Chapter 2: Trip to KISS World

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Ember's POV:

I throw my bags in the trunk of my black dodge challenger with fire designs on it.

{A/N- I dont own the picture}

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{A/N- I dont own the picture}

I shut the trunk and climb into the driver seat. I start it up then wave to Alex who was at the window waving at me.
I pull out the driveway and start to drive.

The gang and I have been planning this for a month. Demon doesn’t know about it. None of the KISS members do.

We decided we were gonna go back to KISS World to relax. We’ve been doing a lot of mysteries as of lately and are hoping for some time off.

Knowing our luck though, something is gonna happen. I could care less though. I’m just excited to see Demon again.

I smile at the thought of seeing his surprised face when he sees me at KISS World.

Although this does mean I’m gonna have to ignore his calls and texts so he doesn’t find out. It breaks my heart at the thought but the surprise can not be ruined. We have been planning it for a month!

After about an hour of driving, I finally made it to the hotel we all agreed on. It was a 3 minute drive from the park, and an 8 minute walk. It was connected to the park in a way.

We are only staying here for one night before we move to the hotel in the park.

We decided that here would be better until the guys actually KNOW we’re here. I get out of the car and grab one of my bags.

Just as I shut the trunk I see the Mystery Machine pull up next to me.

“Hey guys!” I say as they get out.

“Hey Em!” Shaggy says as him and Scooby hug me.

“We rissed you ro much, Ember!” Scooby says.

“We’ve only been away from each other for a week,” I laugh. They let me go.

“Oh yeah. I forgot.” Shaggy says and we all laugh and head into the hotel.

We get our rooms. Me, Daphne, and Velma are sharing a room and Fred, Shaggy, and Scooby are sharing one so that way it was cheaper.

Once we get to the hotel in KISS World we’ll all have our separate room, except Shaggy and Scooby who are never apart from each other.

We go to our rooms and put our bags down. It was already getting dark outside.

I grab my phone and see I have 5 missed calls from Demon and 10 text messages.

I bite my lip and ignore them as I dial another number.

“Hello? Manny Goldman speaking '' Manny, the KISS World park supervisor says.

“Hey Manny! It’s Ember. Ember Jackson. From the Scooby Gang.” I say as I look at Velma and Daphne, who are staring at me.

“Ah hello! What can I do for ya?” he asks.

“I was just wondering if everything was ready for the surprise?”

“Why yes it is. Everything is set up and ready to go. The boys arrived yesterday and just performed a concert. All your rooms have been booked and I got you the best of the best rooms” Manny has been in this plan as well since he was our connection to the park.

“That’s great! They still don’t know about any of it right?” I ask.

“Not a thing. I’m glad I could be of help. You kids were so much help with that crazy witch business.”

“Oh that wasn’t a problem at all. Thanks so much for your help Manny.”

“Not a problem kid. I better go. The guys will be back soon” he says.

“Alright bye Manny”

“Bye kid” He hangs up the phone and I put mine away.

“Well, is everything good?” Daphne asks.

“Yup! Manny says everything is ready for the surprise. The guys are still clueless about it and he said our rooms are ready to go for when we move to the park.” I say, smiling.

“Awesome!” Daphne shouts as she jumps up and down.

“I’m glad we are gonna be able to relax for a bit.” Velma says.

“You’re also glad you get to see Spaceman again, aren’t you?” I ask, smirking at her.

She blushes and looks away from me, arms crossed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She says.

“Awwww you don’t gotta hide it Velma!” I say, putting my arm over her shoulder.

“Me and Daph will help you and Spaceman hook up.
It's obvious he feels something towards you. I mean he was gentleman-like to you during the mystery.
He couldn’t stop smiling whenever he saw you.
He also winked at you that one time. That and he asks about you whenever him and the guys interrupt mine and Demon’s calls.” I tell her.

“He asks about me?” Velma asks looking up at me.

“Yup! So don’t hide your feelings and don’t worry about a thing!” I say, smiling widely. She smiles and nods.

“Okay Em. I trust you and Daphne” she says.


“We should head to bed now. It’s starting to get late.” Daphne says and me and Velma agree with her.

We all change into pajamas and lay down. Velma and Daphne lay in the two beds and I lay on the small couch.

I smile to myself and whisper,

“I’ll see ya soon, Hothead.”

Things then go black as I fall asleep and begin to dream.

{A/N- Hey there Rockers! I hope you enjoyed another chapter! Luckily for all those enjoying this story, I had a few chapters typed and edited to upload. It's been harder to work on stories without a computer in hand and with school going on it's been harder to focus. I've been having a lot of writers block either that or I just lose a bit of interest in a story. I'll try my best to keep this one going! See ya later Rockers! 👨‍🎤👩‍🎤🤘🎸🥁🎶🎤🔥🤘}

Set My Heart Ablaze (Demon x OC) {Sequel to: The Fire in my Heart}Where stories live. Discover now