do IT! (part one.)

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Awakened by the sunlight shining down into my eyes, I sat up in bed. Squinting my eyes. Placing a hand on my head, I could feel a deep pounding in my head. Throwing the covers off of me I slide out of bed. Walking to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I could have sworn that I jumped out of my own skin. My face looked T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. My hair was out of place, I had dark circles under my eyes. Splattering water on my face I walk out of the bathroom, not wanting to look at that horrible sight again. Looking down at my shirt I could see multiple stains. And suddenly I remember a little bit of what had happened last night.

I was kissing him. Conner, his lips were hot on mine. Just like that dream I had when I kissed him. It just felt so much more real, well duh. Because IT was real. He was touching me. Pulling himself closer to me. When, Zac. Of course being the obnoxious person he was interrupted me, as usual. 

He had the exact same attitude Jenn did when she got mad when I didn't tell her something. So over protective, and nosy!  I hated it. But then, after a while of being at the club, and my stubborness of not wanting to leave Zac left. He left ME, all alone with Conner. Not that it was exactly a bad idea, or aynthing. I had waited how long for this? Forever!  We kissed for quite a long time. But nothing else happened, at least I don't think so... 

Throwing the shirt off and onto the floor, I grab a new shirt, and check my cell phone. 

Hey Sexy! (;

Message from:Zac

Sent at:8:21 A.M

Eh…Zac, never called me sexy. And, last night from what I remember he was pretty angry with me. Maybe he sent it to the wrong person or seomthing? I text him back, and hear a knock on the door.

"Yeah, Wait a second. I'll be right there!" Throwing the phone onto my bed, I hurry up and slide a pair of sweatpants on and run to answer the door. 

"Hey you." Conner said walking in. "I got you breakfast." He held up a brown paper bag. Which smelled of donuts and coffee. 

"You know I hate coffee…right?" I asked him. 

"Duh, I got the coffee for me. Silly goose. Since I'm going to be starting here soon, I decided that I should start drinking some caffeine. Can't be falling asleep on these college students now!" 

"Yeah I guess so." Sitting down at the table, Conner takes his coffee out and throws the bag onto the table. Looking up at him I notice that he doesn't look like he has a headache or any pain at all. " Don't you hurt?"

"Me? No! Oh Drew." He smiled at me. "Last night was your first time drinking…wasn't it?" 

"It was." I say, taking a bite out of a chocolate sprinkled donut.

"It happens. You'll get used to it."

"So…..Did we like…do anything last night?" My face blushes red, as I continue eating my donut.

Laughing for a few seconds he looks at me, and takes a sip of his coffee. "Drew… the only thing we did last night was kissing trust me. And I wasn't going to push you to do something you didn't want to do. Besides, I couldn't take advantage of a poor little wasted boy. What fun is that, you'll enjoy it much more when you aren't drunk."

"You're sure?" 

"I wouldn't make that all up, would I?"

"How did we get home then?"

"A cab. I brought you up here, and I accidentally woke Zac up, but he insisted that I go home and sleep, so I let him take care of you." 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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