A Change (Edit of "The Plan")

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Inko- "Ok I am going to go make a deal with the doctor. Everyone will think your dead. If that doesn't work we have to go with plan B."

Izuku- "What's plan B?" I don't really know how my mom is doing. But I'm glad she is.

Inko- "Nothing you need to worry about. It's not to different from plan A." I left the room for a second and the doctor agreed after a little "convincing". I got back into the room and sat next to Izuku.

Izuku- I saw my mom coming in and sat up "How we were going leave? I still can't walk."

Inko- "I know a lot of people Izuku. I think it's better if we wait just a second to explain something. Its not great to explain it here. To many people"

Izuku- "Okay...? Well then how will we get all our stuff."

Inko- "I texted the people that are going to help us leave our stuff should be in our new home by now"

Izuku- "Ok that's cool. You promise to explain everything when we leave?" I asked as a portal opened up.

Inko- "Absolutely. Now just thru that portal and we should be set."

Inko lead Izuku through the portal

Izuku- "mom where are we?"

Inko- "Welcome to the L.O.V"

Izuku- "Lov? What dose that stand for? That doesn't answer my question"

Inko- "League Of Vilians"

Izuku- "League of Wha-"

Inko- "I know this is a lot but just listen pleas."

Izuku- "O-ok "

Inko- "Oh! That's great. I believe we should start at the beginning. So when I was very young my parents were killed by a hero because they looked like robber's they weren't. My quirk was always seen as weak so I had to work hard to be seen as equal. I meet your father his reason for not liking hero's was because society. Everyone stoped working and protecting themselves because a hero would come. I fell in love with him. With his he will I became a villain. All three of us together we could fix the broken society thay we live in. I just wanted to be happy so I thought letting you be hero was good. I'm sorry I did realize what was going on with you sweety"

Izuku- "That's a lot... I want to help you and dad. It's not your fault everything's so messed up. I love you mom."

Inko- "Oh I'm so happy all three of us together! I can't wait for you to see your dad!"

Izuku- "Wait dad is here!"

Inko- "Yes he will explain more to you once you see him again" my boys are finally going to be together again!

Note- I don't really have much to say here. Again I hope you like the updated version of this!

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