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~Alex's P.O.V~

"K-Kitten..... I'm s-sorry", the voice of Niyx resonated through her head. "I..... c-couldn't keep..... my pr-promise", he said taking deep breaths. 

"N-no Niyx, what happened? Where are you?", I asked, desperately hoping that this was a dream and not what she hoped was his last time speaking with her. It wasn't right, no Niyx couldn't be gone, he promised. "N-Niyx, Answer me! ANSWER ME! NIYX", I screaming his name. No answer. 

"It's o-okay Kitten, you know that I'd.... That I'd die for you a thousand times if I have too", he said, taking deep breaths-his voice sounding far off. I felt like something was vanishing. "P-please don't g-give up, you k-know that I'll... That I'll be with you, watching o-over you from t-the stars", he said. 

"What'd you mean watching from the stars, you're still alive are you not?", I asked him. At this time I was tossing and turning in my bed. I heard a soft distant laugh from him. 

"You k-know Kitten, anyone who gets k-know you is l-lucky because they live their l-life to the fullest when t-that someone is always w-with you", he chuckled and took a ragged breath.          "T-these few months with y-you have been some of m-my b-best times", by the end his voice came to a whisper. 

"Niyx what're you talking about? Stop playing with me, you're not going anywhere.... Right?", I asked him, fear clear in my voice.

"P-please tell m-my sister that I l-love her.............. Thank you Kitten", he said and with that I felt something snap in me. 

"NIYX.... NIYX.... NIYX!", I screamed in my mind and shot up from the bed, a cold sweat on my brow and my pillow wet with tears I didn't even know I was shedding. "Niyx, are you there?", I called in my mind more softly. No reply. I started panicking, he can't be dead, just asleep or in a meeting right. Yeah, in a meeting and with that thought I walked into the bathroom. 

The warm water hit my skin, relaxing my stiff body. I thought about my dream, Niyx talking about telling his sister he loved her and that he'll always be with me and watch over me from the stars. I stepped out of the shower and put a dark green stop with black pants and tied my brown hair into a high pony. I looked over at the time - 8:15am. I sighed and made my way to the food court. Not many where there yet, after all, it was still a bit early.

"Hey Alex", I swiveled my head around to see Jordan and Bear and D.C coming over. I put on a smile and we all entered the food court. We found a table at the far end of the room and sat. 

"So why didn't you wake me up Alex? I would've missed breakfast if I woke up any later!", Dix claimed as she ordered something. 

"Sorry, it looked like you needed the sleep so I didn't wake up", I replied sheepishly as I ordered on some toast. "Anyway, what'd you guys have first?", I asked them. 

"I have Chemistry first", said Bear. 

"Gift Development", replied Dix.

"Archery", said Jordan, taking a bit of cereal. (A/N I don't know that well about their timetables so I just made something up while going over all the classes they have together).

"I've got SOSAC with Professor Casper Lennox", I told them. We started some casual small talk between the four of us but my mind kept on drifting back to Niyx's strange words. With that on my mind, I didn't realize that Jordan was calling my name. 



"ALEX", he nearly shouted the last one. I shook out my thoughts and looked at him confused. 

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