Chapter 3: Surprising the Boys

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🔥Ember's POV🔥

I hear my alarm go off and I groan and shut it off. I start to go back to sleep when I hear Daphne and Velma’s alarms go off as well.

I groan again and sit up on the little hotel couch. I yawn and stretch my arms above my head as I hear Daphne and Velma stir as they turn off their alarm clocks and sit up.

I rub my eyes tiredly and get off the couch, stretching more.

I smile remembering that we’re surprising the guys today.

Velma and Daphne get out of bed as I open up my bag.

I look through my clothes, wondering what I’m gonna wear today.

My necklace that Demon gave me dangles from my neck since I never take it off unless I'm showering.
I can’t decide what to wear.

“Daphne I need your help.” I say as I look toward her.

“With what?” she asks.

“I don’t know what to wear…” I grumble.

She smiles and walks over and starts to look through my bag. She pulls out a few items.

“These are perfect. It’s your style, they go together, and it’s easy to move it.” She hands me the items.

“Thanks Daph!” I say excitedly as I hurry into the bathroom.

I quickly get dressed and do a light thing of make-up and spray my face with the spray to make my makeup last until I wipe it off with a remover.
I brush my hair and leave it down then look in the mirror at myself.

‘Always trust Daphne when it comes to picking an outfit when you can't do it yourself

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‘Always trust Daphne when it comes to picking an outfit when you can't do it yourself.’

I walk out to see Velma and Daphne ready to go.

“Let’s go get the boys!” I say as I grab my bag.
We leave the room and walk to the door next door and knock. Fred opens the door, ready to go.

“Where’s Scooby and Shaggy?” Velma asks.

“Still sleeping,” Fred sighs.

“I got this,” I say and walk into the room. I walk over to the bed they're sleeping in.

I take a deep breath then let off an angry aura and glare at their sleeping forms.

“You two got 3 seconds to get out of bed and get ready before I make you,” I growl in my She-Demon voice and they jolt awake and run into the bathroom and run back out ready to go.

“Like, ready and accounted for Miss She-Demon!” Shaggy says with a nervous smile.

I get out of She-Demon mode and smile like nothing happened.

“Good! Now let’s go!” I say happily and leave the room with them following me.

We turn in our room keys and go to our vehicles. I throw my bag in my trunk and shut the lid.

Set My Heart Ablaze (Demon x OC) {Sequel to: The Fire in my Heart}Where stories live. Discover now