CHAPTER 8: The Changes

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Jung family was having their dinner when Bambam suddenly started a topic that Taehyung didn't want to hear. He told him about his workmate who saw him joining a band and performing in front in one restaurant that he went to. Taehyung didn't want to remember it anymore because it didn't turned well and now it was open again and he loss his appetite coz he didn't want to talk about it. "It's not like I am against you joining some group outside but I want you to concentrate your studies and start thinking about your future." Bambam told him.

"I didn't play." Taehyung answered back. "If your friend told you the right thing that happened then he will said that I run away and didn't continue."

"Whatever it is I don't want you joining such stuffs besides can you even play? You are just embarrassing yourself if you didn't know anything about music but you are trying to do it." Bambam continued his words.

"Should we really talk about this in front of the dining table?" Taehyung asked him. "Besides no matter what I wanted to do doesn't concern you at all. You are not my father." He continued.

"Tae." Hyun Ae called. "Don't answer Bambam like that. He is just stating what he think is right for you. I also agree with him. if you didn't know anything about music then you should avoid it. I don't want to hear same thing like this anymore. Just concentrate on your studies ."

"Who do you think is at fault why I am like this?" Taehyung replied back as he stands up. "I'm done. Thanks for the food."

"Tae... we are not done talking to you." Hyun Ae told him but he was already upstairs and already lock his room.


The next morning, Taehyung go away from home without eating breakfast again and he even didn't said to his mother that he was going to school already. He was in bad mood because of the conversation last night and that cause him not to sleep well. As he ride his bike, he almost met an accident when he didn't noticed that someone was coming through his direction as well but gladly he didn't get injured. He was even late at school because of some old woman asked for his help and he was summoned to the administration office to listen to his explanation. His day didn't start well and he think it will not end good coz he was already in bad mood and he can't afford to talk to anyone or else he will just yell at them even he knew they didn't do anything bad to him.

"Tae, are you not going to join the outreach program?" Jungkook asked him as he holds the paper where the lists of names are written.

"No, I am not interested." Taehyung answered him but a bit surprised by the nickname.

"But this will be a big opportunity to show people that you can really do well in music. Everyone decided that we will have something like a mini concert. You are good at playing guitar and you can even sing, you will be a big asset if you will join this." Jungkook tried to pursued him.

"I told you I don't want to join. Leave me alone already. I am not in the mood to talk to you."

"But Taehyung..."

"I said go away!" Taehyung shouted on him and he was shocked when he saw Jungkook's startled face. He knew it will happen, he knew that he will yell at someone anytime soon.

"Is there something wrong with you? Do you have a problem?" Jungkook asked worriedly and that just made Taehyung more irritated. "Just tell me, we can talk about it if you want."

"Can't you understand what I said? Leave me alone and I don't want to join that stupid outreach program. What's the point of joining? Are you pretending or just blind? You know that there is something wrong with me right? I have stage fright and I can't face many people. Do you want me to be a laughing stock again?"

"That will not happen." Jungkook assured but Taehyung slap the paper away from Jungkook's hand making it flew away.

"I don't want to hear that the most." He groaned.

He stands up and walk out of the classroom. On his way out he bump into Yoongi who saw everything that happened and he look at Taehyung as if he was his enemy. He always hear from Namjoon how Taehyung treat Jungkook badly but he was not aware that he can even shout at him like that. Yoongi watched as Jungkook pick up the paper that was on the floor and he even wipe the dirt from it and it stings his heart that his friend was treated like that. He followed Taehyung to where he was going and then he called his attention.

"What do you need from me?" Taehyung asked Yoongi as they face to face each other. "Don't tell me you saw what I just did to Jungkook and you are here to talk to me telling me that I am the bad guy."

"If you knew already then why are you still doing it. I don't know what's your problem with Jungkook, but he was approaching you so nicely but you are treating him so badly. You are just a transfer student but you act like you are some sort of boss here. Not because he was treating you so nicely you can do whatever you want to him."

"Are you jealous? He is giving more attention to me than you." Taehyung asked proudly.

Taehyung received a strong punch on the face that made him fall on the ground. Yoongi punched him and it seems like he was not sorry at all about what he just did to him. "Who will be jealous to your bratty attitude? First and foremost, Jungkook is our friend and seeing you humiliate him like that is something we can't afford to see."

"Jerk." Taehyung cursed. "You and even that Namjoon... what's good with that feminine guy to make you attracted to him? He is just annoying as hell? Acting so kind... he is just stupid. He always act like he knew everything, he treat people like everyone is his friend... I don't like him."

"If you don't like him then leave him alone... avoid him. If you can't appreciate his kindness then go away and don't show yourself to him. Isn't that as easy as that? Jungkook is already giving importance to your dull existence but you are just taken it for granted? Don't you think you are fortunate? I don't know what you did to him to make him act like that towards you but... as much as possible I want all those attention he is giving to you towards me."

Taehyung stand up and he wipe his cheeks. "If you like him then you can have him whole... it's not like I care!" he shouted back and then he run away. He went to the washroom where he wash his face and when he is about to get some tissue it is already out of stock. "Shit..." he cursed as he stomp his hand on the lavatory.

"You can use this." Someone offered and when he take a look it was Jin who is offering his handkerchief to him. "I didn't use it yet." He confirmed.

Taehyung take it and wipe his face with it. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw it... your conversation with Yoongi." Jin started. "I'm sorry for what he did for you. I apologized." He said and then he bowed down. "I know it is reckless on his part but... he is just in love with Jungkook and so..."

"Are you okay with that?" Taehyung asked. "You are... in love with him right? That guy in the other class..."


"It's all over your face... This place is annoying. It feels like everything is revolving around that guy? That Jeon Jungkook ... is he really that important? Is he really that likeable? I can only see him as an annoying brat who is concealing his true self towards other."

"No... Jungkook is really a nice guy even before. He is not a type of person who is masking their other self. What you see is already his true self and that's the reason there are lots of people liking him. it's his nature... it's his personality." Jin explained. "Please don't treat Jungkookie badly again." He continued. "I'm going already. You can have that handkerchief; you can throw it if you didn't need it anymore."


Days pass by and examination is finally over. Everyone was now busy for the special program of the school. Performers are busy practicing for there number and staffs are busy for promoting the events. Students who are not involved are back to their ordinary life like studying, going to club activities and going back home.

Since that day that Taehyung shouted on Jungkook, the two didn't talk at all though Taehyung felt sorry the next day he can't help himself to apologize. His pride was eating him that he can't approached Jungkook and say sorry for how he treated him. As exams are already over, everyone was excited to know the result. Top 100 students are posted in the lobby and every student look at it to know how they perform. As expected the top 5 students came from 3-A and then next was Jin who was rank 6. Jungkook was rank 12 and Taehyung was rank 13. Yoongi was rank 20 and Namjoon was rank 1 as usual.

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