Preparing For A Trip !

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- Y/N POV -

"Toothbrush, clothes, snacks, and of course, my favorite playlist."

Tomorrow was the day, I finally get to get out of this stupid town! I'm getting on a flight to L.A! Also I get to see one of my best friends, Lewis. He says he wants to take me and a few friends out somewhere. What is this idiot planning? Besides the point, it's nearly midnight. My flight's leaving tomorrow at 10 AM, I need my rest.

The Next Morning...

'I'm omw!' 

I sent the text to Lewis with an evil grin on my face.

"All righty then, we're at this hotel."

He sends me the location of the hotel.

"Alright, I'll be there in a few hours."

I sent the last text as I got in a Taxi and headed to the airport.

- Lewis' POV -

I smiled at my phone, it's been so long since I've seen them, we were internet friends for a while and now we're going to see each other face to face. I'll be honest, I'm a tad nervous but I'm sure that's just my anxiety talking.

They'll be here in a few hours and I'm meeting up with the others around 7'o clock. That means I have enough time to do whatever I want to. As I look around the hotel room I see a small book with a title that reads, "What To Do At A Hotel" coming to find out they have a pool with a hot tub.


- Y/N POV -

As I arrive with my luggage, I notice Kellen at the Airport. As usual, he's eating carrots. I wonder why Kellen's here and not Lewis. 'Did something happen?' I thought.

"Heyy Kellen!" I walked towards him waving my hand so that he could see me in the semi-crowded airport. The next thing I knew, I'm in a bear hug, unable to breathe.

"Y/NNNNN!" He said in a high-pitched voice tightening the grip of the hug.

"Kellen....can't... fuckin' ...breathe!"

He let go and somehow not a single carrot hit the floor. Surprisingly.

"Sorry Y/N! I'm just excited that both you and Lewis are finally in California!" He says as he continues to eat more carrots.

"It's fine! Ready to go?" You say stealing one of his carrots and running away.

"Hey!" Kellen says practically chasing you out of the Airport.

And.. That's the end of chapter one! Thank you so much for reading! :)

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