Chapter One (Remastered)

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"Get your asses to the meeting room NOW, bitches!"

The posthumous screech was all of the announcement all through the base, in the early eve of the morning. Groans and moans raised back, and like a winged God, he spoke again.

"Ten minutes or asses are mine!"

One by one, the gang assembles into the meeting room, where there was already a small group of people was in the mix of setting the room up. A large damaged whiteboard with a projector was set up in the form of a presentation. God damnit...was that a freaking PowerPoint was being put onto the whiteboard. The hacker man was talking to the loudmouth of the group as he sat on the table. His feet swing softly back and forth. The meeting room's door swung open both Cartoonz and Bryce walked into the room. They both started to chuckle, smirking as they whisper something to each other. When looked at Marcel and Scotty. The angel walked over to Basically, calling him a nerd, getting a small rise out from his lover.

"Fuck you bitch."

"Nah, pretty sure that was you both in them vents last night."

"The fuck you said!"

That causes the new medic, Squirrel, to get up from his seat, to walk behind the angel grabbing, his right pointed blue ear making him whine loudly.

"Oh, hush, Toonz, or I'm going to make the punishment worse tonight."

"Ohhh~ a little doctor. Me likey."

"I will surgically remove your ear again."

"Shutting up now."

The small room was reputed in laughter as Cartoonz was being dragged to their seats by the small medic. Bryce nudges Moo's shoulder seeing if the man will fallow in the joke. All he saw was Moo rolling his eyes as he followed the cyborg and sat next to him. That's odd.

This confused the man since, when did Moo sit with Terroriser? They can bearly like each other. The purple eyes widen as the other pulls out a cigarette, just placing it between his lips. He was watching as the cyborg was talking with their newly acquired medic, Squirrel. They probably were talking about science and medical crap again. The poor kid was left for dead until a few weeks where Delirious and Cartoonz took him in. Vanoss impressed by his medical training despite being the youngest member now. Of course, he has been under Terroriser's guides to improve his skills.

Bryce, in turn, sat in his spot with Delirious would sit. Speaking of which, the next two members who come into the meeting room were Wildcat and Delirious. They were in sigh language conversation when the angel decided to throw a pencil at the shy Wildcat, hitting him the helmet. Hard. It made the nervous man squeak in fear going behind the mute. In turned Delirious, took the wooden writing tool off the floor and throwing it back Cartoonz. Nearly hitting Scotts's legs as he just lifted them.

"Hay! That almost fucking hit my leg, asshole!"

Delirious snapped his fingers as the angel moved out the way giggling madly at the duo.

"Nice fucking try, Delirious!"

Wildcat nudging the pouting mute to their respective seats. Lastly, a white hair freakishly tall Irishman and the gang's leader strolls in.

"Alright! Shut up and sit the fuck down. Scotty, get your ass off mine table already."

"Yeah. Yeah."

The young man jumped off the table with a grunt as he bounced off the table. He walked over to his seat with a smile as he sat next to the hacker's seat. As one by one in the room got to their assigned seats, something was amiss when two chairs were taken.

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