A sweet first date

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Everyone was Just chilling in the living room 

Larry's POV I was Just in the living room Just chilling on the couch  when Ludwig walked up to me looked like he has something to ask me I smiled a bit and waved at him he smiles and waves back at me . hey sup Larry he says to me oh nothing much oh ok cool so um there is something I wanted to ask you he tells me oh ok like what I ask him um oh um he starts while blushing I blush as well so Larry he began to say while holding my hand and kneeling down will you go on a date with me he asked him I smiled at oh yes yes I will I say back to him ok good he says back to me . 

Ludwig's POV I had just gotten done with reading a book in my room I decided to go to the living room prefect Larry was already in the living room on the couch now I can just walk up to hmm abs ask him out on a date hope he says yes I walked over to him he smiled and waved at me I smiled and waved back at him hey Larry I say to him oh hey Larry sup I say to him oh nothing much he said back to me oh ok cool I say back um there is something I wanted to ask you I say to him oh ok like what he asks me um oh um I started to say getting a little nervous while blushing he started to blush too so Larry I said as a grabbed his hand and knelt down will you go on I date with me I asked him yes oh yes he says happy he said yes I smiled a little at him 

*Time skip to the date * 

Larry was getting read for the date so was Ludwig they where both getting ready in there rooms Larry is finally done getting ready he wanted outside Ludwig's room for Ludwig a few minutes later Ludwig was finally ready he walked out of his room him and Larry walked out of the castle holding hands the walked over to Ludwig's car and got in it Ludwig then started diving his car 

Larry's POV we finally arrived at a very fancy restaurant after 15 minutes I got out of the car has Ludwig held the car door open for me so I could get out as he was already out of the car his such a sweet gentleman I love him so much we both walked into the restaurant holding hands he even held the restaurant door open for us I smiled a little at him he smiled a little at me we walked over to are table and sat down the waiter had come over and asked what we wanted to drink we both ordered are drinks he then left so Ludwig have any new songs lately oh as of a matter of fact yes I do he says back to me oh really I say back to him yes really he said back 15 minutes later the waiter came back with are drinks we then ordered are food he left again and started talking again until the waiter came back with are food we then ate are food. 

Ludwig' POV we had arrived at the restaurant I had called in a head of time I had parked and got out of my car the open the car door on the passenger side for Larry to let him out he seems pretty happy about that I was pretty happy too we both walked into the restaurant holding hands I also held the door up for him we walked over to are table and sit down  we ordered are drinks when the waiter came over he then walked away he asked me if I had any new songs as a matter of fact I have I tell him oh really he said to me yes really I say back to him 15 minutes later the waiter came back with are drinks we ordered are food he then left again we started talking until he came back with are food then left again we began to eat  . 

An hour later they both finished eating and drinking Ludwig had payed for both of them the both the left and went home they went back to their rooms after kissing each other on the cheek abs saying goodnight to each other.

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