Chapter Six (Remastered)

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Well, here we are, everyone! It's the final chapter. LAST WARNING THERE IS FOUL LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCE. Enjoy. Please also note I do not own the song I, just...using it for my story! Plus, this song is the best when having those times you watch this movie. Don't lie. Now Enjoy~


The sound of a faithful snap of one finger from the man and all peace was shattered. Submissive dogs trained with obedience snatched the larger man. All life was gone from the quiet room. Moo growled, feeling the coldness of unfamiliar hands grip his sides and upper torso. He was slammed to the ground with one of them stepping on his back. He couldn't count the people, but it had to be lease six to seven of them. One spoke with unquestionable compliance with this snake.

"What should we do with this one, sir?"

"Take the trash out."

"Why you fucking-"

Fritz looked down at the man with a deep sinister chuckle.

"Hush now, Brock. I'll take good care of your lady."

He grabbed the man's face then slapped it, leaving three claw marks on Moo's reddening cheeks. Terroriser growled as some of the men let Moo go and grabbed him, making him yip.

"If you fucking think."

Moo struggled as he was grabbed by the shoulders and shoved upwards on his feet. Moo let out a snarl just as he was getting hit by some men. The boarish man felt his anger grew as he clashed with the group of men as they begin to seize his body. He couldn't breathe. There were too many people touching him.

Moo's thoughts screamed at the men. Don't touch. Don't touch me!

He hissed and yelled as he was being dragged out of the room.

"Let me the fuck go."

Terroriser felt his other half was being torn as he watches the group of thugs. The cyborg started to run after him, and Fitz grabbed the uncompliant male. The force was strong enough to rip the air from his throat as he was placed into a wall of unwelcoming flesh.


Terroriser gasped as those arms he fell into were those of their alleged target, Badguyfitz. He was being held like a broken and damaged doll. It sickens him. The freakishly tall man can even put Nogla to shame with his height thought for a moment as the man smirked.

"Now, let's not this little hiccup dis way you, my good people."

Fitz turns his hellish gaze towards the band.

"Play. Maybe something more updated."

Nogla gulped a bit, then turned back at Vanoss...this was not part of the plan. His lavender eyes scan his leader's eyes, seeing he two was trying to figure out what to think next. That's when the two men heard the beat of steady drums, and they turned back to see Wildcat holding back tears as he nods at the two. The three have a goal, and with a nod, Vanoss grabbed the dead man's guitar then beginning to play it. Nogla, going up to the mic, then with a heavy sigh. He would make sure Vanoss rewards Wildcat later for his bravery. He started with a hum going with the music, beginning to sing to the melody.

Earth angel,

Earth Angel

Will you be mine?

The room once again full of musically life spun my this spider-king of a man.

"Earth angel...perfect for you, don't you think."

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