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The moment they are all having is interrupted by a message on everyone's phone. They all look at each other reading the text, Ed just sent - THE BABY IS COMING! - They scream this and at the same time, the bar is cheering since it's Christmas day. Harry grabs Ģhărãm's hand and bumps into Liam and Martu - The baby is coming! - Harry yells nervous and Louis appears with Maia behind them. - We have Ed's car! - Liam says worried as Zayn and Salam stand beside them - We have to get there now! - Zayn says and Niall rushes holding Shivani's hand - The baby! - Niall screams and Ģhărãm pats Harry's back - Just breathe! - She says as Harry is super excited but Liam slaps his neck - Goof! Let's get there! - He says and a new text from Ed sounds. -Our neighbor brought us; meet you at the hospital- Louis reads and the girls are shaking. -What hospital! - Martu asks holding Liam's arm and Zayn snaps out of trance - Grady's Memorial! - He says and they split in groups.

Niall, Shivani, Harry, Ģhărãm are walking outside when Niall stops - It's Christmas! - He says worried and Ģhărãm stares - They are having a baby! I think that tops everything! - But Harry glances - I know what you meant- He says staring at Niall and the both smile at each other. - Mind to explain us? - Shivani asks and Niall kisses her cheek - It means we get to be Santa! - And Harry grins - We will give them a mighty fine Christmas! - And Ģhărãm is confused - Guys, really! We should get to the hospital! - But Harry pecks her lips - We will, we just need to make a stop first! - And with a wink, they head to the house.

When they get to the hospital, Liam and Martu rush to ask for Sheeran Wood family but Ed appears and he is almost out of breath - What happened? Is she alright? - Maia asks nervous and Louis holds her - She is fine, they said it's almost time - And Ed notices some of them are missing - Where are the others? - He asks and they stare at each other - They should be here! - Salam says and Zayn shakes his head and Liam knows exactly where Niall and Harry are - Go with Noelle! - Liam says grabbing Ed's face - She needs you, go and have that gorgeous miracle! - And Ed is almost tearing - I'll see you when I'm an official dad - He smiles and leaves them heading for Noelle's room.

Harry and Niall are picking the presents and Ģhărãm and Shivani are helping - Hurry up! I want to be there! - Ģhărãm pouts though she is excited to play Santa and the fact that Harry is so thoughtful about this. Shivani smiles at Niall - Don't smile like that! It makes me want to kiss you and we have work to do! - Niall chuckles and Harry rolls his eyes - Love birds! Get this to the car and we will meet you with the rest! - He says and Niall helps Shivani taking the presents to the car. When they leave, Harry is so nervous that stumbles and falls into the couch landing on Ģhărãm - Nice move, Harry! - Ģhărãm laughs nervous too as she has Harry on her and really close - I'm sorry! - Harry blushes and he just kisses her quickly but deeply - Alright! Let's go! - He chuckles and Ģhărãm is recovering from that awesome kiss.

Louis is sitting and Maia is pacing around -I can't believe its happening! - She says and is excited but nervous too - Noelle is being a mother! - She says marking each word - Ed is being a father! - Louis mocks her tone and Maia frowns - Don't joke! I'm freaking out! - Maia says and Louis grabs her arm and sits her on his lap - Maia, they are the ones doing the hard work, just slow down! - And Maia smiles as Louis rubs her back sweetly -You're right, it's just - She stops - Too many emotions, too soon! - Maia says and Louis can tell she is not only talking about the baby - I think we're on the same page here - Louis says and Maia stares - But you are leaving and I really wanted to know you- Maia says and looks down. Louis lifts her chin up - I know, I want to know you too - And he kisses her softly and Maia forgets about everything for a little.

Salam is resting her head on Zayn's shoulder - This is taking ages! - She says and Zayn laughs kissing her hair - They are having a baby, I think it's a little more complicated than getting new shoes or something! - And Salam laughs - How do you do it? - She asks looking at Zayn - Do what? - He asks curious - Remain so calm! - Salam says and he shrugs - Who said I was calm?! - Zayn confesses and ads - I keep the fact that I am indeed as freaked out as everyone to myself because someone has to be calm, but trust me I am not calm! - He says and it's so sincere and sweet, Salam kisses him and hugging him tight whispers - I just wish you didn't have to leave so soon - And they remain in silence since Zayn doesn't want to leave either.

