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TIME: 1:32 (AM)
DAY: August 14th, Friday
POV: Tsuyu Asui

"Tsu! C'mon, we need to find these villains!" Ochako shouted. She was standing near a bunch of trees with her back turned against them.

A few students from class 1-a, including me and Ochako taking a walk when we spotted a small group of people who were apart of The League of Villains. Everybody split up, me and Ochako went after the villain known as Himiko Toga since we had fought her before.

"Coming! Kerro." I shouted back at her. I took a look at my surroundings to make sure there wasn't any villains around. When suddenly an ear-splitting scream came from where Ochako was. My head shot up and I pulled myself into th direction where the scream was heard, running as fast as I could. 'Is she okay?!' I continued running up the path where Ochako should be.

"Dammit! Why was she so far ahead of me?!" I breathed out in desperation. When suddenly I paused in my tracks.

"Hey Tsu!~ Hope you don't mind, but I just couldn't help myself! People always look so much cuter when they bleed a little more!" The happy blonde girl smiled, holding a small knife with blood drenched on its blade.

I looked away from the psychopath in front of me, and glanced down at the floor next to her.

There she was. Laying there, motionless and lifeless.

Red blood dripping down from a stab wound in her forehead.

I couldn't scream. I couldn't cry. All I could do was stare at her dead body, knowing I would never be able to see her smile ever again. I would never be able to hear her sweet angel-like laugh. Never get to see how her eyes lit up when she was excited. I'd never be able to tell her.. that I loved her.

I shot up in my bed, sweat dripping down from my forehead, tears forming in my eyes.

That dream.. it felt so real. Is.. is Ochako okay? Is she still alive? Was that even a dream?!

Troubled thoughts raced through my mind as I instantly got up from my bed, knocking over one of my pillows in the process. Since I regularly slept with shorts and no shirt, I grabbed a green hoodie I had lying around and messily threw it on and zipped the zipper up. Then I ran towards my door and opened it before quickly closing it. I was in such a rush that I didn't even flinch when I heard the loud bang of the door closing.

TIME: 1:47 (AM)
DAY: August 14th, Friday
POV: Ochako Uraraka

Sleeping was something I couldn't really do very well. I would usually take pills that helped me fall asleep quickly but I ran out 2 days ago and I just couldn't afford to buy any more. I guess I would just have to live with it. Ever since I ran out I would just sit on my bed and play games on my phone until I drifted off to sleep. That usually doesn't happen for another hour so I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with the insomnia for now. I usually just scroll through Instagram so it isn't really any fun. But hey, it makes me fall asleep eventually so I guess it's fine.




Who in their right mind would be knocking on my door at 1 in the morning..?! With a sigh I set down my phone and walked over to the door and opened it slowly.

"Oh! Hey Tsu- wait what's wrong?!" This wasn't something I was expecting. Tsuyu, My best friend, was standing at my door, shaking and with tears streaming down her face.

"I.. I had a bad dream and I.. I wanted to make your you-you were okay.. I can- go-.. go now." She said in between sniffs. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and turned away to leave.

I grabbed her wrist. "No, no it's okay. Do you want to stay here tonight?" I offered without thinking.

Waitwaitwaitwait. No Ochako why did you do that? She's gonna suspect you like her now!! Wow, and to think your crush would find out you liked her all because-

"Sure.. if you don't mind, that would really help me out." The greenette said while fiddling with the sleeves of her hoodie. I gave her a soft smile and pulled her in and shutting the door behind her.

"We can sleep in the s-same bed or I can sleep on the floor.. whatever you want!" I offered, my face already turning a light shade of pink.

"If your comfortable with it, could we sleep in the same bed? I'd feel better with someone to be able to sleep next to.. kerro." Tsuyu asked. I smiled once again with a nod. I led her in the direction of my bed and sat down.

My bed wasn't exactly very big so when she got in next to me our bodies were close. Noticing how close we actually were, my face turned pinker. If possible. I listened to her steady breathing while I tried to calm my own breath down. I don't want her to have any more reason to suspect I have a crush on her! We stayed silent for a few minutes, but I still had one question on my mind. 'What was her dream about? Was it about me..? I mean, why else would she come here if it wasn't about me??' Questions flooded my mind until I just had to ask her. Her head was near the crook of my neck and I had my arm around her waist since I was trying to comfort her. And not to mention it was more comfortable that way. So I took my hand that was by her waist and brushed my fingers through her long green hair that wasn't in a bow anymore before asking my question.

"What was your dream about, Tsu?" I asked her. She visibly tensed up at this question. I stroked her hair again trying to calm her nerves. It seemed to work.

"Well.. let's just say you got hurt." She answered. Hurt? like in a villain attack or something maybe? "Y'know Ochako, I really do care about you. Kerro." The black eyed girl said.

"I care about you too, Tsu." If she could see my face right now, she would be able to see how red it was. But since it was dark and she had her face in my neck she wasn't able to tell.

"And.." She sat up. I sat up as well, so that I would be facing her. I noticed a pink blush spread across her cheeks.. 'that's weird.' "I just.. ah.. fuck it." I opened my mouth to ask what she meant, but I couldn't. She grabbed the collar of the pink shirt I was wearing and pulled my face close to her face. Now my heart was beating out my chest. Thump, thump, thump. Both of our faces we probably a matching shade of red as the green haired girl leaned in and closed the small distance there was between us.

I melted into the kiss and immediately started kissing back. After about 30 seconds, we both pulled away. She let go of the collar to my shirt. It was still dark, but I could see I small smile on her face. I inched closer to her and grabbed her arm before pulling her down to lay next to me on the bed facing each other. I smiled at her again. I can't help it, she's adorable and I guess I just smile every time I see her.

"Can we do this all the time?" She asked after a minute of comforting silence.

"Do what?" I questioned.

"I don't know.. kerro. Can we just.. sleep like this every night? Can we.. kiss and cuddle like couples do.." she whispered that last part but since we were so close I heard her.

"Are you asking me out?"

"Yeah, I am. But you don't have to say yes if you don't want to! I just wanted to be able to ask you!" She quickly explained in a panic. I laughed slightly. Hearing me laugh she seemed to relax a bit.

"Yes Tsuyu. I'll be your girlfriend."


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