CHAPTER 9: The Parting

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When he was 8 years old, Yoongi felt sick but he didn't told it to his mother because he was afraid that she will get mad at him. As an adopted son, he was really doing his best so that he will be accepted to the family and he made sure that he will not do anything that can ruined the trust of the family that considered adopting a boy like him. He didn't want to go back to that orphanage where he can't feel any love at all. But despite of all his effort he felt that those are worthless as he can't feel that the family who adopted him really cares to a stranger like him. They give him everything that he needed but the love that he seeks was left untouched.

His mother brought him into a meeting that winter day but she said that he should just wait in the park which was just near the meeting area. As an obedient child Yoongi did what he was asked to do. He waited for her in the park playing with the bracelet that he won in a lottery the other day. He started to felt cold and then he sniffed his nose, feeling uncomfortable already. He stayed there for an hour but his mother didn't come back and that caused him fear thinking that he was abandoned. He went to the coffee shop where he knew his mother entered but she was not there anymore. He searched for her, thinking that she just went somewhere but because of his cold it just troubled him to go further. As he collapsed on the ground full of snow, a young hand grabbed his own.

"Are you alright? Are you loss?" he asked innocently. Yoongi was not able to answer but that child helped him to stand up and wipe the snow that stick to his clothes. "Are you alone? Where is your mother?" he asked again. Yoongi can't see clearly his face but he was sure it was a boy with the same age as he was.

"My mother... my mother abandoned me." he answered as he wipe the tears from his eyes. "She didn't come back to get me."

"No mother will abandon her child." That child immediately told him and that made him stop from crying. Not because he felt console but he disagree with his words. His biological mother leave him in the orphanage and because of that he live his life together with other children who are abandoned like him. After years and years of waiting a family finally adopted him but it turned out that they are not satisfied with him and so he was abandoned for the second time again. He was an unwanted child and he believe that no one will love him anymore.

"No... they can. Besides she is not my true mother so the more reason she can just throw me away instantly."

"I... I will help you find your mother." that child instantly. "I... I will prove to you that you are not abandoned."

Yoongi's can't think of anything anymore and he just go with the flow. As that child grabbed his hand and walk together in that cold winter day, they both search for his mother. He was new in the area and so he doesn't know his directions. Even his way home is still hard for him. They walk and walk, asked people if they see someone according to Yoongi's description but they just give them a shake of head. Yoongi hold on tightly to the bracelet that he have which he believed can fulfill wishes. The vendor who give it to him said that there are only 2 bracelet like that and one is won by a little boy like him, it can grant wishes and so he keep it to himself.

He was starting to loss hope since they are walking for hours already but they can't find her. He stop from walking making the boy in front of him stop as well. "It's fine... we don't need to search for her. I...I can't walk anymore... my head is aching and it's hard to breathe."

"We must not give up. There are still lots of place that we didn't reach."

"I told you it's fine. She abandoned me already so... why do we need to search for her. I... I am alone again."

"Then what do you call me? I am here so you are not alone and I will not abandon you until we can find your mother."

"I can't walk anymore... I'm tired... I'm sick... I can't go on."

"Then I will carry you." he said. "I will carry you... even I am like this I know I can carry you."

"Eh? Wh...why are you so nice to me? Why are you helping me like this? I am... I am..."

"Cause you are so cute that I can't abandon you."

Without any hesitation that boy lifted Yoongi to his back. With his small body he was able to bring Yoongi for a thirty minutes walk. The boy rested for a moment when a car suddenly stop in front of them and a familiar woman comes down on it. "Oh my god Yoongi it was you." she said as she hug him tightly. "Why did you leave? I told you to wait for me. I am so worried about you. Wa...wait you are so hot. Are you sick? Why didn't you tell me? You should tell me stuffs like you are not feeling well like this. know that I never have a child and so I didn't know what parenting is like but I am trying to learn. I wanted to be a good mother to you so... if ever I am doing things wrong please forgive me." she said all at ones.

" didn't abandon me?" Yoongi asked in whisper.

"Of course not... why will I do that? How will I abandon a child that I choose to adopt? I can't let you enter the restaurant since it was not really a child friendly place and I am just in the second floor of that restaurant when one waiter told me that a little child was searching for me. Did you think I abandon you? I...I'm sorry... I'm really sorry."

Yoongi felt like crying again but he stop himself. He just hugged his mother tightly again and thanked him for everything. After the warm reunion it's time for him to say goodbye to the child that help him all the way. Before he entered the car he give him the bracelet that he was holding on as a sign of appreciation for accompanying him. "Thank you for everything." he said.