Liam is holding Martu's hand - Do you want a coffee? - He asks and Martu just says - I don't think I can get anything right now! - She says and stares at her hands - Look! I'm shaking! - And Liam holds her hands again and kisses them smiling - Better? - And Martu nods grinning - A little? - She jokes and Liam chuckles - Well, well! The architect is in the building! - He says and Martu laughs - Do you think that maybe if you come back we can build something? I mean - She stops and gives him a deep cute look - Between you and I? - Liam smiles and kisses the corner of her mouth - I think... - And he kisses her again - We are already... - And in that moment Harry and Niall trip into the waiting room letting all the presents fall into the ground.

Liam and Martu can't help but laugh - Way to enter a hospital, lads! - Liam jokes and Shivani and Ģhărãm help them to get up -Harry pushed me! - Niall pouts and Harry cleans his jeans - That's because you walk like a turtle! - And Martu laughs as the others join. -Santa came to town, guys? - Zayn says and Louis high-five’s with Harry - Nice move, Styles! - And Harry blushes - Obvious! But I got help from the best! - Harry glances at Shivani, NIall and Ģhărãm that bites her lower lip. -Alright! We need to get this to the room because the nurses are staring and - Liam says and pushes Zayn to the front - Work your magic! - Liam nods as the nurse is giggling at them. Zayn glances at Salam not so happy but she nods since they need to get the presents to the room before Noelle, Ed and the baby come. Slowly Zayn chats with the nurses and five minutes later they have green light to wherever they want to go.

Louis whispers to Maia - That's a positive side of our crazy world! - And Maia chuckles - I won't argue with that!  - They all get the presents into the room and walk back to the waiting room. Harry falls into the chair - I don't know how Santa does this every year! - He jokes - I'm exhausted! - And the others laugh. -Dude, he is used to it! Besides he is magical! - Niall says so cute even Liam laughs. They are all sitting in pairs and now the room is quiet. They just hold each other, and a mix of feelings runs in the air. The boys glance at each other once and it's enough to know they have a decision to make. Ed walks in suddenly and is in tears. They all stand up quickly - It's the most perfect baby girl in the world! - Ed says moved and they all hug him and some tears are spare. -How is Noelle? - Harry asks and Ed smiles - She is better than me! - He chuckles - Elle is glowing and happy like me! Thank you so much for being here, guys! - Ed says as Liam holds him - Can we see them? - Shivani asks and Niall holds her - They are taking her to the room but we can go wait there- Ed says and ads - The hospital knows so feel free to join me - And they all smile since Ed has no idea about how Christmas is being celebrate even there.

They meet Noelle before she enters the room and she is in a wheel chair but smiling - The mom of the year! - Niall claps and she smiles - Guys! I would hug you all but I just had the most gorgeous girl ever and I feel too proud to even touch you! - She jokes and they laugh - Elle scores! - Harry yells and Ed pushes him because he can't yell at a hospital. Ed is about to push Noelle's chair inside when Louis stops them. -Wait! - He says and Ed and Elle stare - Wrong room? - Ed asks confused - No, no... we just wanted to say from all of us - And they all smile at the new mom and dad - Merry Christmas! - Lou says and the rest echoes. They hug them and Elle is now touched - OMG! It's Christmas! We have a baby on Christmas! - And Ed kisses her - We did and I love you - He says and the others smile though a trace of a bittersweet taste is sense.

When they enter the room, Ed and Noelle eyes are wide open - You did this? - Ed asks and Noelle is containing tears as they see the presents there- Santa did! Duh! - Niall says and Noelle smiles - Thank you so much- She says and the girls hug her. Ed helps Elle get in bed and they gather around when there's a knock on the door. They turn and a nurse enters with the newborn - Looks like someone wants to join this Christmas! - The nurse says and she handles the baby to Noelle that holds her tight and shows her to everyone - Ed says in tears - Melody Sheeran meet your family! - And they all stop in tears holding each other as this is the best Christmas ever. -She is perfect - Liam says serious and Harry walks to her - She's hot! - He jokes and Ed slaps his head - Hey! That's my daughter you're talking about! - And they laugh. Ed kisses Noelle and Zayn says - Congrats, guys... she is flawless - And Noelle grins - That's because we made her! - And Ed ads looking at her - You and I - And the rest remains in silence since no one knows if there is going to be a “You and I” for them. -So are we opening presents or what? - Maia says and Louis kisses her as they begin to exchange gifts. They are all laughing and enjoying when Liam’s phone rings. He picks it up and when he returns, the others stare - They are picking us up in ten minutes, guys - And even Ed and Noelle look sad. They stand still as baby Melody starts crying too... 

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