Final Good Byes

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I woke up bright and early for the first day of school.  I had a shower and changed into a normal but baggy shirt,  and some tight jeans.

'Thank God this school allows home clothes.  I had to deal with a school uniform in my Junior classes. '

I walked along the corridor which had doors leading to my siblings rooms. It was a bit too early for my little siblings to be awake.  That was my two small sisters and the youngest one,  my little brother who just turned 2 years.  I opened my sisters room and walked in.  I went and shook both of them. They woke up a bit sleepy.

"Hey there baby girls, "I said, a hint of sadness in it.  I would be going to the High School which was apparently a boarding school. So,  this was the only time I would say my good byes. 

They sat up on their beds rubbing their eyes.  "I'm still sleepy," Brianna, the youngest of the two whined.  I chuckled lightly and said, "It won't take long.  I just wanna say good bye to you guys."

All of a sudden,  it was like I just reminded them about my departure. They began whining about it and how I should stay with them. "But I got to go, "I said half-heartedly.  "Okay...., " they both said with their voices low and sad. 

Cee's P. O. V
I had prepared myself for this.  To be strong when I was leaving,  but it seemed so hard.  I could feel a lump forming up in my throat. 

When my tears were forming in my eyes,  I decided to give my sisters my last hugs as I wiped my tears away.  One thing I hate was to express my feelings to anyone..... Absolutely anyone. Not only did I hate it,  but also it was my weakness,  and I don't show my weakness to anyone.... Unless I have to save my life.

When I was done,  I left the girls who immediately went back to sleep,  I walked into my little brother's room.  I found him awake,  and crying softly.

I rushed to him and carried him into my arms.  He held know to my shirt and cried even more.  "Sh....Sh... Hush..., "I said softly as I patted his back.  When he had calmed down,  I sat him on my lap and asked, "What made my little prince to cry? "

He looked into my face,  and said, "I heard what the girls where saying.  Where are you going?  I wanna come to... " Tyler said.

I wanted to cry but it would make him cry too.  I controlled myself and said, "I have to go to school.  But I won't come back till April, but you can come and visit me... "I said making the situation better in any way.  "But I want to go with you, " he whined. 

He looked into my eyes and made a puppy face.  He knew very well that I would always fall for it,  but not this time. I wouldn't want to break his little heart but I had to.  I looked away and said, "Sorry,  not this time. But I promise you, " I said turning my face back to him, " You will come visit me,  okay? " I asked.

He gave my a nod then hugged me.  I greatfully appreciated the hug.  We held know to each other for some time then I broke the hug.  "You should go and sleep now, "I said then he nodded still leaning on my chest. I carried him to his bed and laid him down.  I covered him with his blanket and he started to drift into his sleep.

I was about to leave the room when he said, "Promise? " I smiled lightly and said, "Promise." I saw him smile before he went back to slumber land. 

I closed the door and went down the stairs.  I found my mum and dad in the sitting room.  I smiled at both of them.  "Your mum will be taking you there.  Be a good girl, okay," my dad said. I nodded my head and he stood up. "I will really miss my little pumpkin here at home," with that,  he engulfed me into a hug.  I hugged back and we pulled away after a while.  He kissed the top of my head and I kissed his cheek.

The packing of the luggage in the car was done.  My mum went out first and I followed behind before I stopped.  "Bye Papa, " I said and waved.  "Good Bye little pumpkin," he said waving back.

It wasn't a long nor a short journey there.  It took an hour before we got there.  My mum helped me get my luggage out of the car and when we were done,  she shut the car.  This was going to be the hardest part, telling my mum good bye.  That was why she was given the duty or right to take me to school.

I looked at my mum and jumped on top of her.  She balanced both of us and giggled.  "I'm going to miss you so much Mama, "I said.  "I'm gonna miss you too cutie, " she said over my shoulder.  We held each other for a while before we both pulled away.  She got into the car and started the engine. 

She slowly started to drive away when she waved her hand in the air and said good bye.  I said good bye back and blowed her a kiss in the air.  When she was out of sight,  I looked in front of me.  A huge building written ....


Stood in front of me. 'Hope I don't die before my time in this school, ' I told myself before gathering my stuff and leaving for the Secretary's office for my schedule, dorm room number and the keys.

Author's Note
OK,  I like that for a start.  I would also like to know how you all feel about it.  And sorry for the emotional part,  I'm kinda (Nope hella) emotional,  so that can be relatable.

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