The Evil 3 (Edit of Vampire, Stitches and Musterd)

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Izuku- I finally made it back out of the house and some kid probably my age is running away from a cop. So being me I help him out. I put him up in to a tree and covered his mouth when the cop is gone I jump to a roof top and try and talk to him "hey"

Touya/Dabi- "what do you want form me?"

Izuku- Oh shoot one of the kids on my list. Wait... "Aren't you Endeavors oldest kid?"

Dabi- "you can't take me back" I yelled while I tryed to run away but my body's frozen

Izuku- "I perilzed you. I won't take you back to endeavor as long as you explain what the hell is happening"

Dabi- " I am leaving my dad's house. Well running away technically but he hurts me and my siblings. I not going back!"

Izuku- "well in that case we need to fix your wounds the best we can, dye you hair, change your name, after that you have to come with me. Well give you food, water, clothes, a roof over head and all you got to do is work for me and my dad."

Dabi- "What kind of work?"

Izuku- "Well your talking to the next In line to the L.O.V so villain work"

Dabi- "Fine but only with one condition!"

Izuku- "And what would that be?"

Dabi- "I want to be able to protect my siblings"

Izuku- "Easy enough I will put trackers on them you'll be able to check up on them at any time. If push comes to shove we will kill your dad before we kill all might. That work?"

Dabi- "Ya that sounds fine"

Izuku- "Gri!"

Kurgogiri- comes thru portal "Yes young master?"

Izuku- "take him to the base in the living room and help him with the wounds I will be there soon to help with the hair dye thank you!" I then released him from my qurk

Kurgogiri- "Of course young master" *bows*

Izuku- "I am not my dad call me Izuku"

Kurgogiri- "Yes Izuku thank you and goodbye" *leaves threw a Portal he opened underneath Dabi making him fall in*

Izuku- alright now were is there the girl that apparently 'jump attacks boys in alley's'. Let's see i should start with my closest ally. Should be able to capture her. Then I got to look for the boy who killed off his whole school *walks to alley* "what is tha-" *jumps back*

Toga- *lands infront of him* "No fair. How you see me!"

Izuku- "My quirk. I have a question"

Toga- "What is it?"

Izuku- "Well more like a offer. I give you good water a place to sleep and blood. All you got to do is kill people for me"

Toga- "That doesn't sound horrible. Fine! My name is Himiko Toga"

Izuku- "Izuku Midoriya. Welcome to the league of villains or L.O.V"

Toga- "So what now?"

Izuku- "I give you to my friend and He'll get you a snack"

Toga- "Okay!"

Izuku- Got to give her to Kurgogiri. I will have to get him coffee later I fell bad for making him do so much

After giving Kurgogiri coffee and toga

Izuku- so now to find that boy he supposed to be in one of these abandoned homes... There he is "Hey!"

Musterd- "Who are you? What did you want!"

Izuku- "I am here to make a deal"

Musterd- "what kind of deal"

Izuku- "Well you killed a bunch of people and I am pretty sure you want to kill more so join the LOV and you all the things you need, can still do whatever you want and all you have to do is kill people for me"

Musterd- "That sound good. Why not I'm Masutado"

Izuku- "I'm Izuku Midoriya. Follow me."

When they got to the base

Izuku- "Once you walk in that door you a member of the LOV"

Mustard- "Thank you!"

Note- I didn't need to make many changes to this chapter. I hope you like it!

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