Chapter 40 - Killer

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It takes us less than an hour to get ready for the raid. After Key told us earlier in church that he got a notification about Crusher, Snake's VP being spotted in town, we were immediately spurt into action.

Firstly, we sent two of our brothers to scout the place Crusher was seen at. As soon as Zombie and Hawk went to the bar, they found out that not only Crusher has been there, but also Snake.

They're here.

The moment our Prez heard the report, he was sent into a fucking frenzy to hunt the two fuckers down. But since that meant leaving his pregnant wife, he decided to call our trusted sister here. She's the only person that can protect the women and not raise any suspicions. The ladies are quite strict about not letting any of us guys join them in the beauty room or even watch over them on their 'ladies' nights'.

When we knew our women are safe, we derived a plan on how to get Snake and his VP. Since the bar they were seen at is close to Jen's diner, which is well equipped with cameras and is located right across the street from Ink's parlor and Wrench's car shop, we could easily set up a trap in case those two show up at the bar again.

From what the bartender told Hawk and Zombie, Snake was asking around about us. He wanted to know if there are any places regularly visited by the ladies of the club. Those fuckers wanted to target our women! They're dead men walking!

As soon as we heard that those two shitheads wanted to use our women to get to the club, we decided to get serious. There's no time to play hide-and-seek with them anymore. They're in our town, targeting our women!

"Key, where are they?" Tank asks as he checks his gun before tucking it in his waistband.

"Leaving town. Heading west, down the 151." Key responds, checking his computer. Since he's our tech guy, he doesn't really partake in the raids or gun runs, usually coordinating everything from behind the screen of his laptop.

I check my gun and knives one last time, barely stopping myself from marching downstairs to see my Cupcake before leaving. But I can't do that. I don't want to worry her. If I showed myself to her in this state, she would immediately notice how agitated I am. I want her to enjoy her night with the ladies, not worry about me.

"Okay. Guys, this is the chance we've been waiting for. Let's not let it go to waste. Those fuckers are not slipping from our hands again!" Tank yells, getting a salute from us before we march outside to our bikes and trucks.

Half of us are going south to block Snake and Crusher's escape route, while the other half is going to chase them straight into the trap. I'm in the first group, along with Knife, Wolf, Gun, Texas, Tiny, Don and Blood. We race through the streets like madmen to overtake the two assholes before they get too far.

Thankfully, the two idiots are using a car instead of their bikes and it slows them down a bit. If we keep the pace, we'll manage to get them soon. Key is constantly giving Gun directions on where the fuckers are, so we know exactly where we're going to intercept them.

When we reach the intersection where we're supposed to stop the two assholes, we quickly dismount our bikes and set up the spike strip across the road. We'd rather not risk getting run over.

There's an abandoned farm right by the road, which is why we chose this spot to get Snake and Crusher, and once the spike strip is laid down, we get our guns ready and hide behind the barn, waiting for our victims. Since every other route is blocked, the assholes have no choice but to come straight here.

"I see them." Tiny says through the comm.

"ETA?" Gun asks.

"One minute."

One minute before we finally get them. Sixty seconds before I can release all the pent-up tension and let the beast loose.

"Thirty seconds."

I take a deep breath, eradicating all thoughts from my head and concentrating on the thirst for revenge. I had to leave my little Cupcake for a while because we had to deal with those fuckers, only to find them gone. Then they were hiding for months, like cowards, and we were all on pins and needles as we searched for them.

"Ten seconds."

My whole body is coiled tightly, ready to unwind and make Snake and Crusher taste blood.

"Five seconds."

The sound of screeching tires reaches us right on time as the car swerves uncontrollably across the road before ending up in the ditch on the side. As soon as we move from our hiding spot, the two fuckers get out of the car and open fire at us. Fuck, now we're on defense.

"Stay covered and let them shoot! They're gonna run out eventually." Gun orders loudly over the sound of gunshots. Fuck! If only Tank didn't want them alive!

Snake and Crusher keep firing in our direction as they run down the road, still trying to get away from us. Cowards.

I grunt at the sudden pain in my leg, catching Don's attention.

"Shit! Killer's hit! – he yells into the radio – Get Doc here ASAP!" He takes off his belt and wraps it around my thigh, slowing down the bleeding. "Stay still, brother, the bullet's still there. I don't think it hit anything vital, but we need Doc." He calmly states, used to such scenes from his time in the army.

"Fuck, I'm hit too! – Gun yells suddenly then grabs his radio – Fuckers have a rifle! We got to retaliate!" He shouts as Wolf goes to him.

I don't hear the response, but the sound of Harleys heading our way is unmistakable. Finally! They sure took their time.

"Killer, stay awake. Don't you dare close your eyes." I hear Don say worriedly, but I only give him an annoyed grunt.

"I'm fine."

"Sure you are. – he chuckles, making me glare at him – Come on, brother, let's move you out of sight." He helps me scoot over so I'm hidden behind a brick wall. Damn those fuckers, they got me and Gun through the thin wall of the barn. Fuck!

Our brothers rain fire on the two assholes and easily take them down as two loud thumps resound when their bodies hit the ground. It takes only a moment for Doc to come to us, only to come to conclusion he can't treat us here. Both Gun and I are dragged to the SUV parked on the road before Wrench drives us back to the compound, leaving the rest of our brothers behind to deal with the mess.

"What about those two?" Gun questions, panting slightly as he clutches onto his side.

"Alive. But there's a problem." Wrench groans.

"What is it now?!" I snarl, already feeling my blood boil.

"The guy with Snake wasn't Crusher."

"WHAT?!" Both Gun and I yell furiously.

"It wasn't the VP. We still got to find him." Wrench sighs in frustration.

I grip onto my leg, deciding to concentrate on the pain I'm feeling and not the fear that threatens to suffocate me.

Crusher wasn't with Snake!

He's still on the loose!

Fuck! What if he goes to the clubhouse?!

The ladies are in danger!


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