You're Not Alone Anymore

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              Jotaro's bleary eyes opened to the darkness of the hotel room. His reality shifted from his fitful dreams to the small room shrouded in shadow, the only sound being the metallic hum of the air conditioner, the thump of feet in the hallway, and the occasional honk of a car on the streets outside. The small red numbers on the radio flashed the time: 1:13 AM. Thinking nothing of it but another sleepless night, Jotaro groaned and turned over, hugging the rough bedsheets closer to keep out the icy cold air, and heaving a sigh. However, as the steady hum of the air conditioner died down, his ears pick up again what woke him from his fitful rest.

It was you. Even through the dark haze of the room, he could see your tensed-up form. During the sign-in process, Joseph had accidentally written your name next to Jotaro's instead of the next one down, switching you and Kakyoin. However, all of you were too tired and exhausted to care, and just wanted to crash on the beds to get the few precious hours of sleep you could before heading out the next morning. After everyone's showers, Avdol did a last-minute check to make sure everyone was safe before saying goodnight.

Jotaro did not meet you until you transferred to his school during senior year. The two of you took aquatic science together, however, there was no interaction except for a few glances. That is, until Kakyoin manipulated the school nurse with Heirophant Green, entangling you in this strange journey to save Jotaro's mother. Your stand ability had been useful, and nobody had any real objections to you coming with the group. The first time Jotaro saw you, he had to force himself to not stare. A raised, angry scar marred your face, stretching across your nose and down the side of your face. Even more unusual, no one in the school dared say anything about it. When you walked the hallways, the other students parted for you like a school of fish making way for a shark. You were not a delinquent like him, you were very respectful to your teachers, and Jotaro never saw a bad grade passed your way. So, why was everyone so afraid of you?

At the Kujo residence, he finally asked you about the scar, but you said it had just been "a bad accident." The answer was vague, but he didn't push any further. It was obvious it was something you weren't willing to elaborate on, and he didn't care enough to waste his time asking. However, as the journey trudged on, you two had grown a mutual respect for each other. You had each other's backs, Jotaro had risked his life to save you, and you had risked yours for him. Even though neither of you talked much, you were comfortable around each other. You felt safe around him, and he was comforted by your steadfast presence and steely resolve. As the group drew closer to Egypt, the days got longer and hotter. As much as you didn't want to, the heat forced you out of your school uniform and into more comfortable clothes.

When you stepped out of your hotel room in Calcutta to meet with the group before heading out, Jotaro realized why you had such a branding scar, why the students parted the hallways, whispering in hushed voices and sparing side glances your way, and why no one dared to say anything to you at all. Peeking out from your tank top, across the expanse of your back was a tattoo of a blue dragon fighting a tiger, entangled in a tango of fangs and death. He thought he saw those colors on your skin, peeking out behind your hair when you twisted your neck as you drove the car the others were piled into, as you all took turns on driving duty. He told himself he was just seeing things and pushed it from his mind. Feeling eyes on you, you turned to see Jotaro and Kakyoin staring at you. They knew you knew, and you knew they knew. As the group disbanded from their meeting, setting out to put their plan in action, Kakyoin came to your side to ask the dreaded question.

"Are you... you know-"

"No. Not anymore," you replied quickly, ending any further discussion as you walked ahead of them.

Jotaro eyed your form in the twilight, the only light coming from under the door. Your sleep-muffled voice pierced the silence of the room. It came in strained mutterings, your vocalizations dripping with fear and panic. Every so often, your limbs would twitch violently.

You're Not Alone Anymore (Jotaro Kujo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now