7. Conclusion

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Physics - Meaning

The term derived from Greek word meaning nature. Sanskrit equivalent of the word Physics is Bhautiki that is used to refer to the study of the physical world

In a broader sense Physics is the study of the basic laws of nature and their manifestation.

Physics is all about explaining diverse physical phenomena with the help of few concepts and laws.

Scope and Excitement of Physics

In Physics, there are two domains of interest macroscopic and microscopic.

Macroscopic domain: It includes phenomena at the laboratory, terrestrial and astronomical scales.

Microscopic domain: It includes atomic, molecular and nuclear phenomena.

However, recently a third domain of interest between macroscopic domain and microscopic domain (Mesoscopic) has also come in light. In this domain scientists deals with a few tens or hundreds of atoms, has emerged as an exciting field of research.

Classical Physics

It is the study of macroscopic phenomena. It includes subjects like

• Mechanics:

Under mechanics, we study

Newton’s laws of motion

The law of gravitation is concerned with the motion (or equilibrium) of particles, rigid and deformable bodies, and general systems of particles.)

• Electrodynamics:

It deals with electric and magnetic phenomena associated with charged and magnetic bodies.

• Thermodynamics:

It deals with systems in macroscopic equilibrium and is concerned with changes in internal energy, temperature, entropy, etc., of the system through external work and transfer of heat. The efficiency of heat engines and refrigerators etc.

• Optics:

It is the study of phenomenon connected with light and optical instruments like telescope, microscope etc.

Quantum Theory

It is the framework for explaining microscopic phenomena as classical physics can’t explain phenomenon at microscopic level (or smaller dimensions like atoms, nuclei etc.)

Physics, Technology and Society

There are number of examples in the world which shows close relation between physics, technology and society. Such as, the steam engine is inseparable from the Industrial Revolution in England in the 18th century, which had great impact on the course of human civilisation. Wireless communication technology, computers are some other examples.

Fundamental Forces in Nature

Four fundamental forces in nature that govern the diverse phenomena of the macroscopic and the microscopic world are given below

• Gravitational Force

• Electromagnetic Force

• Strong Nuclear Force

• Weak Nuclear Force

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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