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-Honey, are you awake? - I ask softly with a kiss on his cheek. He smiles as always. My lovely husband. We have been married for two years now and yes, we are happy. Ed turns to me and opens an eye -Are you alright, honey? - He places his hand on my belly - Is it our baby? - He is overprotective and I grin -We're both fine- And Ed gives me a sweet kiss and holds me. - I am huge! - I say laughing and he caresses my hair - You are perfect - He says and that is exactly how he treats me since we met. I look at him - I was thinking about my friends, you know? - I say and maybe it's Christmas or maybe it's the whole baby coming soon but I feel extra emotional. -What about your friends? - Ed asks me softly, pulling me close so I rest my head on his chest and it must be midnight. I lost track of time.

 - I think we should invite them over - I say and Ed laughs - Am I not enough now? - He says joking and I kick him - Silly! I just miss them and yeah, we have been talking but I haven't seen them since we moved! - I make my puppy eyes and Ed smiles - Noelle Sheeran! You know I can't resist that look! - And he kisses me - So we're having guests for this Christmas? - I ask with a shy smile and he nods - I say we do! I can even invite the boys! - And I clap happy - I will arrange the trip as soon as I can- I say excited and Ed chuckles - I think you already bought the tickets! - He knows me so well. - We'll have a great week! - I grin widely and Ed feels our baby kick - I think even she is excited as her mom! - And I hug him tight - Well she knows she has the best dad so... - And Ed kisses me as we fall asleep.

 -Did you get it? - Ģhărãm asks Shivani happily over the phone - I can't believe she invited us to spend Christmas over there! - Shivani says surprised. -That's Noelle! We're spending a New York Christmas! - Ģhărãm squeals from excitement and Shivani laughs - Someone is at the door, I will meet you at the airport, ok? - And they hang up. When Shivani opens the door, Martina is jumping along with Salam -I can't believe she did it! - Salam says loud and they hug each other - You're happy jumping without me? - Maia asks joking and they hug her too. -Are you ready for an epic Christmas? - Maia asks and the girls go yay. They haven't seen Noelle for a long time. They were best friends but when Noelle decided to move with Ed to another country, the group was split. The girls receive the tickets with a special note from Noelle and even though they were there when she got married, they have no idea about the baby or the fact that they are not the only guests to this Christmas week.

-Look who's here! - Harry says grinning and the boys turn to see Ed - The father of the year! - Niall jokes and they hug him tight - Father to be, guys. But thanks I do feel like a daddy already! - Ed smiles and Liam asks - How's Noelle? Is she alright? - Ed nods - If I wasn't so in love, I could lie but she's the loveliest mom you'll see! - He says proud and Zayn smiles placing a hand on Louis shoulder - So what brings you here? - Lou asks and Ed places his hands on his pockets - I, well actually, my family want to invite you for a Christmas week- He says and Harry is hugging him as Ed rolls his eyes joking - Harry, what are you doing? - Harry has his eyes closed - I am giving you love vibes - The rest laughs - Ok... Try to not do this to my wife when you're at home- Ed says - I'm not jealous but I'm pretty sure Noelle will tackle you to the floor! - And Liam laughs, Harry says serious - That's why I'm hugging you, man! Because pregnant or not, she would! - And the boys chuckle. - That means you are coming? - Ed asks slowly moving away from Harry’s love vibes  and they nod - Yeah, we're not going home for Christmas but yes for New Year so... - Niall says - Count a few more plates, lad! - And Ed grins rubbing his hands - Noelle will be happy! She invited friends over too, so it will be a huge Holiday! - And the boys laugh.

 - When is she delivering? - Zayn asks and Ed scratches his head - Well, due time is on December 29 but we are already on the edge, man! - He says and Niall cleans Ed's face with his shirt - Sorry, you were drooling! - He jokes and Ed shakes his head - What can I say? My girls are the best Christmas present! - And Harry dries a tear - That's gold, dude! Hold on to that! - And Liam pats Harry's back - He gets emotional at this time of year... - And Lou ads - And Valentine's and Birthdays and Independent day which we don't celebrate! - And the other laughs. - Well, I have to do some shopping but I'll see you soon, ok? - Ed says hugging each one of the boys. -We'll be there, lad! Promise! - Niall says and ads - Santa is stopping by your house right? - He asks serious and Zayn rolls his eyes as Ed nods - If you been a good boy, sure! - And he waves as he leaves. 