When Yoongi get well from his fever, he remembered that he forgot to asked for that boy's name. if he is just living around the corner then he can maybe meet him again but because of his cold that day he can't remember how that little boy looks like. He tried searching for him but he didn't gain any result. He owe him a lot because of his help and he wanted to know him better and be friends with him. Years passed by and he give up on meeting him again until...

"Jungkook, what is this bracelet that you are wearing? It looks good."

"It's a lucky charm. It is said that it can grant wishes. A boy gives this to me when I am still young. I help him and he give this as a present." Jungkook answered. "And this is already old... but It doesn't change even it's been years."

Yoongi can't believe that the world is so small. To find out that Jungkook, his classmate who he has an eye with from the very beginning is the same guy who saves him that worst day of his life. He didn't know what to do first but then as days comes faster, he realized his feelings for Jungkook and just grow stronger until it turned to love.

"I am not sorry for what I did that time. I know that kissing part is not in the script but... Jungkook... I... I like you." Yoongi confessed to Jungkook at the end of the school festival on their second year.

"Yoongi... wh...what is this?"

"Please go out with me." he bowed down and his voice sounded so serious that Jungkook didn't know what to do.

"I...I can't." Jungkook replied.

"Why?" Yoongi asked him again.

"Because... you are just a friend and also... I..."

Yoongi refused to hear the remaining words and told Jungkook that he will not loss hope and will continue to love him. In the day after vacation, Jin confessed his feelings to Yoongi which he rejected instantly since he can only see Jin as a friend to him. He knew that Jin have feeling for him before that day of confession but he just ignore it.

Yoongi also felt bad about rejecting Jin besides him and Jin are been with each other longer than Jungkook but for him he only think of Jin as a younger brother who he need to protect though it's true that he first bully him as well. But then when he was comforted by him his mind change and they get along with each other despite Jin's silent personality. They can easily agreed with each other, they have the same taste in food and also he can talk to him easily and because of a simple confession their friendship leave a crack which he really didn't like and so he decided to talk to Jin and fixed things between the two of them.

"Jin, can we talk?"

"I'm sorry but I will be late for my class." Jin answered instantly.

"There is still 15 minutes before class start... this is just a short talk."

Jin was hesitant but it seems like Yoongi wanted to have that talk so much and so he agreed already. He was sure that it was about the relationship that they have and so he wanted to avoid him. The two went outside of the building and there is an awkward silence between the two. "I'm sorry." Yoongi apologized to him. "I know you are hurt about my answer but... I am serious when I said those words to you. I consider you as a closest friend to me but I can't... I can't see us someone more than that."

"Can you get to the point already. Did you just call me to reject me the second time?" Jin asked him.

"Your behavior is bothering everyone." Yoongi said honestly. "I know it was my fault why you are being like this but then... can't we act normally while we are in front of our friends? No one knows what is going on between the two of us and actually I just don't want to involved others from this mess. The way you avoid me, the way you talk to me... it bothers everyone."

"Everyone or just Jungkook?" Jin asked him back.


"Why? Is there something wrong with what I said? I know you are doing this because Jungkook- didn't want to see us acting this way. In the end you are just doing this because of him. In the end I am just nothing to you... my feelings are nothing to you."

"It's not like that..."

"It is." Jin emphasized. "I'm sorry but I don't think I can comply with what you want. I want to avoid you, I don't want to talk to you... I don't want to be together with you."

"Stop being stubborn already. Why can't we just be back to how we are before? Erase your feelings for me and then let us just go back as friends like we used to be before."

"It's not that easy and you know that better than anyone else. Besides how cruel you can be... ordering me to just erase this feelings? Isn't this your fault? If only you didn't become so nice to me... if only you remain as the bully then... then... things will not end up like this. It's unfair Yoongi. I met you first... I've become friends with you first... I fall in love with you first but why it needs to be Jungkook?" Seokjin asked as tears falls from his eyes and run away. On his way going to the comfort room he bumped into Jungkook who was surprised to see him crying.

"Jin... wh...what happened to you? Why are you crying?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

"It's all your fault... it's all your fault. Yoongi can't love me because you exist! I...I hope you didn't come to our life anymore." Jin shouted back at Jungkook before he run away again from him. Yoongi arrived at the scene and saw Jungkook standing there and shocked.

"Jungkook, are you alright?" Yoongi asked him but before he was able to touched Jungkook the bell rings and he excused himself to go to his classroom. Yoongi is about to leave when he stepped on a bracelet and when he picked it up it was the lucky charm bracelet that he give to the little boy.


"Taehyung, did you see Jungkook?" Namjoon asked Taehyung who was busy writing something on his notes. Their teacher in English scolded him because he was not writing notes and paying attention and so she said that she wanted to see his notebook tomorrow with every lesson they discussed written on it. If he didn't comply, he will be given a punishment and because of that he was in rushed to write everything.

