Chapter 6

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            I woke up in a stone room with shackles on my wrists and ankles. There was not much in the room other than granite flooring and cold, marble walls. There was a tiny square hole high up on the back wall, barricaded with bronze bars as if to taunt the people who were imprisoned there. The owner of the prison wanted the guilty to feel as small and miserable as possible. I know that this is a bit of a dreary way to start a chapter, but not everything can be happy, or sad. So expect this to constantly change. On the other side of the wall, there were bronze bars in a vertical and horizontal pattern. In the middle, there was a door that was securely latched. There was a device that looked mildly like a padlock hung from the latch.

            As for how I felt, my throat was scratchy, I had a terrible headache, and I felt drowsy and nauseous. And that didn't even begin to describe it. I had a bad ache in my back, which the cold, hard floor didn't help with either. The pain would start in my ankle, and then go to my wrist, although it was still in my ankles, and then go to my head. The pain was like a searing hot metal ro poking my brain over and over again. The process would repeat its self over and over again, until it got so bad that I started crying out in agony.

            Someone must have heard me because I heard the metal gate clang open.

            "Turn around!"

            I rolled my eyes, but the person couldn't see, since I was facing the other way. "I can't. you chained me to this wall."

"Does it sound like I'm kidding?! Turn around!"

              I managed to turn around enough to see who it was, even if it rubbed my wrists and anckles raw, only intensifying the pain wave.

              The lady was standing against the doorway, leaning into it with a smirk on her face. She had deep black hair. It was so black, that it almost seemed purple. Her skin was pale as pale can be. It almost glowed. This woman radiated power.              

               "Now, I suggest that if you want to live, then you'll tell us what your purpose is. Or, should I say was."

                  What the heck is this person talking about?!

                  "Who are you?" 

                "That is for me to know and you to never find out."

                 "I'll tell you my purpose if you tell me your name."

                  She scoffed. "You don't realize what kind of upper hand we have here. I can have an Earaser come in here right now and earase every memory you have of this place."

                   Now I'm confused. "You mean the thing that earases pencil from paper?"

                   "No, you idiot, the person with the rare ability! You know the things that faeries use to brainwash other fae?"

                      I made a face. There was that word again. Faerie. I must be dreaming. A terrible nightmare. I will wake up tomorrow and everything will be fine. But that doesn't explain the pain. Your not supposed to feel pain in a dream.

                       Just then, I her a ring. The lady pulls out a circular object and taps it. The thing is plated with a gold like coating that makes it shine . It looks a little tacky to me. A holographic projection shows up on the screen.

                     The lady sighed. " What is it now, Brook?"

                     "Lady Lucy, firebird 2357 got out again."

                     "And how did it manage that, again? You know the consequences of something bad happening while your on duty! I'll be up in a minute to get the Lightener."

                       Brook trembled. I guessed that the Lightener was a bad thing.

                     "Now, where were we? Ah yes, tell us why you were created, and no one gets hurt."

                      I was confused again. Why was this lady asking me this? I'm just a normal person that is super smart and might have a few problems up in the ol'noodle. "I was technically created by my mother." I decided to say. "Don't smart mouth me! I want to know your purpose, and I want it now!" Whew, Lady Lucy had a temper! This was going to be intresting.

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