Shoto x Reader (Truth Teller)

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"I'm so sorry Todoroki please don't kill me!"

"What did you do besides throwing a ball of white sparkles at me!?" Shoto exclaimed.

"Look Todoroki, we should just calm down and let the student from 1-C explain." Izuku tried to calm Shoto down as the student from 1-C explained what had just happened.

"Okay, so my friend bet me to use my quirk on his friend. My quirk allows me to force people to say the truth for a whole day. I was hiding behind the corner and when I heard you two I thought it was my friend's friend and I shot my quirk. Apparently it hit you Todoroki. I'm so so so sorry about that, but I mean, it's the weekend so...yay..." The 1-C student then proceeded to just run away off campus.

"What am I going to do Midoriya? Why are you staring at me like that?" Shoto questioned.

"I-I'm sorry Todoroki it's just... it's just really weird to hear you with emotions." Izuku braced himself for any backlash.

Shoto tilted his head. "What do you mean? I always thought I talked with emotion?"

"Umm well, not really Todoroki."

"Look anyways, this is a problem Midoriya! Me being able to say what's on my mind is going to be a disaster."

Izuku came over and put a hand on Shoto's shoulder. "It's going to be okay. And, it's not like you have anything going on this weekend, right?"

Shoto let out an exasperated sigh. "I was suppose to go to a conveyor sushi restaurant with (l/n) today, after that we were going to go to the library to study, the hang out at her house. I guess I can skip... But I don't want to because I really like her!" Then a wave of realization ran over Shoto. "I said that way to loud."

"You like (l/n)?" Shoto nodded. "Let's see how bad this is. Umm try lying about my hair, say it looks bad or something."

"Umm, your hair looks bad..." Shoto visibly looked like he wanted to say something else. "Is what I would say if I was lying but I'm not. Your hair just really makes you look like a broccoli child."

"A broccoli? I didn't really think I looked that much like a broccoli boy..." Izuku shook his head. "Look, it seems like you can't really help but tell the truth, your going to have to avoid her until this wears off tomorrow."

"But..." Shoto sighed. "Fine. I'll just text her." Shoto began to pull out his phone as he thought of something. Something he wanted to just think of, but of course with telling the truth, it still effects and makes you tell everything your thinking of. Granted, does it count that if he doesn't say something that means it's a lie? "What will happen if she asks me why I'm cancelling on her? Would I be even able to type up a lie?"

"Umm, I don't know. I'll be right next to you if you need anything, like a lie to type up or something." Shoto nodded as he began typing.


Hey (l/n), I have to cancel today.

Oh, did something come up?
Do you have a cold?
I could come help you?

"Ahh, Midoriya she's asking to many questions. Help." Izuku then proceeded to take Shoto's phone and type up an excuse.

Oh I'm hanging out with Midoriya today.

"Okay, that should be good."

Shoto took a look at the phone. "Why did you type that I was hanging out with you. Now it sounds like I'm blowing her off!"

"Oh, I meant you had to hang out with your dad today."

"That sounds even more unbelievable! Type something else, cause right now you made me sound like a jerk! I really like her and-"

"Breathe Todoroki. I guess autocorrect really messed up the text." Izuku explained as Todoroki was slightly hyperventilating on the side. The broccoli child looked around, them still being on the U.A. campus, it looked pretty weird that usually the most calm and monotone person in the school was freaking out next to the usually frantic boy.

Why are you hanging out with Midoriya?
We've been planning this hang out for weeks now.
Why are you blowing me off.

Sorry (l/n).
I didn't mean to text that I meant to text that I have to train with my dad.

Oh, sorry I jumped to conclusions.
I get how much of a stupid jerk he can be.

Shoto read the last text (y/n) sent. "That text just made me love her so much more than I already did."

"W-wait, she texted again."

You know what, you're still at school right? Stay there, I'll go on the bus and we can both sneak away to the sushi place. Your dad can't make you train if he doesn't know where you are!
See you in a bit!

"Oh no. She's coming." Izuku now began to think of alternatives. "I-I mean we could always take a bus to the other side of town or something."

"But, I really do want to see her. Even if I might end up embarrassing myself and she doesn't like me. I guess I should just face the music."

Izuku nodded. "You sure you want to do this?"

"As sure as I could be."

I really hope I get there before Todoroki's father does. Todoroki needs to be able to have fun and live his own life. Maybe I'm doing this because of this rebellious side in me, or maybe because I kinda sort of like him. I-I mean as a friend, I think...

The bus finally stopped at school as I got off and started to run towards campus. Okay, so it kind of is creepy that I knew he was here, but that was only because he told me he was going to stay after school a bit before we went to go get sushi.

Once I see him standing with Midoriya I grab his hand before he can even speak and say, "Okay, so if we take the train that's a block away we can make it to the sushi place. Come on let's go."

But he didn't move. "I have to tell you something."

"Yeah, what is it Todoroki."

He looked at the broccoli boy before he spoke. "I wasn't forced to go train with my dad today. I said that to try and avoid you-"

"W-what! But I thought we were friends Todoroki, I mean-"

"Wait, let me finish. It's because I got hit by this quirk that makes me only tell the truth in everything I do, and I was avoiding you because I didn't want to tell you that I like you. You're always there for me from cheering me up to running away to a sushi place. You light up my life and I know that sounds really cheesy but it's the truth. I understand if you don't like me back."

It took me a minute to process what he said. He likes me, oh my goodness. He likes me the Todoroki Shoto actually likes me, and now that I realize I'm not saying anything it might be sending the wrong idea.

"I like you too Todoroki." And with that I hugged him really tight. He hugged back. "So, are we still going to get some conveyor sushi?"

"Of course."

Then I looked at Midoriya. "Midoriya, you want to come?"

"Oh, I thought this was going to be a you and Todoroki thing?"

I looked towards Todoroki as he said, "We can do that couple thing tomorrow." Then he leaned down and kissed my head. "Also, it's Shoto to you (l/n)."

"Then it's (y/n) to you." And for the rest of the night we both had fun as Midoriya had awkward fun being the third wheel.

1334 Words!

Finally updated! I hope you enjoyed this one shot. And if you have anything to request go go my request page please! It really helps me keep track of everything! Stay Safe and have a great day!

Shoto Todoroki x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now