"I don't and I am not the station for missing person so don't asked me." Taehyung answered coldly. "I still have lots to do so I don't have time for you so leave me alone."

"Geez, It's your fault for not writing notes." Namjoon told him. Taehyung heard what Namjoon said and so he gives him a cold glare but as a respond Namjoon just stick his tongue and they move away from him thinking that he was not safe there. He saw Jin and approached him to ask about Jungkook. "Jin, did you saw Jungkook, he is not coming back yet since he went out."

Jin jolted upon hearing Namjoon's question. He remembered what he just did to Jungkook and his conscience was hitting on him. He really didn't mean to shout on his friend but because of his emotion he said such words to him. He just realized he said something bad while classes are going on. Namjoon and Taehyung who was listening secretly to the two noticed about Jin's awkward pause "I.... I don't know." he whispered. "Don't ask me about him maybe he just go to the cafeteria to buy something or to the book store." He stands up and then get his bag. "I...I need to go."

"Eh? Jin... we still have class."

"My head is aching...I...I'll just rest in the infirmary." Jin answered him.

"What is wrong with him?" Namjoon whispered as he crosses his arms into his chest.


Jungkook can still recall in his mind those words Jin leave him behind. His face was full of hatred as if asking and wishing that he should not just exists. It's not the first time he was been talk like that but for a best friend who he spends his spare time with, it's really painful on his part. He went straight to the music room after that and he sit down in the chair in front of the grand piano while he rest his head on it and think of something he should do. "What should I do?" he whispered softly and he startled when he heard the door suddenly opened. "Tae? Is there something you need in the music room?"

"Nothing I just thought someone was lock here and can't go out." Taehyung replied back. "What are you doing here? Is this the new place for people to sleep? Well I can't blame you... this place is clean and also peaceful, a good place to collect your thoughts or skip reality."

"I... I'm cleaning the grand piano." Jungkook lied but Taehyung was obviously not believing his words. "That didn't work well huh." He giggled as he scratched his neck.

"Well if you want me to believe that then I will..." Taehyung answered him. "You are just cleaning the grand piano." He repeated sarcastically. "Namjoon and the others was looking for you so you better come back to them. I become an agent of missing people because everyone was asking me where the hell you are. It's troublesome."

"Really? Sorry about that." Jungkook apologized. "I'm going back then..."

"Is there something wrong? What is bothering you?"

"Jin shouted on me." Jungkook answered. "It's not the first time he did that but... it's the first time I saw his face like that. He was so mad like he didn't want me being alive. Though I kinda know the reason behind it but... I can't do anything at all to help him."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know Jin likes Yoongi, since that time that I transferred to their school I already sense that Jin likes him seriously and madly. But then..." Jungkook paused for a moment before he was able to continue his story. "Can you remember the Pandora play? That time that Epimetheus kiss Pandora?"

"Yeah... It's Yoongi.... Who played that character right?" Taehyung asked him and Jungkook nodded his head.

"After that play, after that day ended Yoongi confessed to me telling me that he likes me and he was seriously... seriously... in love with me." Jungkook confessed. "Of course I was shocked and I didn't know what to say besides... the feeling was not mutual. Yoongi is just a friend to me... he is."

"You rejected him?"

"I did. But he said that he will not give up. Until now, he was doing things for me though I really... didn't like it since I know Jin was hurting. I think Jin already confessed to Yoongi but he rejected him and so... Jin is now... he is mad at me now and I didn't know what to do. Both of them... is suffering because of me." Jungkook muttered and then he felt a flicked on his forehead. "O...ouch... what is that for?"

"Are you a jerk? Do you think everything all over this world always concerns you?" Taehyung asked him back. "Those two are suffering not because of you... it's their own problem so you don't need to think that you are part of it. You are a victim here... you are caught in between."

"But even so... if I didn't do anything those two... our friendship..."

"Your friendship is not so weak to be crumpled by such small matter." Taehyung said. "There's no reason to sulk here and look like an idiot while talking to this piano who will not answer you back even how long you talk to him. Besides I am tired answering question of those people, they always asked me if where are you. What the heck I am? Do we always spend time together?"

"Looking for me?"

"Yeah... and that includes Jin."


"Jin?" Yugyeom uttered as he saw Jin sitting in a bench in the park. He is with some friends but he immediately excuses himself to them to talk to his friend. He taps his shoulder and it seems like he startled him because of his reaction. "What's wrong? Why are you are all alone?"

"Yugyeom... wh....what should I do?" Jin asked.

"Why? Something happened?"

