Chapter 6 - Painkiller

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I wore a black turtleneck and white jeans as I knew Seth would be worried I was being too revealing while wearing anything else, even if we were on a date. Tonight, we would be meeting up with Paul and Bella at a restaurant, though I was more excited just to get to spend some time with Paul.

Seth kept an arm around my waist as we walked to the restaurant, and I tried to ignore the showing off he did for the people who recognised us. He loved being in the spotlight, he loved it more than people who actually lived their lives being in it.

I should be allowed to break away and leave this man that was clearly only here for two things: my beauty and fame, but I just couldn't. I don't know why. Seth just had a way with everything and knew how to coerce someone to keep things the way he wants to keep them, even if they know it's bad.

"Looking good tonight," Seth sing-songed without even looking at me. It was just him trying to make me feel good for his own benefit.

"I'm in a turtleneck and jeans. Not sure how good that looks," I said.

"Well it looks good on you," I heard a voice behind us say.

We turned around and I smiled as I saw Paul and Bella there behind us. "Hi, you must be Seth. I'm Paul, and this is Bella," Paul said, putting his hand out.

Seth quickly shook it and turned up the charisma level. "Lovely to meet you. You've already met my amazing girlfriend. C'mon, let's go in," Seth said.

We went in the restaurant and got a few stares from people recognising us. Sitting down across from Paul and Bella at the table, we just ordered ourselves some water to start with before deciding on our food. Seth was very talkative, as he usually is.

I sat back and just listened to the conversation, nodding my head every now and then and laughing at a joke to show I was paying attention. This was going totally different, I thought it'd be me and Paul having our usual banter.

I guess I had to be happy I was even here at all, convincing Seth could be a real hard job. It just sucked that I had to convince him in... a rather unconventional way. Really, that was one of the only ways to get me to sleep with him anyway. We only had sex when he was considering letting me do something or he had managed to guilt me into it.

More and more, people were seeing sex as a common thing as if it doesn't matter and it's just a fun act, but I didn't see it that way. I was the kind of person that only wanted to do it if it was passionate and caring. I made love. But I guess I never got that with Seth. It was all just lust without passion. Before that, I was one of those girls who would have guys end up frustrated because we would wait so long. I honestly don't know how Seth and I got to this stage, but it just happened and it makes me feel icky.

To be honest, it kind of felt like some kind of invasion. I know I consented to it and I agreed and all, and I'm not gonna act like I didn't, but it made me feel so weak and helpless and like I was being invaded. Invaded isn't really the right word, but I don't know how to describe it. All I know is that it doesn't at all feel right.

For a minute I zoned out, before being pulled back into the world when the waiter came by to take our orders. We all ordered something, Paul of course going for a veggie option as he had given up meat a few years back. It surprised me, I remember him giving me a funny look when I went vegetarian when I was around 24. I had to go veggie for health reasons. I was still veggie now, more because I was just used to it.

"So how long have you and Mallory been together?" Paul asked.

"6 years now. Been a long road," Seth said.

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