"I know .."

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Clarke :

" It doesn't matter " I mutter as I walk farther away from the crowd .

"Clarke ."
I hear my name and instantly know it's Bellamy . He walks over to me and I wrap my arms around him .

A couple tears stream down my face .
" Bellamy I -" I start

"I know . there wasn't another way. we all tried . you gave him a better way out" he says before I could get anything else in.

" I want you to know the reason I kissed him was becau-" I start again releasing from the hug and looking at him. I was shorter then him so I always had to look up .

" Clarke I know " he says with a gentle voice . I couldn't tell if he was ok with it or he didn't want to show it. "

"Your not mad at me ? " I asked
" It's what he wanted . he deserved it " he says and I kiss him. The second my lips touch his he kissed back .

In that moment he was all I wanted .
I deserved one moment of happiness and I was always cheated out of it .
And love certainly wasn't in my side . and I guess when survival takes up all your life you don't have time for it .

But I always craved championship with someone , I'd never admit it .
Because I was known as the on who could take matters into her own hands . who didn't need another person.
But independence had it's flaws .
I had my flaws . And Bellamy had his . so did everyone else .

But right now all thoughts of survival and Mt weather were gone.

As we part from the kiss he places is forehead on mine .

" When does life get easy ? " I ask and I see him smile.

" I don't think it ever does princess . "

"Clarke , their leader wants to talk . they want to have a meal of peace now that this is over " Abby says interrupting the moment I wasn't ready to leave .

I sighed as Bellamy nodded and we both walked with my mom . I see Ravin trying to be calmed down .

I felt like a terrible person every time I think of her .

I shake it from my memory and keep walking forward. you can't walk back or stand still . Not anymore. this was earth . and earth was not what I read in the books .

( bellarke moment because the 100 is on soon ! Feed back people ! )

Survivors ( bellarke  fanfic )book 2Where stories live. Discover now