I grew up in a Christian family and my parents were strict on spiritual matters. At the beginning of my teenage years I started wondering what was the fuss all about. On Sunday we would ironically feel "lazy" to wake up and go to church and had to be pressured to hurry and stuff. We would go to church but deep down there was no deep connection with God. Well I enjoyed singing and praising but really did it just because that is what we do in church. There was much pressure to want to look cool or the most stylish. I hadn't discovered myself in christ neither has I known the true purpose of going to church. This relates to this modern generation. Why is it easy to use our phones and scroll through social media everyday yet we can't spare a few minute in prayer or reading the Bible . It's easy to curse and sing along to secular music but praise songs seem outdated and embarrassing. We can sleep or get bored in a sermon or preaching but can stay awake upto past midnight binge watching on netflix. Sharing mean and demeaning things on social media makes you "savage" while sharing God's word or encouragement makes you "weak" . Whenever we have a problem or need we turn and cry to God for help but when we are comfortable we forget to thank him. No I'm not saying you shouldn't use your phone or watch netflix or have fun. God wants us all to be happy and enjoy ourselves, but in the righteous way. Spend more time talking to God and know him better. Just the same way you feel hungry after sometime and you have to eat food is the same you you have to feed your spiritual hunger. Meditate on God's word, read the Bible, always pray and do kind gestures to others.
Do not worry if you have been sinning in the past or think that you'll never be able to change. God has undying love for us all and especially you, Yes you!! .He is ready to take you back and has a great purpose for you. Jesus died on the cross to save us all. You will be washed in the blood of christ and be born again. In the old testament people used to offer a qorban which are animal sacrifices, one of which was an unblemished lamb. Later on in the new testament after the coming of Jesus it all ended because he died on the cross for our sake. Just like the lamb had no blemish, Jesus had not sinned and was spotless. By being washed by the blood we are born again.
If you seek God and live by his ways he will be with you no matter your situation.If your fighting bad habits, addiction, anxiety, depression, feeling empty or even lazy you should seek refuge in him. It doesn't matter if other people will judge you or what they'll think about you. In most cases these are thoughts by the devil creating illusions and doubt in your mind. You should ignore and pray. Worry less about worldy things and pray more.Pray on it pray over it pray through it.
Being with christ gives you inner happiness and peace.My life completely changed when I knew him and build a strong relationship. No longer the girl who is forced to go to church, or get bored listening to God's word or excited in secular or lustful music. He will grant you of all your needs and is fighting battles for you. Never worry even if things don't go as planned, just know God has a plan and purpose for you. He does everything for a reason. To be honest he is the biggest flex you could ever have.
journey with Christ
SpiritualThis is about my spiritual journey with christ and some tips for your daily life. (*Must read)