Chapter 1: Video Call Fun

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🔥Ember’s POV🔥

It’s been 8 months since the gang and I have been to KISS World. Me, Shaggy, and Scooby have kept KISS’s secret about being from a cosmic realm.

Even though me and Demon don’t really get to see each other due to him being a rockstar and me solving mysteries, we still keep in touch.

We text each other, phone call, and even video call.

Speaking of which, we're gonna be video calling here now.

I walk over to my desk and open my black computer that has fire designs on it.
I open up our private chat and wait for him to call.

Three minutes later, the accept and decline buttons appear on the screen.
I quickly click the accept button and see Demon with a grumpy face and his arms crossed.
As soon as he sees me, he smiles.

“Hey Demon!” I say.

“Hey there, Wildfire.” He says from over the screen.

“You looked grumpy before you saw me. Something wrong?” I ask.

“Eh… Just the guys being annoying.” He says with annoyance.

I giggle.

“As usual” I say.

“How about you? How’s everything with the hippie and dog and them?” he asks.

“Oh same old, same old. We just got back from another mystery a week ago.” I say.

“Oh yeah? What happened this time?”

“Wellllll…. We were just driving through an old town when, of course, Shaggy and Scooby needed to stop for something to eat.
As usual, anywhere we go there is a mystery. People in the dinner were freaking out due to a ghost haunting the town.
We jumped straight into the chance to solve yet another mystery. We got information from the townsfolk and eventually set a trap for the so-called ghost.
I was bait this time instead of Scooby and Shaggy.”

“Wait why?!” He asks, a tad angry.

“Calm down, calm down. It was because the ghost has been attacking young women and Fred didn’t want Daphne to do it cause Daphne was hurt, so I had to.”

He calms down slightly and grumbles something about hurting someone. I laugh a bit.

“Anyway, after we caught the ghost, it turned out to be the mayor’s son trying to ruin his dad’s reputation as mayor so that way he could take over by ‘saving the town’” I say, finishing the story.

“Sounds like quite the adventure.” He says. “It was, but it was also fun! I got to kick the guy in the face once he got close to me!” I say, excitedly. Demon just chuckles at me.

“It’s different without you being here in person, Wildfire.” He says with a sad smile.

“I know..” I say, also smiling sadly.

“Hey! Is that Firecat I hear!?” I hear Catman yell from somewhere on the other side and Demon groans.

Catman comes into view and puts his arm over Demon’s shoulders.

“Hey there, Firecat!” Catman says, smiling.

I laugh and say, “Hey Wildcat. How’ve you been?”

“Ahh I’ve been good. Can’t say the same for Demon here. He’s been a mopey mess without ya.” He says smirking at Demon.

Demon growls and sends Catman a glare. I laugh at the interaction.

Set My Heart Ablaze (Demon x OC) {Sequel to: The Fire in my Heart}Where stories live. Discover now