Chapter Twenty-Three

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Seeing Amelia in Black Shadow pack was the greatest surprise i have ever gotten. With the departure of Beth, my life became unbalanced. Our relationship had been strained over two years now and meeting her mate was the push she needed to leave.

When i saw Amelia, i thought i had been imagining things. I thought I was being punished for what I did years ago. I have been assaulted by sudden flashes of her image for years. That was one of the reasons my relationship with Beth became strained. According to her,i had been calling out her name in my sleep and sometimes instead of calling her Beth, I call her Amelia. I have no recollection of times like that.

As if seeing her wasn't surprise enough, she had to give me another bigger surprise. How could she be together with Luke? Luke and I weren't best of friends, but the relationship between our fathers was enough for us to befriend each other.

Amelia was never supposed to get together with him. Its just plain wrong.

Yes, when Beth left, i had plans of finding someone to balance off the change she caused. I wanted someone to help take care of my son. Someone to fill in for all Beth was supposed to do.

I admit, i still love my Beth even if she left me but as an Alpha i have to do what's best for my pack so finding a replacement is necessary.

Amelia would have been perfect. She is my true mate afterall and it is her duty to do what makes me happy. But then I had no idea where she was. I never tried to find her after I banished her.

I regret it.

I regret letting her leave.

I should have kept her in my pack all those years. I should have given secret orders to have her imprisoned somewhere, under my watch.

Then I wouldn't have to search for someone to fill in for Beth, neither would I have to find her here with Luke.

I know Luke has been alone for so long after the death of his mate and he deserves someone new. But Amelia was off limits. She belongs with me with or without love.

How did she even get here?

Has she been here for long?

No I doubt it.

I would have known.

The sound of someone knocking pulled me out of my thoughts. Opening the door, i stare at my father waiting for him to say what he wants.

"Son" he finally broke the silence

"Dad" i said grumpily.

I wasn't in the mood to have a conversation with anyone but this was my father so i couldn't close the door on him.

Our relationship became rocky since i rejected and banished Amelia. We could never be found in the same place unless in the presence of Luke's family or in the presence of our pack. The only thing my father and I felt for each other was tolerance.

"I want to have a word with you" He didn't even give me a chance to reject as he pushed me aside and walked in.

He sat on the bed and patted the space beside him indicating i should sit there but I ignored him, choosing to stand instead

"Do you regret rejecting Amelia?" He asked

"I do not. She wasn't what i wanted. I wanted a warrior like Beth"

"But you do know Amelia has warrior blood. She just wasn't one for violence" he said shaking his head.

"It didn't matter if she had the blood or not, she was not good enough"

"Beth was not good enough. If she was, she wouldn't have left you"

"I don't care if she left me or not i still love her"

"Then why do you want Amelia back if you don't love her"

"She belongs to me. She needs to come back and balance off what Beth left behind"

"Do you mean to tell me that the apology you gave her a few minutes ago meant nothing?"

"Yes father. Giving an apology would have been the easiest way to get her but unfortunately it didn't work how I expected"

"Did you expect her to just jump and accept you just because of an apology?"

"Ofcourse. That's what mate bonds and apologies are for"

"Ryan"My dad had a dissapointing look on his face. "So you don't really want her back as a mate. You don't want her because you regret loosing her"

What was he saying? Why does he have to look at me with dissapointing eyes? I'm doing what's best for the pack.

"The pack can function well without her. Are you really going to tear her and Luke apart?"

"Yes i am"

"Ryan you can't do that."

"Why not?"

"It's obvious your bond with Amelia is already shattered. That's why a mere apology can't sway her under the influence of the mate bond. A bond has already been formed between her and Luke. You just can't come and break them apart after you tossed her away in the first place"

"But she's my mate" i shouted at him.

"That you rejected. She has every right to move on" he shouted back.

"I'm going to get her back"

"For what? You can survive without a mate why do you want to ruin someone else's happiness just for your selfishness."

"How can i survive without anyone to support me?"

"Luke has been surviving without a mate. I forbid you from doing anything stupid. Jeffery is my friend and i can't stand by while you try to ruin his son's happiness. You had her but you cast her away so you have no right to interfere in her life" my father stood up and left shutting the door with a loud bang.

I can't believe even my own father is going stand in my way too. Ever since the first time i rejected Amelia i knew he was disappointed in me and our relationship has been rocky.

But as my father and an ex Alpha, he's suppose to understand why i need someone by my side but then he says i can handle it all without anyone.

Can i really survive without a Luna?

I don't know how Luke did it but I'm sure i can't do it.

I don't care what they all think. I'm getting back what belongs to me.

If no one is going to let me get what i want, i might as well force it. I tried doing it the easy way and since that didn't work out, I was going to do it the forceful way.

There's nothing wrong in marking her. As long as i mark her, a new bond will form and no one would be able to tear us apart anymore.

She deserved this for disgracing me in front of my family and Luke's family. When I get her back, I'm going to give her the punishment she deserves.

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