Chapter 23

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Allina's Pov

The sun is shinning oustide but i feel lifeless. My body feels like a big rock is on it. My heart i dont think i have one anymore.
Why, i don't know. God must have hated me much. All this pain is making me to go to end. But a little relief is there.

I saved the baby girl. My eyes still hurt, i can't close them. I feel if i did, he would come. If he comes he would do bad things to the little girl. What if i can't save her again. I know he is dead but my mind, it isn't allowing me to believe that.

Its difficult to breathe now. God i wish you could stop this pain once and for all. I beg you God have mercy on me. Let me have peace for once. What ever sin i have committed i beg mercy for that. I apologise for every sin of mine God, let me rest in peace.

My eyes were open in the hospital i was praying when she came in.

Her little feet make the cute noise i so long to hear. So many tears roll down but i couldn't swipe them. Doctors has restrained it after my fit. I tried to cut my self open with their tools.

She pushed herself on my bed, she tried to climb but she fell down. She huffed but didn't stop. Finally on fourth attempt she climbed on bed. Her eyes so beautiful, her adorable face so serious until a beautiful toothy smile broke.

I kept looking at her and she did the same. So many minutes went in silence, if i had daughter may be she would be like her so beautiful so mischief yet so innocent. Allina's mind played one more time her mind showed her..

Allina playing with her baby, beautiful girl in her bed playing with dolls with her. Holding a koala bear under her arms and making it drink tea.

"Mama" the voice broke Allina's trance and she broke down again.

Her loud sob startled the little girl and she pushed herself on Allina's body. The little girl cried with her, keep calling her Mama....

Its like a hundred knives has pierced her soul and mending it with her words.

Allina heard the little girl cry and controlled herself. She shut her mouth and took heavy deep breath. Composing herself she still heard her cries.

"Mama hurt" the little girl looked up. Face all red, eyes puffed, nose running but yet so beautiful. Tears wet her face but Allina find her adorable. Allina's heart melt at looking her face.

"Shhh baby it alright" Allina said.
The little girl pushed herself one more time on her body with her tears still running.

"Shh baby i am sorry i scared you. So sorry baby. Are you hurt anywhere let me see you" Allina said touching her cheek on the little girl's head.

The little girl Pov

The little girl pushed herself up and looked the woman that saved her life. Ms Julie told her that this woman saved her and beat the bad man. She saved him from scary man and protect her from everyone just like Mama.

She is her Mama. When she called her Mama Ms Julie cried so much. I asked her but Ms Julie didn't say why she was crying (the little girl thought.)

I come into Mama's room no see ,the girl thought with mischief. 

Ms Julie  say i nauty girl but no nauty. I happy baby.

The girl looked up at her Mama and wiped her tears.

"Mama bobo" she said looked at Allina's tied hands. Her eyes teared up again but Allina said fast

"No baby Its nothing come near i want to have a hug. I want to see are you hurt?"

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