"I... I shouted on Jungkook bu...but I really didn't..." Jin stammered, he can't say the right thing to tell him because his mind is fuzzy and troubled.

"Alright... calm down okay. Breathe in and breathe out before you tell me what's bothering you." Yugyeom instructed and it is something Jin did. He breathe in and breathe out and when he is relax he told Yugyeom about what happened this morning about him and Jungkook and also the situation he is in with Yoongi.

"So you confessed to Yoongi but told you to stop your feeling for him since he is in love with Jungkook-chan who rejected his confession." Yugyeom summarized and Jin nodded his head as an agreement. "What a complicated situation. I just transferred to school and everyone end up like this."

"But I feel guilty about shouting on Jungkook and so... I know it is not his fault actually he is not really concerned about my relationship with Yoongi but then i... I did that."

"Don't worry it's normal to act like that." Yugyeom told him. "You are jealous and so you utter and do things you are not supposed to do because of pulses of emotions that you are feeling inside of you. Love is always a complicated situation and it have the most abundant feeling."

"What should I do then? i... I don't want our relationship to be broken..."

"Jungkook is a nice person and I guess he can understand. But... let us be practical... as long as you love Yoongi you will never have a good relationship with Jungkook. As long as you know that Yoongi cares for Jungkook you will just keep on being envious wishing that you are in Jungkook's side. You can't always gain anything that you want, you also need to sacrifice." Yugyeom explained. "What I am telling is that... you can continue being friends with Jungkook but the relationship that you have already have a cracked and the more you are hurt the more it will grow bigger until separation is the only choice. Not unless something happened in the middle and things change on your advantage."


"Yoongi falls in love with you."

"Th...that's impossible." Jin retaliated. "He was into Jungkook and so..."

"I heard the reason why he was into Jungkook was because he help him when he was young." Yugyeom answered. "Love at first sight maybe..."

"What should I do?"

"Do what do you think is the best... not for all the people involved but for you. What do YOU want to do?" Yugyeom asked him directly.

Jin sigh and then he looked back at Yugyeom. "Can I ask you something? Why did you really transfer school? You never... told us your reason."

Yugyeom was surprised with Jin's suddenly question like it caught him off guard. "I... it's a secret. Oh yeah I need to leave already. I still have my art class. byeee..."


That night Jin think about what he wanted to do. Without thinking anyone else's sake, he just focus on what he, himself, wanted to happened. His feelings for Yoongi is not just a half hearted thing and so forgetting him is really hard for him but his friendship towards Jungkook was also important to him that he can't just let go of it. What weighs more?

The next day Jin summoned Yoongi in the rooftop of the school to have a talk. After an all nighter thinking of what he should do he finally come to conclusion. "I... I'm giving up." Jin told Yoongi. "It's so selfish for me to think that your mind can change when I knew deep inside that it will not. I know that you are really in love with Jungkook so... so... I'll give up."


"Bu...but don't expect that this will be easy for me. You know... my feelings for you is not a wishy washy thing. I am totally serious and so to say this is really...really hard for me. I... I'll give up coz I know it was not only me who was hurting here right? I... I know you too coz w... we are both riding the same boat. I...I'll try my best and so... please be happy." Jin finally said but he can't believe that giving up is really not easy.

"Jungkook is important to me. He is a savior that gives me life when I am about to give up before and so..."

"I understand... I understand that... that is one reason why I come out with this decision. I know I can't win."

"Someday a guy better than I am will come to your life and will love you more than anyone else." Yoongi told him. "Let's go back... 4th class is about to start."

"No... I... I'm going to stay here for a moment. You can go first." Jin said and Yoongi didn't say anything anymore as he go and leave Jin alone. The young boy stayed like that for a moment, without moving, without saying anything. " can I found someone better... wh...when you are already the best?" he whispered.

Yoongi was in silent as he went down the stairs. He pass on Jungkook's class and then he saw him talking to some of his classmates. Since they still don't have class, Yoongi take that as an opportunity to give Jungkook's bracelet back. "Jungkook... I'm just giving you something." Yoongi interrupted them.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked him back and then Yoongi showed him the bracelet that is setting on his palm.

"You left this somewhere. I am here to give this back to you."

"Eh?" Jungkook uttered. "That is not mine."

"What? Isn't this yours? You used to wear this before."

"'s true that I have something like that and I used to wear it before but because of a certain accident mine was broken and I just keep it in a box in my house. I think it is owned by someone else." Jungkook answered him. "Do you want me to help you to find who own that one?"

"There's no need. I know who owned that." Namjoon said as he check the bracelet and he smiled and nodded. "This is definitely HIS bracelet. "

"Who?" Yoongi asked.

"Jin... this is Jin's bracelet." Namjoon revealed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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