Chapter Two - Morning Outburst

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Getting up in the morning is no easy task for you. With the alarm blaring on the right side of your face, and the sun shining through your thin white curtains on your right. Slowly, you open your heavy (e/c) eyes and take a few seconds to stare at the roof of your bedroom. You have a poster of your favourite TV show hung right above your bed, in attempts to make yourself feel happier when you get up in the morning. But alas, you still feel like dog crap.

You lift your right arm and extend it towards where the loud sound is coming from, slamming your fist on your nightstand a couple times before finally hitting your alarm, shutting it off. You let out a deep exhale and shift your head to the opposite direction, and listen to the distant sounds of varieties of birds chirping, flying from surface to surface. You can hear a person walking down the street, holding a conversation with what seems to be a friend on their cellphone.

"He seemed really suspicious yesterday... Did he not?" They say to their friend. remaining silent in anticipation for them to answer. Maybe I should stop eavesdropping, it sounds personal. You think to yourself. Quietly shaming yourself for being so nosy, you lift your head from your pillow, which always feels so much more soft when you have to get up early in the morning. You assume this is a universal feeling. Your legs shift off the edge of the bed, and you rest your hands on top of your bare thighs. You slightly jerk your head towards your alarm clock, and blink a couple times to help your eyes focus on the red blinking light in front of you. 6:47am. What a lovely time to be awake.

You let out a weak sigh and pull your weight onto your feet, and begin running your morning routine through your head. Eat Breakfast, brush teeth, put up hair, wash face, get dressed, apply makeup. mentally prepare for the busy day ahead of you. You recite to yourself, reaching out your hand towards your bedroom door handle, and making your way downstairs.

The sounds of your footprints alerts your family, and they turn their attention towards you to greet you before you can even reach the floor. "Good morning (y/n)!" says a sweet, cheery female voice. You recognize this voice immediately as you mother, who seems to be making everybody omelettes. You let in a deep inhale and allow the aroma of breakfast fill your lungs. Your stomach grumbles in response, and you can feel prickles of drool form in the corners of your lips. Since you were little, your mother has always gotten up before the rest of the family to make breakfast. You always go out of your way to thank her for every meal she makes, just so it doesn't feel like a waste.

You bounce your way over to the dinner table and plop down beside your father, who is already a quarter way through his breakfast and reading some sort of article on his phone. A couple minutes pass before you hear your mother make her way from the kitchen towards the table, holding both your omelette and her own. You feel a smile start to creep up, and excitement stirs in your stomach as she places the meal in front of you.

You roll your head downwards to take a better look. Your omelette is a delicious golden yellow with specks of a darker yellow scattered across, signifying that your meal has in fact been... cooked. On the side of your plate is two pieces of buttered white bread, both cut diagonally. Without a second thought, you grab your utensils and beginning digging into your meal.

Your dad makes a light groaning noise beside you, meaning that he's about to speak up. You shift your attention towards him and wait for him to finish what's in his mouth before speaking. "...I forgot to tell you, y/n. We're having a new student move into the guest room." He says, panning his head around the table and looking for reactions from both my mother and me.

Oh... no. No no no.

Well, you knew that someone was going to move in eventually. I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. you straighten your posture and take a glance at your mother, who seems to have already been aware. So, you don't really know why dad had to look for her for approval. Maybe support? Is he scared about how I am going to react?

Multiple thoughts race through your head as you take another jab at your breakfast, after a few brief moments, you decide to hesitantly respond. "When?" You say, with a tint of eagerness in your tone.


You immediately drop your fork onto your plate, and turn towards your dad. Trying your best to keep your composure, you say "and you just decide to tell me now? How long has this been in the works?" You wonder if he can tell that you're trying to hold back, since your dad has always been good at reading you. You watch as he slowly twists his head in your direction, his eyes stare into your soul as he gives you the look.

"About a week now, is it a problem we didn't tell you sooner?"

"Well I mean, kind of. I would've liked to know." You snap back. Fuck this composure bullshit you don't care anymore. You're upset and he needs to know. You live in this house as well as he does and would've liked to prepare for our new roommate.

"I didn't know that was required. You never cared in the past when we told you last minute."

"Well after HER now I do. I want to prepare myself for another disaster."

"Y/n! Don't say that! That was only one time."

You quickly jump into your feet and slam your hands onto the table. Creating a loud thud, and scaring your mother on the opposite end of the table. "You guys never care about how I feel anymore! You know that?" You respond in a heightened tone.

"You're always, work, business, money. No room for feelings. Why can't you think about anything other than yourselves huh?" You scream. An eerie silence hangs above, as you notice the lack of movement coming from your parents. They seem frozen in time, unable to respond to your sudden outburst.

"I... I'm-" you begin to say, but your dad is quick to cut you off. "We leave in thirty minutes. Get ready." He responds in a monotone voice. Before quickly standing up and walking towards the bathroom, leaving his half empty plate on the dining room table. You take a look at your mom, and her hands seem to be slightly trembling, she's staring at you and seemingly waiting for you to do something else.

You let out a rough sigh, and grab both yours and your fathers plate and bring them into the kitchen. As you throw away the extra food and begin wiping down the plates and utensils, you hear your mom get up from her seat and walk the opposite direction of where dad went. Today has not been a very good morning, maybe I should've just kept to myself.

You slowly blink your eyes, and bring yourself back into the dream you had the night before. The beautiful sunset, the sound of the waves colliding with the rocks underneath you, it was truly a peaceful sight. You wish that you could go back into that reality, with that boy that you couldn't recognize. It sure would be a hell of a lot better then being at home with all this tense energy.

"You don't have to be nervous, angel. We'll meet soon, okay?"

The memory of those words send a small shiver down your spine, as you reminisce on how that sentence made you feel. I wonder if that dream meant anything, if it was symbolic of something in the near future. You don't know much about spiritual things. You place the now clean dishes into the sink. And rub your hands through the towel placed right next to your kitchen sink, drying them thoroughly.

You take another breath in as you head upstairs, moving forwards with your morning routine, and praying that the day wasn't as terrible as this morning.


Word count: 1,414.

Authors note:

Hey! Thank you for reading my second chapter of Personal Bubble! I hope you all are having a good day today. Sorry this chapter isn't very exciting. But you should expect some more tsukki in the next following chapters!

On another note, I read "In Another Life" last night. You know, the one with bokuto and akaashi right? PAIN. ALL I FEEL IS PAIN.

I cried so much guys, but in all honestly the writing was absolutely beautiful, very detailed and emotional. Raw. I loved it. I i could perfectly understand their relationship dynamic. Anyways that's all from me today, see you soon!

personal bubble ☆ tsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now