 The girls get to Noelle’s house but they have the wrong address. –Wait, this is not the place! – Ģhărãm pouts but she’s mainly nervous. Martina checks and says – It’s getting late! – Salam ads quickly shivering – And really cold! – Maia rubs her arms – We should call her! – And Shivani nods – I’m on it! – She says and in that moment the girls see the shadow of a bunch of guys coming their way. Salam hides behind Maia – I think it’s not safe! – She says and Martina stares worried too. Maia tries to calm them but soon they hear a voice – Ladies, are you lost?  Can we help you, beauties? – And in that moment Shivani starts running and the other girls follow her.

-What’s wrong, honey? - Ed asks me since I’m staring outside the window. –The girls should be here by now! I’m worried! – I say frowning and Ed holds me.  –I’m sure they will come anytime soon, Noelle! Just stop worrying – He smiles and I feel better – You’re right! Where are the boys anyways? – I ask caressing his hand on my belly when the door bell rings – Here! – Ed smiles and he opens the door – Buddy! – Harry grins and they hug – And here it is… - Harry smiles at me – Mommy! – He says joking and I chuckle – Oh! The baby I will never have! – I say and they all laugh as Harry hugs me tight – My daughter is now at my back! – I say because he’s squeezing me and Harry steps back – Sorry! You look amazing! – Liam says and I shrug – It’s her fault! – I say pointing to my belly – She makes me glow! – And I can see the boys are smiling – Don’t stand there, losers! Make yourself at home! – I yell and they all nod as Ed helps them with their bags – Elle, something weird happened to us just a few blocks from here! – Niall says with a strange expression and Zayn nods.

– I think we were mistaken as a gang or something! – Harry chuckles and I am wondering now – Well, you altogether at night… I would cross the street myself! – I joke and Louis kisses my cheek – No, you would take us down yourself! – He says and the other laughs. –Pretty much – I say and ask – By whom? Some old couple or lady? – But Liam shakes his head – By five young girls! It’s odd, ah? – And my face pales. –Wait! Were they lost or something? – I ask and Harry nods – We asked them if they needed help but they got scared and run! – My mouth falls right open – There’s was a cute tiny one! She started running first! – Niall says and I grab my head as Ed stares confused – What’s wrong, babe? – He asks and I say almost laughing – I think they are my friends! You scared my friends! – I say and Ed joins me chuckling – Bad boys! Scaring girls at night! – Ed jokes and I grab my phone – They can’t be so far! – I say and the boys look at each other – That’s a good start! – Liam says – We scared them at first sight! - Louis jokes and Ed shakes his head. – It’s their first time in NY, don’t worry- He says always calming everyone.

-They took a cab; they’ll be here right now! – I say and in my way I slap each one of the boys’ head – That’s for scaring them! – And they frown – We must look creepy indeed – Niall says and Louis mocks him – You and your scary eyes! – And Niall jokes giving him a funny look. I rush to the door when I hear noises and as I open it, I see them all there – Girls! I missed you so much! – I yell happy and they all look straight at my pregnancy state – You are whether huge or so pregnant! – Martina says still in shock as the others – Both! – I joke and Maia hugs me – You look amazing! – Ģhărãm grins – Why haven’t you told us! – She says and they step into the house. – Well, it was a surprise! – I grin and Salam nods – Way to surprise us! – And we laugh but Shivani stops when they spot the boys – You! – She points at Niall that blushes – You! – They all reply at the same time standing up. Ed and I hold hands as we can see Maia in front of Louis, Salam and Zayn, Martina and Liam, Ģhărãm and Harry and finally Shivani and Niall. They are all looking at each other because of what happened in the streets. Ed looks at me and whispers – This is going to be a special Christmas indeed! – He says and I nod speechless. – At least we’re all alive! – I joke and Ed chuckles saying - Let the holidays begin! -

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