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eddie walked inside richie's house while staring at the decoration: the living room was barely empty except for a big luxurious sofa and a giant TV in front of it. there were a few pictures on the light-red painted walls but eddie thought it looked cute.

"so... this is your house." eddie said admiring it.

"yep." richie confirmed walking in front of him. "you see this sofa over there?" he said pointing the piece of furniture.

"yes. what about it?"

richie took a deep breath before talking again, creating a tense pause. then he finally said:

"i fucked your mom there."

then, he just walked away.

eddie grossed out and, without noticing it, he took his inhaler out and breathed from it.

"that's gross." he replied walking after richie. "you know that's exactly what made Henry punch you, right?"

richie turned around dramatically and shook his head.

"actually you're the reason why i got into that fight."

eddie rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. he couldn't believe richie was blaming him now for his stupid ideas.

"hey hey don't get mad at me." richie continued. "i meant i did it for you."

"you what?"

richie made one step closer to eddie and he gulped. he didn't know why but richie could made him change his attitude so quickly it was kinda scary.

"i know what Henry and his gang did to you in the dinning room four days ago-"


"-'cause they did the same thing to me one year ago." richie confessed.

eddie's words were gone. he just stared at richie trying to understand if he was being serious right now.

richie was getting more nervous as the seconds passed by and eddie was still staring at him. he didn't know if he had misunderstood the situation and what they did to eddie wasn't the same thing he went through but he had to know.

he had to know if they were taking advantage of the sweet boy.

"you're hungry?" richie asked trying to change the topic.

eddie kept looking at him, intrigued. if somebody actually touched richie against his will he needed to know for sure. 'what if they did... more?'

"i actually prefer to keep talking about this." eddie finally said.

richie sighed and walked towards the sofa. he felt eddie following his steps and joined him on the comfortable sofa.
he didn't want to talk about it, especially because it was a thing of the past, but he wanted to help eddie somehow.

"i'm just going to spit it out, okay?" eddie said quickly.

"i didn't know you were that kind of guy, eds. i thought you preferred to swallow-"

"fuck you. i'm not doing this." he said annoyed.

richie tozier could never take anything seriously and he knew that. it was useless to talk with him about that kind of stuff; so he stood up from the sofa and walked away until he felt richie's hand on top of his.

eddie turned around and glazed at the cute black curly-haired boy.

"i'm sorry." he apologized. "i'll take it seriously, i promise. just... don't leave. please."

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