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Lunch is just starting and I'm currently walking with my girlfriend, Marella. She wasn't going to be sitting at our lunch table today, so I decided that I'd at least walk her to lunch to get to spend some time with her. Marella had gone pretty silent recently. Ever since Havenfield burnt down she had gotten more afraid of her powers and didn't like to be near fire at all. Me and Linh tried to help her and remind her it wasn't her fault any of this happened, but she still felt partially guilty about what happened Saying that she felt the need to repay Sophie for everything she'd done for her.

I have to admit I feel the same. Sophie has done so much for me and Linh that it felt like what I was doing wasn't enough.  Every time I did something, Sophie was doing something big somewhere else, with me or without. When Sophie got hurt, I think everybody felt the weight of it on their shoulders. Everybody has had something good happen because of Sophie, and her being hurt wasn't fair.

"Hey." I whispered to Marella. "You may not want to believe me, but it really wasn't your fault. You weren't able to control what happened."

Marella just nodded her head and walked over to her table with Maruca. Signing, I went over to my table and sat down next to Dex and Linh. 

Seeing everyone else with couples and Linh not, did make me feel a little over protective. I was a little mad at Fitz for what he did to Linh, but I respect him as much as I can. If I were in his situation, I probably would of just walked out of the closet and told her I didn't have a crush on her. But, because she is my sister, I still don't trust him with Linh's feelings anymore.

"Hey." Linh said.

"Hi." I answered.

"So, whats up with Marella?"

"Not much."

"Hey, so Tam. I was thinking, since we don't know whats happening with the Neverseen at all and don't know when their next attack is going to be, I was thinking that maybe you could ask glimmer about it?"Dex asked.

Glimmer. A former Neverseen member before she escaped the Neverseen together after putting Keefe in his coma. She still didn't feel comfortable showing her face to anyone else. Even Linh. I tried to get her to take off her mask many times, or at least talk to everyone. But she always refused. What was also weird was that every time I brought up Sophie, Glimmer would get really fidgety and either make up and excuse to leave the room or change the subject. I tried questioning her about it once, and she said it was just because she was the moonlark and then changed the subject.

"Sure." I said.

We all started eating our food, with small talk between me and Linh when all off a sudden I noticed everybody staring at something. No on else at the table noticed, so I turned and locked eyes with Marella. She pointed her head in the direction of the door, but I couldn't see what was happening. I turned and looked at Biana and pointed towards the door. Biana looked over and dropped her fork.

"Biana. is every-" Fitz was cut off.

"OMG! SOPHIE!" Biana screamed and ran over to the door. 

Everyone but Biana went still, and not a second later Fitz snapped out of his daze and realized what Biana had just yelled and immediately ran after.

Everybody else followed, and soon we were all running. When we caught up I couldn't believe my eyes. Here was Sophie, right in front of me in the cafeteria. Me and Linh stayed back from the hugs, but Biana didn't even care. Once Biana was done Fitz went up and hugged her. They stayed like that for about a second before Fitz kissed her. I looked over at Linh, and could tell she felt hurt, but when they broke apart, she tried to cover it up.

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