saturday detention

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eddie was waiting in front of the high school's door wearing an oversized jumper and some cute tight jeans.
he had waken up nearly two hours before, he didn't have a lot to do except from having breakfast, brushing his teeth and getting dressed but he didn't want to be late on his first detention.

he already had messed up enough.

but now it was 7:58 a.m. and richie hadn't even show up. yesterday eddie decided he would wait for richie at the front door so he wouldn't have to walk inside the detention room with everyone staring at him... judging why he was there... what he was wearing... what he was thinking... isn't he the boy who's gay?

he bit his nails nervously and looked at his wrist watch.

8 a.m.

eddie looked at the empty street again and opened the front door sadly.

"of course he would be late." eddie heard his voice saying in his mind. "it's richie 'trashmouth' tozier we're talking about, for God's sake."

eddie kept walking inside the hallway. alone. high school was deserted during the weekend, especially on the very morning.

he was still walking faster because he was late for detention when he felt a hand on his shoulder. eddie screamed terrified it would be some bully or a teacher wondering why he wasn't in detention room and he turned around.

"kaspbrak, nice to see you again." a boy said.

eddie stared at the overweight boy carrying a heavy backpack and smiled shyly. ben looked at his shocked face and smiled back trying to comfort him, which didn't work.

"oh hey ben." he replied after, what seemed, an eternity. "are you...?"

"yeah." ben answered quickly. "caught eating in class." he noticed eddie was trying to hold up his laugh and said: "i know, i know. how typical, huh? the fat boy getting caught eating."

eddie pressed his lips nervously regretting his earlier smile.

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to sound rude i-"

"bitch, what are you doing talking with my boyfriend?!" someone shouted getting near to them.

eddie froze believing he had messed up for talking with ben until he identified the person who had talked.

richie was running towards them and put his arm around eddie's shoulder, pulling him closer.
both eddie and ben looked at each other confused, so richie clarified himself.

"i'm joking, hoes." he said and took his arm away.

eddie knew he had blushed when richie had put his arm around him and when he noticed richie had called him 'boyfriend'. he knew he wasn't talking seriously and that was the way richie always joked but he couldn't help but think that maybe they could...


"so... you're grounded too, haystack?" richie asked after noticing nobody was about to talk.

suddenly, eddie remembered why he was running and saw the time on his watch: 8:12 a.m.

"shit! we're late!" he said alarmed.

richie looked at him and shrugged.

"then there's only one thing we can do, the same i do while studying: if the time has passed, we have to wait for the next hour." richie suggested.

eddie and ben made eye contact and sighted, tired of richie's stupid ideas.

"we've to skip detention, losers." he talked again. "it's the only way we don't get caught."

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