chapter 6

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Day by day Mashiho and Jaehyuk got closer while Junkyu started distancing from the younger.

It affected Mashiho how Junkyu ignored him everytime him and jaehyuk were together.

He's small with a little brain for now that's why he still isn't sure if Junkyu loves him or not.

Jaehyuk didn't bother telling him anymore cause everytime the small Japanese denied.

Today was the same, but this time Mashiho decided to go to Junkyu without Jaehyuk.

The moment he saw the taller getting out of the classroom, Mashiho ran to him and gave him a back hug.

Junkyu wasn't surprised, he gave Mashiho a side eye then removed the tight hold. "Don't hug me in public places"

The sentence made mashiho's smile fade away. "You never say that?"

"But now I have a boyfriend, don't hug me like that, people will misunderstand.."

"I don't care about people-"

"But I do, I have my respect, so don't do it next time"

The way Junkyu was talking made mashiho's heart tear apart.

The younger lowered his head, hoping Junkyu won't see the water trying to escape from his eyes.

"C-can we meet up later?" Mashiho asked playing with his fingers.
"Sorry, I've got work to do"

The younger bit his lip. "Then tomorrow? Please~" Mashiho sounded desperate, Junkyu sighed. "Fine..."

Before the younger could say another word, Junkyu walked away.

The tears Mashiho had been holding slowly ran down those rosy cheeks and soon a sob escaped from his mouth.

Jaehyuk who has been listening to their conversation, came out of the big door and quickly hugged Mashiho from behind.

"Shh~ everything's going to be okay" the hug made the younger calm down as he thanked the tall Korean.


Just as they agreed a day later, exactly at 5pm Junkyu and Mashiho along with Jaehyuk, met up at a luxurious restaurant that was reserved by Junkyu before they came.

As the 3 sat down, Mashiho cleared his throat. "So j-" the oldest of the 3 ignored Mashiho. "Order first.." sighing the Japanese nod and did just as he was told.

Jaehyuk on the other hand was confused by Junkyu's behaviour, he should have been a little sweeter to Mashiho knowing they're Bestfriends.

Time pass by like that with none of them talking...

But Jaehyuk decided to break the silence. "So Junkyu, for how long have you and Mashiho been friends?" Junkyu faked a smile then responded. "Doesn't matter"

"What? You serious?? You jerk!-"

"Mashi, Mashi calm down baby!" Mashiho ignored jaehyuk and grabbed junkyu's collar. "You tall tree, I'll eat you alive if you dare say that again!"

Junkyu chuckled and fixed his collar before standing up.

He grabbed a paper and handed it to Mashiho. "I'm leaving Korea to start a new business..."

"I'm hoping for a good future for both of you, may your relationship last for lifetime" he gave a smile and looked at Mashiho. "Thanks Mashi, you've been a good bestfriend....this is my last goodbye so take care of yourself...."

Junkyu brought his hand on mashiho's hair before ruffling it. "Clumsy head.." with a small grin, the taller kissed the top of the younger's head.

"I'll take my leave now, enjoy yourselves" he smiled, gave a small tap on jaehyuk's shoulder and started walking to leave the place but just then Mashiho got up and grabbed junkyu's arm.

"You dumb dumb guy! Can't you understand me for once? Why don't you see what I f-"

"Shh, I know, I know, you don't want our friendship to end....but I'm saved on your contact right? Just call me whenever you want, and don't worry, this friendship will last for lifetime" with his last smile Junkyu slowly disappeared from mashiho's sight...







And that was 7 years ago...

Mashiho lost contact with Junkyu because that guy for sure changed it after going abroad, they only talked 2 day...

Till this day Mashiho doesn't know anything about Junkyu and vice versa.

There is a saying, if one leaves then another will come, but Mashiho doesn't see it, many people move on if the person they love ignores them or forgets about them but Mashiho doesn't wanna do it, he's just so madly in love.

It was another rainy morning when mashiho woke up, the first thing he did was to check his phone to see if there was any msgs or calls.

Yeah, there were many, some messages from Jaehyuk and a missed call from haruto.

Mashiho first replied to jaehyuk's messages, that guy is also crazy, till this day he didn't leave mashiho's side and he still continued acting like mashiho's boyfriend even though he didn't have to.

Yawning the Japanese got out of his bed, took a towel and went to the bathroom to take a warm bath.

After bathing..

Mashiho was drying his hair when the phone kept ringing. "What the ? Who is calling me like that?" A little annoyed because they disturbed him Mashiho got up.

"Haruto? What happened to him?" Ignoring his own question Mashiho picked the call.

"Hello? Yeah, Haru, whats up?"

“Mashi..... it's about need to know this.....”

Junkyu's name was enough to make mashiho's heart beat increase.

"D-did you have contact with him?"

“i still didn't...but I found out something terrible...”

"What??? Did something happen to him?? Is he alright? Did he get into an accident?!?"

“Mashi, he's alright.....”

"Then what happened?" Haruto took a deep breath..

“Junkyu is getting engaged...."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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