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What a plot twist you were


It was mid January and Iris was freaking out. Audrey was getting married in less than a week and Iris hadn't thought of how she would make her toast. She honestly didn't want to do it. She didn't want to be maid of honor, she didn't want to give a speech and she didn't want to tell George that she couldn't talk.

The two hadn't met since the Christmas party. They had been Owling each other a lot but they never really met up. George was busy with his work and his brother's wedding and Iris, though less busy than George, never asked him to meet up because she was terrified of telling him.
The girl felt like she couldn't be herself without her voice and although it was far from true, nothing could change her mind.

She was sitting in her apartment, finishing up the last of her speech. The girl could've easily just told one of the bridesmaids to give a speech instead of her but she knew how much it meant to Audrey and she knew how much it meant to Iris that one of her best friends was getting married.

So, she sucked it up and wrote down her heart warming speech and though it had come out beautiful, the girl was scared to deliver it. Her only option was to ask her sister to read it on her behalf.

It was mid January and George was freaking out. Percy was getting married in less than a week and George hadn't thought of how he would communicate with the large gathering. He honestly didn't want to do it. He didn't want to be a part of the wedding, he didn't want to talk to his friends, teachers and family from Hogwarts and he didn't want to tell Iris that he couldn't hear.

George made up a lot of excuses about work and his family to avoid meeting Iris in person but at the date approached closer, George realized that it was inevitable. If the two kept owling each other the way they did, he would eventually have to have a full conversation with her in person.

The thought of it made him scared. He was nervous because he felt like without his hearing, he was becoming a burden to his friends and family and though it was far from the truth, nothing could change his mind.

He was sitting with Fred, talking about the wedding when the twin brought up Iris.
"Are you both really never going to talk in person?" Fred asked, his voice booming through the apartment.

"No. I'd rather not" George said in a low voice, low for him at least.

"Idiot! Just be yourself and if she doesn't like you for who you are then she doesn't deserve you"

"I honestly couldn't hear anything after 'Idiot!'" George told his twin who repeated his sentence for him.

"I can ask you to repeat things for me but other people get frustrated having to say it again and again" George was genuinely sad. He felt bad enough having his brother say everything twice as many times and twice as loud, having someone he just met repeat themselves again and again just because his bloody ear didn't work didn't seem fair to George which was again completely false.

"Come on Georgie! I thought you were a Gryffindor!" Fred chuckled, "You have nothing to worry about"

The dreaded day came sooner than Iris expected. She was standing in front of the mirror wearing a simple red net sleeved full length dress, her hair in a loose bun and a white scarf placed over her shoulders elegantly.

Before her stood Audrey, smiling at herself in a big blush colored gown. It was off the shoulder with big puffy sleeves and a puffy skirt.

Her hair fell over her shoulders ever so gently and she carried herself full of grace.

Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now