Chapter 3: A Minor Hiccup

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(At noon, Night's POV)

"Dammit! How could she come here !?" Resare asks us, slamming her glass on the table.

"You know, Night's guess was very likely. She's posing as a Haven student." Krystal answers her.

"And not just her. Emerald and Mercury most certainly are, too." I replied. "Clearly, there's something going on." I add

"Now that you say it, it's true. Those Dust robberies, the arrival of Cinder, the reappearance of Emerald ..." Dragon replies. Krystal sighs.

"I can suggest that you go do an investigation after school, if you want. We finish at 4 o'clock." Krystal purpose to us.

"Gladly." I replied.

"It's okay with me." Resare responds.

"Same. But we need a plan." Dragon replied. We all exchanged a look before moving closer.

"Well. Dragon, you go to the CCT, since your uncle works at the police in Vacuo, he has the criminal registers. You ask for the files of the three infiltrators, I will give you their names. And once you've done, you'll join me, I'll need you." I said.

"Got it" Dragon replied, determined.

"Krystal, you're searching the eastern part of town looking for infomations, I'll take care of the western part" I told her.

"Understood" she replied

"And me ?" Resare request.

"See if you can infiltrate a White Fang meeting to extract information. Since Torchwick is working with them, it might be useful to us." I replied.

"However you want." She replied.

"As soon as class ends, we change and off we go." I tell them.

(The afternoon)

It was almost 4 p.m. We were in class with Professor Port, who, once again, was telling his life story. We got so bored that Dragon fell asleep. And as an added bonus, Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury set up behind us.

"Pssst ... Night ..." Emerald calls me. "Say, would you like to go out for a drink after class?" She asks me. I didn't answer. "Uuuhhhhh ... You want to go see a movie, maybe?" She keeps asking me before the bell rings. I get up and start to leave. "Hey, you heared me?" She asks me.

"Huh ? Suggest that to your dark haired mate instead, I have something else planned. "I replied before leaving.

"What's wrong with your brother?" Mercury asks Emerald, who stayed in class.

(In the bedroom)

My team and I returned to the room to change.

My team and I returned to the room to change

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"I almost thought this damn class was never going to end." Resare sighs, putting on a glove.

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