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It’s New Year’s Eve and we’re home. Melody cries at night but Ed has been great and it’s easier with the girls around. I can’t stop looking at her. Such a tiny human and its part of me and the man I love and chose to love forever. The boys left since they had this thing in some TV show. I understand but I can see the girls are trying to keep up but clearly they are not ok.

-Who’s the nicest baby in the whole world? – Martu asks holding Melody and Ģhărãm smiles sitting beside me – Melody Sheeran, no doubt! - Salam says and Shivani smiles too but Maia seems to be lost looking outside the window. Ed enters and I wave – Honey! – I smile and he waves carrying bags from the grocery shop- Hey! I got everything – He says and Shivani helps him placing everything in the kitchen. – Are you girls having fun? – Ed grins as he walks to Melody and kisses her and I smile – Did you get a bib for yourself? – And Ed leans and kisses me – I already have one from when I met you! – And the girls go “aw”. –My shiny prince! – I grin caressing his face – Can you help me up, please? I need to talk to you – I say and Ed lifts me up in his arms. –Oh, ok! Free ride! – I laugh wrapping my arms around him and the girls laugh. –Take care of my other woman until we come back! – Ed says smiling and we go to our room.

-They are just freaking perfect! – Salam says and Ģhărãm punches her arm – Don’t be like that! – And Salam frowns – Sorry but am I the only one who thinks meeting the guys and being left sucks? – She pouts and the girls stare at each other – They had to, S! – Martu says – Besides its work, they wanted to stay with us – She ads and Maia nods, as she remembers Louis sad face when he kissed her goodbye. –I agree with you, Salam – Shivani says but continues – Though I think being here with this tiny lady and our friend is a blessing too- She says this so sweetly, the others look down.  –I just wish they could be here for New Year! - Ģhărãm says and now it’s Salam that returns the punch. – We are together, we have a new member and we get to spend time with Noelle- Maia says trying to cheer them up. Shivani nods – I say tonight we party, let’s face it, we barely had a chance with them and I’m not staying here to cry anymore! – Maia says and the rest agree.

Ed places me on bed and smiles – I can’t… we can’t do anything; you do know that, right? – And he smirks which is not very often. – Dirty mind! – I chuckle but kiss him deeply – There! I can do stuff if I want to! – And Ed laughs hugging me – I see that but I think we’re not here to discuss our private life- He says and I stare – They just left! I swear when they come back I will kick each one ass! – I pout and Ed has his weird grin on his face – Spit it out, Sheeran! – I say and he laughs- I know they had to leave but trust me- Ed says softly – They are not done with the girls- He says serious and lays down – At all!- He ads and I lay beside him – Then tell me or you will get your ass kick! – I smirk and Ed shakes his head – You know I can’t say no to you! – And I smile because he is perfect and he is mine. Ed starts talking.

-We could have recorded the whole thing last week, you know?- Harry pouts getting ready for tonight show and Liam glances – I think we made the right call- He says and Niall isn’t so sure – Really? Because Shivani gave me this heart breakings look… Jeez, it haunts me! – He says and grabs his chest. Zayn chuckles – Dude, relax, I agree with Liam- He says as he is getting his hair done – Besides they knew we have to work- And Louis is staring blankly at his phone – Hey! Are you here? – Liam asks and Lou stares – Yeah… I texted Maia – He says and the others glare – What did you do that for?! – Harry pouts almost yelling and Louis blushes – Sorry, I just did! – Liam stares – We said no contact! Louis, you’re just making a mess out of this! – He is yelling serious – I also wanted to text Martu but we agreed, lad! – Liam says and even Niall says loud – All of us! – And Zayn grabs Louis’s phone – That’s it! You’re banned from using this! - He says and Louis gives him a sad look – Sorry, she won’t text me back- He says and ads – Not even once she replied! – And the others are now officially furious as Louis covers his mouth burning red.

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