On The Way !

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- Lewis' POV -

As I was drying off in the bathroom and changed into my evening clothes, I get a text from Kellen saying that they were on their way now from the airport. I text back with an okay and laid on one of the beds. I can't wait to see Y/N, I bet they'll love the location I picked out for 'em.

- Kellen's POV -

As we get into my car to drive down to the hotel, I notice Y/N smiling on their phone. I didn't think much about it, probably texting with Lewis. They could be so cute together if only she wasn't a complete psycho! "Why're you lookin' at me like that?" Y/N says. "Because you look like a psychopath? Why else dipshit?" They throw a couple of carrots at me. (#RIPKellensKarrots) "Hey!" I said with a higher pitch. "What's wrong dipshit?" They say grinning and mocking me. "Nooo!" I fake throw a carrot and make a face. Y/N laughs. "You know I love you right?" 

"...Love you too, shithead."

- Y/N POV -

As we arrive at the hotel, we walk inside and up the stairs to get to the room. As soon as we knock on the door, Lewis comes out with a pretty average outfit.

'Still lookin' good' I thought.

"We ready to go?" Lewis says wondering what we'll say next.

"Mhm" I say hiding what type of dirty joke I wanted to say next.

Kellen and Lewis start talking about their own topics as I'm lost in thought.

We get into Kellen's car and head to Lewis' ideal place to hangout. As I look outside staring at the trees, Lewis turns to face me.

"You're gonna feel VERY nostalgic when we get there, you've mentioned it before."

He kept on throwing me hints as I'm looking at him confused.

"Did it give me nightmares?" I say sarcastically.

"It will with this guy." Lewis points at Kellen.

"True," Kellen says without hesitation. "But hey!"

15 minutes later...

We arrive at the place, but before I stepped out of the car, Lewis tells me to close my eyes. As I do so, I could already hear the place from outside. 'It's some sort of playplace' I bet.

I was right. Shit.

Thank you so much for reading! I'll keep you guys updated as soon as I can. Have a "Fun Time!" *wink*

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