~Chapter 11~

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A/N: Hey Guys! Sorry it's been a day or two, school started back today :( I hopefully will have time to write some more chapters soon. Maybe this weekend. Ok! Back to da story! With love xo


~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

Today's the day, I'll get to see her. I don't care what people say. She's not crazy. She's never tried to hurt me. She was provoked.

School goes by in a flash. I don't really listen to what my teachers are saying, I just copy the notes and run out of the building.

One of the football players stops me. It's the one that asked if Grace was coming to the game last week. Pretty sure his name is Ryan.

"Um, hey Mikey. I just wanted to say, on behalf of the other guys, that we're really sorry about what happened to Grace. We didn't think she was gonna flip like that."

I just nod and keep walking. Nothing can bring me down. Not even some football players that have the hots for Grace.

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

Mikey is coming today. I can't wait. I pace around my room, waiting for 4:00. When my guard finally comes in, I'm up on my feet, ready to go.

I brushed my hair for at least 10 minutes while waiting, it's been a nest ever since I got here.

The guard takes me through the same halls he did yesterday, and I walk into the social room. I thought I would have to see Mikey through the glass since he's not family?

I shoot the guard a questioning look, but he ignores it and shuts the door behind him. He didn't stay in here yesterday.

Must be a non-family thing.

The door finally opens, revealing a nervous Mikey. I can relate, the guards are pretty buff.

My frown melts when I see him. I run into his arms. He holds me tight, and I don't want to let go. He eventually pulls back, and sighs.

"I haven't been able to see you at all, It's been driving me crazy! Oh god, that probably wasn't the right word to use." He says.

I laugh, god I never realized how lonely I felt. "I missed you too, and it's fine. I've been called worse. So what's happening at school?"

He laughs. "Homecoming is in 2 weeks or so, and there are posters EVERYWHERE! And guess who's running?" I groan. "The Queen, of course. What about Homecoming King? Let me guess, Ben?" Mikey laughs with me. "Duh. It's always the worst people."

I nod and notice the mirror on the other side of the room. It takes up the entire wall, from the ceiling down. "What?" Mikey asks.

"It's one of those one-sided mirrors. There usually isn't someone on the other side, unless the inmate is unstable or about to be released. In my case, it could be either."

Mikey looks confused.

"How do you know someone is on the other side?" I point at the camera in the corner. "They have the regular cameras for monitoring, but this one records. And when the blue light is on, it's active."

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

The blue light was on.

"Why does any of this matter? They're probably checking to see if you're, ya know, nuts. Plus I'm not family. They're just being cautious." I put my hand on hers and she looks back at me.

"You're right, I'm just being hopeful. I know they won't-" she stops as the door opens, revealing a doctor.

He motions is to follow him, and we do. I notice the guard follows us, close enough to grab Grace if she does anything, which I know she won't.

"Hello Mr. Murphy. Hello Ms. Foster. I am Dr. Tellud. I specialize in teen minds and the violent thoughts that occur in them." Grace jumps up in anger.

Her guard forces her back into the seat, and handcuffs her to it, for good measure. I hate seeing her like this. She looks so trapped.

"As I was saying, violence can be caused without a trigger, but it's extremely difficult. I have read your file, Ms. Foster. I realize that all of your 'attacks' have one thing in common. You are provoked, and your body goes into a panic. This is called 'fight or flight' mode. Most people flee when danger appears. But you, my dear, only fight. You have never fled from conflict, have you?" Grace stays silent.

"I think I may have a solution to that. You need to channel your anger somewhere." She snorts. "I've tried every sport, none worked. I was pretty good at Karate though."

Dr. Tellud's expression doesn't change. "Not every sport, my dear. I have entered you in a Kick-Boxing competition this Saturday. By then, you will need to go to practices, learn the legal moves, and not punch anyone outside of the ring. Got it?"

Grace stares in disbelief. "You're letting me out? Why? I thought you were convinced that I'm crazy!" Dr. Tellud smiles just a little.

"No one is crazy in my book. Just misunderstood. One last thing." She groans. Now he really smiles. "I want you to spend more time with this boy. He's an excellent influence. And he seems to be immune to your rage. Keep him close, and good luck."

We get up to walk out. "And Grace? If you don't place at least 3rd, you're back in here for good."

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