deep, scratchy male voice. Your ears perk up once you hear this man speak, and you twist your head in his direction to identify him. Right beside you stands a man that you have never seen in your life. He was tall and lanky. He had an angular face with some soft blonde hair and striking hazel eyes. He was dressed in an outfit that would be classified as dressier than an everyday outfit. A simple pale button up, with black dress pants and a belt. His glasses reflect the light, and make his eyes appear as if they are glowing.

But damn, does he pull it off well.

He has yet to peel his eyes away from the sunset in front of you, and you take the time to analyze his side profile, mentally tracing his jawline, and watching his calm expression. You have to admit to yourself, this man is very attractive. He doesn't seem very humble about his looks, however.

"Yes... it is very beautiful." You reply in a soft voice, still nervous in the presence of this 10.

At this point, he decides to turn his head to get a better look at you. You feel your cheeks start to get hot when he makes eye contact with you, and his lips curl into a light smile. "I'm really glad you came here with me today."

All you could do was nod as you feel yourself become more and more flustered. He seems to pick up on this behaviour, and let's out a chuckle.

"You don't have to be nervous, angel. We'll meet soon, okay?" Says the man as he reaches a hand towards you, cupping it on the side of your face. Rubbing his thumb across your soft (s/c) skin. Before you have time to react to his gesture, he shifts his body opposite to yours, and starts to walk down the street. Once you're able to process what happened, he's already a fair distance away from you. You aggressively shake your head back and forth and smack your hands towards your face, cringing at the way you reacted.

You... you never asked his name.

Your eyes widen and your feet start moving seemingly on their own, trying to catch up to the person whom you've just met. "W-wait! What's..." you're starting to panic, and can't form the words that you have implanted in your brain, you can feel your breath start to quicken and sweat develop on the edges of your forehead. And just like that, your vision becomes fuzzy.


You hear the sound of your alarm clock slowly come into focus, and flutter your eyes open.

So, it was only a dream.

Chapter One - End.

Word Count: 1,154 words.

Hey guys! How are you doing?

Thank you so very much for reading the first chapter of Personal Bubble. I put alot of thought into what I was going to write, and i hope this chapter isn't too shitty. If you liked what you saw, please be kind enough to give me a vote. :)

Also, be sure to check out my sister weebunderwraps.  She has her own one shot written, and she has put a lot of work into it. I would seriously appreciate it if you checked it out! Thanks!

Stay safe, Guys!

personal bubble ☆ tsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now