Chapter Four - Graveyard

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a couple days time skip, tsukki is finished
moving in and has been keeping his distance from everyone, and would leave the house for hours at a time and you start to get suspicious so one day you decide to follow him

A/N: Credits to @gioeiel on twitter!! This drawing is absolutely beautiful, be sure to check out their content :)

It's been a couple days since your new roommate has moved in. You've been keeping a close eye on him, since you are still unsure that he won't pull anything funny.

This is the third morning with your new roommates residence, and ever since that interaction at his door you have not interacted since. Only the occasional glance as you two pass. He eats dinner in his room every night, and doesn't bother to talk to you or your family at all. You wouldn't find this strange behaviour is you didn't already have a bad feeling about him.

Both your mom and dad appear to be very understanding, the few times he's been brought up they spew some excuse. "He's just getting used to the area" and "He doesn't know us, it's normal to be uncomfortable." and then continue to go about their day. You feel invalidated, and frustrated with this character, but more importantly- curious.

Another late night leaves you slaving over your computer, trying to finish reading the remainder of today's emails sent out. Your eyes grow heavy with boredom, and the silence inside the house is jarring. You want nothing more than a break, but that's not how you were raised. So, you down another red bull and get back to work.

In your heart, you know this way of life is not what you want. You're tired, achy, you feel decades older than you actually are. But the idea of branching out to a career you actually enjoy scares you more. Risking your financial stability is not something you take pride in, so you stay. You stay and you work, for a life that one day- you hope- will be happier. But when will you get there? How do you work for a happier future if you aren't happier in the present?

You jolt out of your head, and realize that you haven't actually read half of what the e-mail says in front of you. Discomfort fills your head, like a toxic smoke, entering every crevice of your brain.

This is not what you want.

And the distraction you were so desperately hoping for appears, right on time. Silence is replaced with the sound of the guest room's door opening. Your roommate- who's name you don't even know yet, always leaves the house in the middle of the night. You take a glance at your alarm clock, and it flashes "1:30AM."

Never mind the fact that you stayed up working, you intend to find out where he is going. You're sick of sitting in curiosity, and decide that the answer isn't going to just come to you. With that, you swerve your chair away from your desk, and sturdy yourself onto your feet. The hardwood floor is cold, and your back hurts from being in a sloped position. The sound of the front door closing echoes throughout your home, and you begin walking out your room, not bothering to fix up your appearance- you have one objective: to find out what kind of shady dealings this college student is up to.

You walk up your stairs as quietly as possible, any slight sound risks the awakening of your family and you would rather not explain why you're leaving so late at night. Every step feels like a ticking time bomb, you haven't even bothered to look up yet. Focusing solely on not making a noise, you failed to notice the coffee table in front of you.

You ram your toe into the foot of the table, causing you to yell out in agony. You clasp your hands to your mouth at lightning speed, realizing just how loud you actually were. Frozen, you twist your head, staring at your parents bedroom upstairs. If the silence wasn't already noticeable, it was almost as painful to listen to them ramming your toe in the first place. Seconds pass, and the light of your parents bedroom gets switched on. Light emanates from the bottom of the door frame.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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