What should I do now?

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Toshinori's POV

'What should I do now!? I mean I am no longer a hero I'm retired, no I should just think about my future and life other than just focusing on this job' I thought "Hey Midnight can you come here for a second there's something I need to tell you" I said to Midnight who was talking to recovery girl. "Sure thing" Midnight said and came over to me "What's your question?" Midnight asked while looking at me "Well I was wondering what else I should do with my life since I'm retired I mean I already have a job and a house, but I feel like I am missing something" I said. "Well then what about a lover?! Have you ever dated anyone?" Midnight said I blushed while her eyes were glittering with happiness and slyness "No I haven't, but then who would I date I mean there isn't obviously someone that thinks I am arrogant" I said. "That's not true Aizawa Shouta thinks your arrogant what about going out with him~" Midnight said I blushed "W-What, but I'm not gay! And what about Aizawa surely he wouldn't want to date me-" I was cut off by Midnight's finger on my lip "How do you know if your gay or not either way love is love plus remember the time you saved him god I was fangirling when I heard what you did and who knows I mean Aizawa is warming up to you isn't he also you don't know if you don't give it a try" Midnight explained.

I thought about it "Well I am curious about him what if we just take things slow then do you think that'll work Midnight?" I asked "It sure will plus he would probably need your help taking care of Eri" Midnight said "I'll look into that thanks" I said to Midnight she smiled "Your welcome also by the way Aizawa is in the teacher Faculty so go ask him if he wants to be friends okay" Midnight said I nodded my head. I was walking to the Teacher Faculty thinking what if me and Aizawa did become a couple when I got to the door I saw Aizawa making his coffee "Hey Aizawa what are you doing right now?" I asked with a smile on my face "Just grading papers what are you doing?" Aizawa asked "Well I was just going to ask you a question, but you look busy so-" "Just ask it already its better to ask it now then later if you don't then time will be wasted and time is precious, either way after I'm done grading these I gotta get ready for hero underground work" Aizawa says while looking at me dead serious in the eye I also held my gaze with him. "Okay then I was wondering if you would like to be my friend, so will you?" I asked his eyes widened and his coffee was falling "Aizawa your coffee" I yelled I ran and grabbed it in time landing my body on the floor behind Aizawa's legs "Whew that was close am I ri-" "Why now?" Aizawa asked with a montone voice I crawled out from behind his legs and put his coffee on the table.

"What do you mean?" I asked "Why do you want to be friends now!?" Aizawa yelled "Couldn't we be friends a long time ago?!" Aizawa yelled again "S-sorry I just didn't want to disturb you back then I mean you were always a busy student and then when Oboro Shirakumo died you-!" I cut myself off when I realized what I said 'Why did I mention his name why?! Aizawa is going to kill me' I thought. "I think I should be going now" Aizawa said his eyes almost hidden with darkness his head bowed he walked passed me and didn't say a word 'No I have to fix this' I thought I grabbed Aizawa's arm he turned to look at me in a flash his eyes glowing crimson red and his scarf holding me off the ground around my stomach with my hands tied. "Back off before I hurt you and don't try to chase after me! This is the end if this conversation" Aizawa said in his pissed off voice he let go of me and ran outside of the hall way I chased after him, but then when I came to a opened window in the corner he turned he was gone.

Later on that night I was thinking 'I never seen Aizawa that pissed off before, did that reall piss him off that bad?! Ugh I'm such a idiot!! I probably now ruined being friends with him and we could of probably of been lov- no no no we couldn't be could we' I thought. I went to go take a shower, but all that came up was remembering how much I hurt Aizawa 'Dammit I feel so bad I should give him a sorry card, no I should make him one and give him some treats and drinks and probably some flowers' I thought "Yeah that'll be a great idea" I said. I didn't want Aizawa to hate me so later that night I drew a black cat with a gray scarf in it on the paper with big eyes and cute blushed cheeks and on the bottom of the cat I put 'I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me' and then I wrote inside it, then I went to go buy the flowers *Time Skip to tomorrow morning* I got into the school at around 7 am and found Aizawa's desk in his classroom I put the basket on his desk and left to the faculty.

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